SMC/WD 8013EP/A & 8013WP/A
IBM Ethernet Adapter/A

@61C8.ADF EtherCard PLUS Elite/A (8013EP/A) (ver. 2.00b)
@61C8.ADF EtherCard PLUS Elite/A (8013EP/A) (ver. 2.00b, no Boot ROM Protocol selection)
@61C8.ADF SMC EtherCard PLUS/A (SMC8013EP/A) (ver. 2.00a, different name)
@61C8.ADF WD EtherCard PLUS/A (WD8013EP/A) (ver. 1.00c, different name & choice order)
@61C9.ADF EtherCard PLUS Elite 10T/A (8013WP/A) (ver. 2.00b)
@61C9.ADF EtherCard PLUS Elite 10T/A (8013WP/A) (ver. 2.00b, no Boot ROM Protocol selection)
@61C9.ADF SMC EtherCard PLUS/A (SMC8013WP/A) (ver. 2.00a, different name)
@61C9.ADF AT&T/NCR StarLAN 10 Network ME300T (ver. 2.00a, different name)

@EFD4.ADF IBM PS/2 Adapter/A for Ethernet Networks (AUI/RJ45)
@EFD5.ADF IBM PS/2 Adapter/A for Ethernet Networks (AUI/BNC)

8013(/A) User's Guide

Benchmarks of MCA Ethernet Adapters (by Alfred Arnold)

Drivers & Software
8013 EtherCard PLUS Elite / IBM Ethernet Adapter/A
Adapter Installation
ADF Sections

SMC acquired Western Digital's NICs. So a WD8013 corresponds to a Elite 16 8013.

Drivers & Software (source)

For Elite 16 Ultra series of Ethernet Adapters (8003, 8013, 8013/A, 8216).

ether.exe Eth. Drivers and utils DOS/WfW/W95/NT4/OS2/Packet (ver. 0.29)
adf200.exe Elite ADF Configuration file for our MCA adapters
asd700.exe Latest SuperDisk for Elite/Ultra adapters
dia401.exe Diagnose utility for Elite and Ultra Adapters
gez122.exe New EZSETUP For Elite EtherCard Plus/ Ultra in Dos (ver. 1.08)
gpk115.exe Packet Drvr V11.5 for use with 8/16 Bit Elite/Ultra Adapter
setjmp.exe Switch setting for most of the Elite Ethernet Line of Cards
gsu124.exe SMC SCO LLI 3.4 DRIVER
guw402.exe SMC UNIXWARE 2.x Driver
nad602.exe Node Address Utility for ISA/EISA/MCA ethernet and token ring adapters
smc-ultra.c SMC Ultra Ethernet driver for Linux

WinNT 4.0 internal drivers exist for the SMC (WD) 8013EP, 8013WP.

8013 EtherCard PLUS Elite / IBM Ethernet Adapter/A

8013EP/A (AUI+BNC) 61-600369-000 / IBM Eth. FRU P/N 92F0005, P/N 04G5677 [P]
8013WP/A (AUI+RJ45) 61-600402-002 / IBM Eth. FRU P/N 92F0046, P/N 10G7238 [P] [P] | [P] | [P]

EP Shown. Some boards have a slightly different layout (horizontal vs vertical T1).

F1 PTC resistor
J2 AUI port
J3 BNC (EP) or RJ45 (WP)
U3,4 Hyundai HY6264ALJ-10
U8 SMC 83C694LJ
U11 83C594-NK Bus Interface
U13 PCA EPC1002PS (EP)
U16 SMC 83C694LJ P
U17 WD83B692-PC Eth. xceiver (EP)
Y1 40.0000 MHz osc

U8 SMC 83C694LJ Twisted-Pair Interface and Manchester Encoder/Decoder

Adapter ROM

Am27C512-200 or compatible DIP-28 64Kx8 CMOS EPROM (U2).

IBM 92F0046 (RJ45) adapter - ROM 10G7239, ver. 2.19
IBM 04G5677 (BNC) adapter - ROM 04G3872, ver. 2.18 (Card is "Type 2")

Adapter Installation

Original Japanese script was written and reported by M. Nishikawa, for Win95 part on 1996/05/15 and for Win NT part on 1997/01/06. Translated by Sandy with permission of the author.

