Auto 16/4 Token-Ring

@E001.ADF IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring MC (more features)
Warning: This file might not be compatible with older IBM TR NICs and TROPIC chipset!
In case of doubt use the older @E001.ADF file.

195-002 IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring MC Adapter Operates With MCA Computers Auto 16/4 MC Adapter Install & Testing

TRMAU1.EXE Driver diskette
TRMAU2.EXE Option diskette

ADF Sections

Auto 16/4 Token Ring MC Adapter P/N 92G7695, FCC ID ANO92G7689 [P] [P]

DS1 Status LEDs
P2 RJ45 Port
T2 Pulse PE-67523 Transformer
U1 92G7717 BIOS Odd
U2 92G7718 BIOS Even
U6,7 Motorola MCM6205DJ20
U16 10H4710
U37 50G7028 TR front end
Y1 32.0000 MHz osc

LT00056 Error Message

Verify that the latest IBMTOK NDIS driver for the IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring MC Adapter is being used.  If there are no memory or interrupt conflicts, this problem is usually caused by a downlevel NDIS driver.  Use the driver provided with the Auto 16/4 adapter.

Network Adapter LED Status

Amber Green Explanation
(500 ms)
(500 ms)
The adapter is active and waiting for initialization.
Off Off Adapter initialization in progress, computer is powered off, or adapter is not active. Run LANAID and verify the adapter's configuration.
Off Blinking 
(80 ms)
No problems detected during self-diagnostic 
tests and adapter is waiting to open. If this occurs after adapter opens, this indicates adapter is closed.
Off On The adapter is open and operating correctly.
On Off The adapter self-diagnostics tests failed or there is a problem with the adapter.
(80 ms)
Off The adapter is closed. The adapter failed to open, detected a wire fault or failed the auto-removal test.
(80 ms)
On The adapter has detected beaconing or a hard error.

The Auto 16/4 Adapter transmits and receives data at a rate of either 4 or 16 Mbps over shielded twistet-pair (STP) or unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cable. The Auto 16/4 Adapter can be installed in either an 8-bit or 16-bit slot. 

Note: EUROPEAN USERS - If the adapter is used with UTP cabling, you require cabling with a ferrite core (IBM P/N 60G6059 or equivalent) 

Cable Types Supported
  This advanced line of token ring cards meets all of the electrical transmitter and receiver requirements for 100 ohm, 120 ohm and 150 ohm cabling which requires no impedance matching devices at 4 or 16 Mbit/s speeds.  One port can drive any of the three types of cabling specified. 

Error Messages - 
0166nnx0 - Primary Adapter / 0167nnx0 - Secondary Adapter 
The values for nn are:

Invalid testing mode requested 
Primary Adapter not present 
Alternate Adapter not present 
Configuration compare failure 
Adapter Test failure 
Open phase test failure 
Computer problem 
Transmit or receive test failure 
General error 
the x represents the slot number of the adapter in error 

AdapterID E001 IBM Auto 16/4 Token-Ring MC Adapter ver 1.00 

Primary or Alternate adapter
   Up to two Token-Ring Network adapters may be installed in this computer.  An adapter is either Primary (0A20-0A23), or Alternate (0A24-0A27).  If one Token-Ring Network adapter is installed, it may be either Primary or Alternate.  If two are installed, one must be defined as Primary and the other Alternate. 
    <"Primary" (0A20 - 0A23)>, Alternate (0A24 - 0A27) 

Adapter Data Rate
   You MUST set the adapter data rate to the same rate as the Token-Ring segment to which you are connecting the adapter if Autosense is set Off.  If Autosense is set On, this setting is used as an initial data rate to insert at after the configuration has changed. 
  It is recommended that you set the adapter rate the same as the Token-Ring segment to which you are conecting the adapter, even if Autosense is set to On. 
    <16 Mbps">, 4 Mbps 

   This adapter can detect the ring speed of the Token-Ring Segment. When Autosense is on, the adapter will atempt to determine the ring speed to insert itself at.  When off, the 'Adapter Data Rate' setting determines the adapter data rate. 
    <"On">, Off 

ROM Address Range
   There are 12 possible 8K blocks used for accessing the ROM area of the Token-Ring adapter.  The preferred address is: CC000-CDFFF.  The ROM address selected must not be assigned for use by any other adapter or option and cannot be the same as the RAM address for this adapter. 
    <"CC000-CDFFF">, CE000-CFFFF, D0000-D1FFF, D2000-D3FFF, D4000-D5FFF, D6000-D7FFF, D8000-D9FFF, DA000-DBFFF, DC000-DDFFF, DE000-DFFFF, C8000-C9FFF, CA000-CBFFF 

RAM Size and Address Range
   There are 30 possible blocks of memory that can be assigned for accessing the RAM located on this adapter. The preferred RAM Size and Address Range for the adapter, which allows RAM Paging, is: 16 KB / D8000-DBFFF.  The RAM Address Range must not be assigned for use by any other adapter or option, and it cannot be the same as the ROM address for this adapter. (Ed. all 8K windows are commented out) 
    <"16 KB / D8000-DBFFF">, DC000-DFFFF, C0000-C3FFF, C4000-C7FFF, C8000-CBFFF, CC000-CFFFF, D0000-D3FFF, D4000-D7FFF 
   32 KB / D8000-DFFFF, C0000-C7FFF, C8000-CFFFF, D0000-D7FFF 
   64 KB / D0000-DFFFF, C0000-CFFFF 

Interrupt Level
   This adapter can operate on one of four interrupt levels: 2, 3, 10, or 11.  The preferred interrupt level is 2, but the adapter can operate on any of the four levels if necessary 
    < "Interrupt 2">, 3, 10, 11 

Enable or Disable RPL
   Ths adapter can be used in a medialess system by enabling RPL or vice versa when chosing DISABLED.  BEWARE:  if RPL is ENABLED, some high level software programs (eg.  some server software) may require that the adapter be configured as the primary adapter. 
  If your Token-Ring adapter has a separate RPL module socket, the Enable or Disable RPL option will have no effect" 
   <"Enabled">, Disabled 

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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