Boca Research Async/Parallel Adapters

@60E5.ADF "Dual Async/Parallel Adapter 2"
@60C2.ADF BMCPS2 Ser/Par Long Board (1.0)
@60C9.ADF BMCP01 Parallel Short Board (1.1?)
@60C9.ADF BMCP01 Parallel Long Board (1.0?, from PARLONG.ZIP)
@60C9.ADF BMCP01 Parallel Long Board (different name)

PARLONG.ZIP Zipped @60C9.ADF for BMCP01 Parallel Long Board (1.0?)
BOCA_LPT.ZIP BOCA.MCA Parallel (BMCP01) Disk (imaged by David Beem)
   Contains the @60C9.ADF file (short card) and an empty readme file.

BOCA.MCA Parallel (BMCP01) Installation Guide (scan by David Beem)

Dual Async/Parallel Adapter 2 (Old)
Dual Async/Parallel Adapter 2 (New)
   Pinout for 37 Pin DB37
   ADF Sections for SSP
Bidirectional Parallel Adapter (Short)
Search for a Killer

Dual Async/Parallel Adapter 2 Old, FCC ID EUD5U9BOCAMCASSP [P]

U1-3 MC1489A Quad 232 Recv.
U4,5 MC1488 Quad 232 Driver
U6 Silicon Logic LD1108 / 16C452
   or Samsung KS82C452
U7 M60013-1006SP (Boca)
Y1 18.432 MHz xtal

U6 is the Serial Port controller, U7 is the Parallel Port controller.

Boca Research Dual Async/Parallel Adapter 2 New, FCC ID EUD5U9BRI4230 (?) [P]

J1 DB37 Connector
U1 Startech ST16C452CJ
U2-4 ST 1489D1 Quad 232 Recv.
U5,6 GD75188D Quad 232 Driver
U8 M60013-1006SP (Boca)
Y1 18.432 MHz xtal

U1 is the Serial Port controller, U8 is the Parallel Port controller.

37-pin Connector Pinouts (from Carlyle F. Smith; edited)

This is from the original Boca MCA SSP Installation Guide for the ID=60E5 adapter.

1st column is the 37 D-shell pins
2nd column is the 25-pin female D-shell Parallel and 25-pin male D-shell Serial A and Serial B pins

Pin Pin Connector and Designation 
--- --- -------------------------
 1  18  Par. Signal ground (Actually pins 18-25 are all grounded)
 2   8  Par. Data Bit 6
 3   6  Par. Data Bit 4
 4   4  Par. Data Bit 2
 5   2  Par. Data Bit 0
 6  16  Par. -INIT (Initialize Printer)
 7  25  Par. Signal ground
 8  15  Par. -ERR  (Error)
 9  11  Par. BUSY  (Busy)
10  10  Par. -ACK  (Acknowledge)
11   8  Ser. B -DCD  (Rec'd line Signal Det.)
12  20  Ser. B -DTR  (Data Terminal Ready)
13   5  Ser. B -CTS  (Clear to Send)
14   4  Ser. B -RTS  (Request to Send)
15   7  Ser. A Signal ground
16   6  Ser. A -DSR  (Data Set Ready)
17  22  Ser. A -RI   (Ring Indicator)
18  20  Ser. A -DTR  (Data Terminal Ready)
19   4  Ser. A -RTS  (Ready to Send)
20   9  Par. Data Bit 7
21   7  Par. Data Bit 5
22   5  Par. Data Bit 3
23   3  Par. Data Bit 1
24   1  Par. -STB  (Strobe)
25  14  Par. -AFD  (Auto Feed)
26  17  Par. -SLIN (Select Input)
27  13  Par. SLCT  (Select)
28  12  Par. PAPE  (Paper End)
29   7  Ser. B Signal Ground
30  22  Ser. B -RI   (Ring Indicator)
31   6  Ser. B -DSR  (Data Set Ready)
32   3  Ser. B -RxD  (Received Data)
33   2  Ser. B -TxD  (Transmitted Data)
34   8  Ser. A -DCD  (Rec'd Line Signal Det.)
35   3  Ser. A -RxD  (Rec'd Data)
36   5  Ser. A -CTS  (Clear to Send)
37   2  Ser. A -TxD  (Transmitted Data)

37-pin D-shell Pin Assignments to 25-pin Connectors:

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
SG P  P  P  P  P SG  P  P  P  B  B  B  B SG  A  A  A  A

  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P SG  B  B  B  B  A  A  A  A
 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37

Presented this way, the wire bundling makes much more sense.

AdapterId 060E5H Boca Research Dual Async/Parallel Adapter 2

Serial Port A
   This serial port may be configured at any one of 8 standard base I/O port addresses (SERIAL_1 through SERIAL_8) , or it may be disabled. The standard selections for interrupt levels in the PS/2 family is for SERIAL_1 to be set to INT 4 and for SERIAL_2 through SERIAL_8 to be set to INT 3. The BOCAMCA.SSP supports the microchannel shared interrupt scheme.  This means that more than one serial port may be configured to use the same interrupt level.
   <SERIAL_1     INT 4>  Whole lotta choices

Serial Port B
   <SERIAL_1     INT 4>  Whole lotta choices

Parallel Port
   This is an IBM PS/2 compatible bidirectional parallel port.  It may be configured at any one of the three standard parallel port base I/O addresses (PARALLEL_1 through PARALLEL_3) or it may be disabled.  All parallel ports generate interrupts on INT 7    Note: IBM LPT order!
   <PARALLEL_1   INT 7> (03bch-03bf),  PARALLEL_2   INT 7 (0378h-037b), PARALLEL_3   INT 7 (0278h-027b). DISABLED

Parallel Port Mode
   The BOCA.MCA parallel port, like the systemboard parallel port, has the capability of operating in either bidirectional or unidirectional modes. The bidirectional capability is a new feature of the PS/2 family and will only be used by software specifically written to take advantage of it. The default for this setting is unidirectional mode to ensure backwards compatibility with PC software.
   <Unidirectional>, Bidirectional

Bidirectional Parallel Adapter Short

J1 DB25 Parallel port
U1 M60013-1006SP (Boca)

Searching for a Killer (from Carlyle Smith "The Wizard")

The problem arises with cards that have ostensibly the same ADF ID, but quite different construction.
There are two versions of the @60C9 bidirectional printer adapter. The *short* bidirectional parallel port card and the *long* bidirectional parallel port card (ADF found in PARLONG.ZIP on the Boca site).

The POS Difference

After the Wiz pointed out the wrong ADFs were causing trouble, I looked at the ADFs for differences.

Parallel Connector Item

Port Short Long

What's the significance of 2 'x's vs. 3 'x's? X means "don't alter" and since the bit isn't define in Fixed Resources or anywhere else it pretty much means "undefined" or "don't care" in this particular case.
Tell Us what practical difference (if any) the change from X to 1 makes.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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