Disclaimer: Neither Mr. Nishikawa nor I are responsible for any troubles caused by above instruction.

If anybody wants to introduce above instruction on his/her web site, please include name Mr. Masaru Nishikawa; the editor of original description. He/She is requested to correct/amend/edit/modify above instructions to proper and plain English (or any language) so that the readers may not misunderstand the method.

Windows 95

Simple solution. Use SMC driver provided in Win95 CD (any version). Do not forget to give the slot number in the Network/ Property/ Description section, where you actually locate your adapter. That's all.

  1. Win 95 doesn't detect the card so add the driver manually.

    Start > Setting > Control Panel > Network > Network setting.
    Hit "add" button and install required network service and protocol you use.
    For network adapter, choose "SMC" as a manufacturer, also choose "SMC EtherCard Plus /A (MCA,TP/AUX) (WD8013EW/A)" from the product list.
    Hit OK.

  2. Now in the "network setting" page you can see the SMC adapter you've just added.

    Hit the adapter then > property > Description. Here you will see "slot number" without its value. Hit the circle for "V" and then define the actual MCA slot number where the adapter is sitting.

  3. Hit OK. Back in the main page, complete other network settings such as user name, workgroup and so on.

  4. Hit OK. Win95 will load drivers. (Win 95 CD is required)

  5. Reboot your system. Everything should be fine.

Note: If you want to see "IBM PS/2 Adapter xxxxx" in the selection list and (after completion of the adapter setting) in the device list (or here, there and everywhere), you can do it modifying NETSMC.INF. For example I have "IBM PS/2 Adapter /A for Ethernet Networks 92F0046" in the device manger page.

Windows NT4

Mr. Nishikawa examined beta version of NT4 precisely then he found out how to use the card under NT4 in early days of 1997. Many Japanese Ethernet users applied his trick for their NT4 commercial version.

  1. Install NT without Network at this point. (If you have NT4 already installed in your machine, no need to re-install it.)
  2. After NT installation completed you need to modify only one file.

    Search oemnadwm.inf which usually locates under c:\winnt\system32 (depends on your NT setting). Repeat, the file name is OEMNADWM.INF.

  3. Open oemnadwm.inf with notepad.exe and amend line #13 (which is in [CardInfo] section)

    Original WD8013WPA = 201, 97, wd8013wpa, 25033
    Rewrite to WD8013WPA = 212, 239, wd8013wpa, 61396

    you should keep the original file in some "work" dir so that you can restore the original file when you want to use an SMC adapter later.

  4. You may skip this step. This step is not mandatory.

    Amend line #3 under [OptionsTextENG] section near the bottom of oemnadwm.inf.
    Original WD8013WPA = "SMC (WD) 8013WP /A"
    Rewrite to WD8013WPA = "IBM Ethernet Adapter ID 92F0046 (SMC)"

    This step allows you to select the adapter with the name of "IBM xxxx " instead of "SMC (WD) 8013WP/A" when you add the adapter in the network page. You may use any name you like.

  5. Start > Control Panel > Network > Adapter then select "Add Adapter".

    Choose "IBM Ethernet Adapter ID 922F004 (SMC)" from the product list if you have changed [OptionsTextENG] section.
       -- or --
    Choose "SMC (WD) 8013WPA" if you have skipped step 4.
    Complete other Network setting.

  6. Reboot your system. you will see another PC on your network. If you can access other PC(s) and it's Shared Resources properly, then you have succeeded. If you CAN see another PC on the network but you CAN NOT access it's Shared Resources, then you need to change adapter setting using your reference diskette ( or system partition).

