Madge Smart Ringnode

@0803.ADF MCA Ring Node Ver: 1.01 Equivalent to the IBM 16/4
@080E.ADF Smart MC Ringnode (2nd generation) Ver: 1.02
   This adapter uses the "Burst Mode" that the Smart 16/4 does.

Token Ring Adapter Software - LSS 5.0(2) - May 97

Based on content by William R. Walsh.

Smart MC Ringnode

J1 DE9 port
J2 RJ45 port
U4,9 TC511664BJ-80
U19 SmartROM
U20-L Madge 140-003 L
U21-R Madge 140-002 R
U23 TI TMS38054FNL
X1 64.0000 MHz osc

These adapters are not supported by LSS 6.x and up:
     54-08       Smart 16/4 MC Ringnode
     54-09       Smart 16/4 MC32 Ringnode

I/O Location & Interrupt Level
   Up to eight MC Ringnodes may be installed. Each Ringnode must use a different I/O Location. It is recommended that each adapter also uses a different Interrupt Level, although it is allowable for adapters to share an Interrupt Level if necessary. 
      <I/O 0A20-0A3F, Interrupt 3>, I/O 0A20-0A3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 0A20-0A3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 1A20-1A3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 1A20-1A3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 1A20-1A3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 2A20-2A3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 2A20-2A3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 2A20-2A3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 3A20-3A3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 3A20-3A3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 3A20-3A3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 0E20-0E3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 0E20-0E3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 0E20-0E3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 1E20-1E3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 1E20-1E3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 1E20-1E3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 2E20-2E3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 2E20-2E3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 2E20-2E3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 3E20-3E3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 3E20-3E3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 3E20-3E3F, Interrupt 3 

Arbitration Level
   The Arbitration Level need only be changed if it is in conflict with another adapter. 
     <Level 8>, Level 9, Level 10, Level 11, Level 12, Level 13, Level 14, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Disabled 

Transfer Mode
   Streaming Enabled permits host bus data transfer rates up to 40 MB/s. Streaming Disabled permits host bus data transfer rates up to 20 MB/s. 
   When Fair mode is selected, the MC Ringnode enters an  inactive state when it releases the bus. This allows the system to service any other arbitrating devices in order of priority before the Node requests the bus again. In Unfair mode, the Node will immediately re-request the bus after releasing it. 
  <Streaming Disabled (Fair)>, Streaming Enabled (Fair), Streaming Disabled (Unfair), Streaming Enabled (Unfair) 

ROM Size & Location
 If you have an option ROM installed, set this in accordance with the instructions provided with it. 
     <Disabled/Not installed>, 8K, C4000-C5FFF, 8K, C6000-C7FFF, 8K, CC000-CDFFF, 8K, CE000-CFFFF, 8K, D4000-D5FFF, 8K, D6000-D7FFF, 8K, DC000-DDFFF, 8K, DE000-DFFFF 
   Rem'd options: 32K, C0000-C7FFF, 32K, C8000-CFFFF, 32K, D0000-D7FFF, 32K, D8000-DFFFF, 16K, C4000-C7FFF, 16K, CC000-CFFFF, 16K, D4000-D7FFF, 16K, DC000-DFFFF 

Ring Speed
   You must use the same ring speed as the ring you are connecting to. Incorrect ring operation will result from selecting the wrong ring speed. 
    <Not selected>,  4 Mbit/s, 16 Mbit/s 

Cable Type
   Select the appropriate option according to the lobe cable connector. Type 6 uses the 9-pin D-type (J1); type 3 uses the RJ45 phone-jack (J2) 
    <DE9  connector, J1 (STP)>, RJ45 connector, J2 

@002D.ADF - Madge Smart 16/4 MC Ringnode Version: 1.04

I/O Location & Interrupt Level
   Up to six MC Ringnodes may be installed. Each Ringnode must use a different I/O Location. It is recommended that each adapter also uses a different Interrupt Level, although it is allowable     for adapters to share an Interrupt Level if necessary. 
    <I/O 0A20-0A3F, Interrupt 3>, I/O 0A20-0A3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 0A20-0A3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 1A20-1A3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 1A20-1A3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 1A20-1A3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 2A20-2A3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 2A20-2A3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 2A20-2A3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 3A20-3A3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 3A20-3A3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 3A20-3A3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 0E20-0E3F, Interrupt 10, I/O 0E20-0E3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 0E20-0E3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 1E20-1E3F, Interrupt 2, I/O 1E20-1E3F, Interrupt 3, I/O 1E20-1E3F, Interrupt 10 

Arbitration Level
   The Arbitration Level need only be changed if it is in conflict with another adapter 
    <Level 8>, Level 9, Level 10, Level 11, Level 12, Level 13, Level 14, Disabled 

Burst Mode
    BURST MODE: Four burst modes are available for data transfer. The Delayed Release (Fair) mode generally gives the best results. However, the user may care to experiment with the other modes which may be better in some system configurations (eg. multiple bus masters). 
    Delayed Release - If the MC Ringnode is transferring data when another adapter requests arbitration it will transfer about 14 more bytes before releasing the bus. This mode is not suitable if your system memory is very slow or only 8-bit wide, as a bus time-out may occur. 
    Immediate Release - If the MC Ringnode is transferring data when another adapter requests arbitration it will immediately release the bus. This has the effect of reducing the arbitration latency for other adapters. 
   Limited Burst - In this mode, the MC Ringnode will never transfer more than 18 bytes in each burst. It also releases the bus immediately if another adapter requests arbitration. 
   Cycle Steal - In this mode, the MC Ringnode will never transfer more than 2 bytes in each burst. It will also release the bus immediately if another adapter requests arbitration. This limits the bus bandwidth used by the Node, allowing the system CPU more processing time. 
   Fair/Unfair - When Fair mode is selected, the MC Ring-node enters an inactive state when it releases the bus. This allows the system to service any other arbitrating devices in order of priority before the Node requests the bus again. In Unfair mode, the Node will immediately re-request the bus after releasing it. 
    <Delayed Release (Fair)">, Delayed Release (Unfair), Immediate Release (Fair), Immediate Release (Unfair), Limited Burst (Fair), Limited Burst (Unfair), Cycle Steal (Fair), Cycle Steal (Unfair) 

ROM Size & Location
If you have an option ROM installed, set this in accordance with the instructions provided with it 
    <Disabled/Not installed>, 8K, C4000-C5FFF, 8K, C6000-C7FFF, 8K, CC000-CDFFF, 8K, CE000-CFFFF, 8K, D4000-D5FFF, 8K, D6000-D7FFF, 8K, DC000-DDFFF, 8K, DE000-DFFFF, 32K, C0000-C7FFF 
  Rem'd options:  32K, C8000-CFFFF, 32K, D0000-D7FFF, 32K, D8000-DFFFF, 16K, C4000-C7FFF, 16K, CC000-CFFFF, 16K, D4000-D7FFF, 16K, DC000-DFFFF 

Ring Speed
   You must use the same ring speed as the ring you are connecting to. Incorrect ring operation will result from selecting the wrong ring speed. 
    <Not selected>, 4 Mbit/s, 16 Mbit/s 

Cable Type
   Select the appropriate option according to the lobe cable connector. Type 6 uses the 9-pin D-type (J1); type 3 uses the RJ45 phone-jack (J2) 
    <DE9  connector, J1 (STP)>, RJ45 connector, J2 

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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