AIX 1.3 PTF0024

Credits - I stole this page from Pete Backhouse's MCA PS/2 Archive because I wanted it on a system that was running. Original page HERE (if it works, that is...)

Procedure To Apply Update
Creating Free Space


    Before installing the update, the system administrator first needs to determine if there is enough free space in the root and local filesystem.
    The following table outlines this PTF's free space requirements for the root and local filesystems.
                    (All Sizes are in 1K Blocks)
    Update             / (root)        /local          time to apply
    U436295            4,716           3,720           :15
    U436296            1,760               0           :03
    U436297            3,724               0           :05
    U436298            4,133               0           :15

  U436295 - OPSYS
  U436296 - TCPIP, NFS, MERGE and X25
  U436297 - EXTENSIONS and ADST
  U436298 - X11 and IBM image adapter/a

    The update has been broken up into 4 separate pieces. After U436295 is applied, only the sets that contain LPPs that are on your system need to be applied. The updates are cumulative, so  U436295 includes all of the fixes in the previous OPSYS ptf  (U400005). U436296 includes all of the fixes in U419369. U436297 includes all of the fixes in U419370. U436298 includes all of the fixes in U419371.

To put on ptf:
  updatep -ac and stuff in floppies as requested. Follow the promts.

File or Directory not found with RAWRITE
  I was creating floppies for my P75 Axe, and I could not get u436295.boot1 (along with boot2/instal/maint/netmagic to work). Solution? I renamed the PTF0024 install floppies to a three character (ex. u436295bt1) and everything worked.

U436295 - OPSYS updates the base operating system and must be put on before any other service update. U436295 also contains the new boot and install disks. U436295 includes all of the fixes in the previous OPSYS ptf  (U400005).

U436295 Release Note in a readable form...

U436295.1         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.2         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.3         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.boot1     1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.boot2     1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.img       4272 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.install   1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.maint     1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.netmagic  1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436295.relnote     83 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 

You can boot and install with the PTF0024 install floppies. I *assume* that this is to enable installation of the BOS on (formerly) non-supported systems or hardware..Install with these:


Booting with U436295 Boot1/2/Install, you finally get to:

Diskette Drive 0
Diskette Drive 1
6157 Tape
Internal Tape
Network Install
SCSI Tape <Oh YES! YES! I feel like I want to smoke a cigarette>

     The install disks have been changed to recognize  operating  systems  other than AIX and give an opportunity to delete them.  For each hard disk with a non-AIX partition  on  it  a  screen  will be displayed with the four disk partitions and what is on them.

U436296 - TCPIP, NFS, MERGE and X25 updates merge, nfs, tcpip, and x25. U436296 includes all of the fixes in U419369.

U436296 Release Note in a readable style...

U436296.1         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436296.2         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436296.img       2784 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436296.script      74 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 SCRIPT File

U436297 - EXTENSIONS and ADST updates administrative services, extensions, ate, cdrom, english, kanji, learn, text formatting service, and graphics subroutine library. U436297 includes all of the fixes in U419370.

U436297 Release Note in a readable style...

U436297.1         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436297.2         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436297.3         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436297.img       3072 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436297.script       7 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 SCRIPT File

U436298 - X11 and IBM Image Adapter/a updates all of X11 and ibm image adapter a. Also all of the ptfs are cumulative. U436298 includes all of the fixes in U419371.

U436298 Release Note in a readable style...

U436298.1         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436298.2         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436298.3         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003
U436298.4         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436298.5         1440 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436298.img       6048 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 
U436298.script       9 Kb    Fri Jan 24 20:05:00 2003 SCRIPT File

Procedure To Apply Update:
1.  If you applied any emergency fixes to your system, remove them before applying this update:
     cd /etc/lpp
     mv eptf.hist eptf.hist.sav

2.  Insert diskette Volume 1 in /dev/fd0 and issue:
     cd /
     updatep -ac

3.  After the update has completed, reboot the system.

Creating Free Space For Service:
If you need to free up space used by the last update, use the cleanup program.

   For each LPP installed and for each invocation of updatep -c to commit an LPP (or group of LPPs applied together), a "backout stack frame" is created as a sub-directory under /usr/ A stack frame contains information which permits an update to be uncommitted, and - in subsequent versions of AIX, LPPs to be uninstalled.  Stack frames are sequentially numbered and allocated in a LIFO (stacked) manner.

    The /etc/lpp/cleanup utility enables stack frames to be archived to tape or diskette so that valuable root file space can be released for subsequent updates. Prior to applying a PTF update, the following commands will archive all stack frames.

  1)  Put media in <device>.
  2)  Be sure the media is write enabled.
  3)  cd /usr/
  4)  /etc/lpp/cleanup -c /dev/<device> ? ??

    Note: The above '/dev/<device> ? ??' is correct shell syntax.
   <device> is fd0 for PS/2 diskette.

    Cleanup will delete the stack frame sub-directories from /usr/ From this point, further updates may be applied and committed. Note that new stack frame numbers will be allocated to continue the previously established sequence; numbering does not revert to 1.

    If updates committed before the cleanup need to be uncommitted or rejected, the archived stack frames must first be restored from the tape or diskette.

    If there is not enough space in the root filesystem after running cleanup, the SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR may use the following procedure to create new space to apply the update:

  1)  Use minidisks to create a filesystem
  2)  Mount the new filesystem onto /mnt
  3)  Copy the contents of /usr/ onto the new filesystem
  4)  Remove the contents of /usr/
  5)  Unmount the new filesystem from /mnt and mount it onto /usr/

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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