    Boot your system and go for system configuration. Select "Change configuration", and in the adapter section, change RAM Address Range to one of the following values;

    16K: C0000 - C3FFF,   16K; C4000 - C7FFF,   16K: C8000 - C8FFF,
    16K; CC000 - CFFFF,   16K; D0000 - D3FFF,   16K; D4000 - D7FFF,
    16K; D8000 - DBFFF,   16K; DC000 - DFFFF,

    You may use some of 8K ranges but 16K range will be recommended to get faster operation. If you are sure that you can rewrite @EFD4.ADF so that all 8K ranges and the rest of 16K ranges will not come up while you select the RAM Address Range using F6/F5 key, then rewrite @EFD4.ADF. I'm not good at rewriting ADF files.

  7. Save setting and reboot your system. Use a magic expression like "Open Sesame" so that you can get a good connection this time.


  1. NT checks MCA Adapter ID when it loads the driver for SMC card. Above amendment in #1. is to cheat NT using ID EFD4 instead of 61C9 as if WD8013WPA has ID EFD4. Let's examine again.

    Original for SMC:
       WD8013WPA = 201, 97, wd8013wpa, 25033
    Each value means:
       201=C9h, 97=61h, 25033=61C9h (Values indicates adapter ID for SMC card)
    Hence these values should be rewritten to indicate those of IBM 92F0046.
    So the amended line "WD8013WPA = 212, 239, wd8013wpa, 61396" means:
       212=D4h, 239=EFh, 61396=EFD4h (Adapter ID for 92F0046).

  2. IBM EFD4 uses different RAM Address Ranges which are not defined  for SMC adapter  in it's  ADF.  Most possibly only the RAM Address Ranges defined equally on both adapters should be assigned to get proper operation using a EFD4 with the SMC driver.

Testing Environment

9595-6NG (japanese model): NT4 with SP3 and Win 95B P-90 complex, ECC 160MB RAM, XGA+Winsprint 1000i (oops, have no 512KB VGA /A), Corvette, 2G DFHS and 4G Hitachi HD, 128MB MO, IBM x2 CD-ROM and 92F0046.

PS/55 5530-Lxx (with -R planar); Win 95B AMD 5x86-133 on an interposer, 32MB RAM, XGA-2, EIDE 680MB HD and 92F0046.

92F0046's are working fine for NT4 <--> Win95B and Win95B <--> Win95B via NETBEUI.

AdapterId 61C8 EtherCard PLUS Elite/A (8013EP/A) (AUI/BNC)
AdapterId 61C9 EtherCard PLUS Elite 10T/A (8013WP/A) (AUI/RJ45)

Adapter I/O Space
   <" I/O Base 0800h " (800h-081F)>, 1800 (1800-181F), 2800 (2800-281F), 3800 (3800-381F), 4800  (4800-481F), 5800 (5800-581F), 6800  (6800-681), 7800  (7800-781F), 8800  (8800-881F), 9800  (9800-981F), A800  (A800-A81F), B800  (B800-B81F),  C800  (C800-C81F), D800  (D800-D81F), E800 (E800-E81F), F800 (F800-F81F)

Shared Ram Base Address
   Shared RAM base address for a 8K or 16K window.
     <" 0C0000h, 16K " (C000-C3FF)>, C4000h (C400-C7FF), 0C8000h (C800-CBFF), CC000h (CC00-CFFF), D0000h (D000-D3FF), D4000h (D400-D7FF), D8000h (D800-DBFF), DC000h (DC00-DFFF), FC0000h  (FC000-FC3FF), FC8000h (FC800-FCBFF), FD0000h (FD000-FD3FF), FD8000h (FD800-FDBFF)
    " 0C0000h,  8K " (C000-C1FF), C2000h (C200-C3FF), C4000h (C400-C5FF), C6000h (C600-C7FF)

BIOS ROM Base Address
    When enabled, different sizes and address spaces can be assigned.  Normally, select  <BIOS ROM Disabled>
     <" Disabled">, C0000h, 16K (C000-C3FF), C4000h (C400-C7FF), C8000h (C800-CBFF), CC000h (CC00-CFFF), D0000h (D000-D3FF), D4000h (D400-D7FF), D8000h (D800-DBFF), DC000h (DC00-DFFF)

Interrupt Level
     " Level  3 ", 4, <10>, 14

     <BNC>, AUI

   <AUI or 10BaseT >,  TwPr - No link

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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