Error Codes 1500 - 2999

Symptom / ErrorFRU / Action
0017 01XX / 0017 03XX
0017 04XX / 0017 14XX
0017 XXXX
Not listed below
1. Hard Disk Drive (ST506)
2. Cable (ST506)
3. Hard Disk Adapter (ST506)
4. System Board
5. Power Supply
0017 02XX 1. Hard Disk Adapter (ST506)
0017 05XX / 0017 06XX
0017 07XX / 0017 08XX
0017 10XX / 0017 11XX
0017 12XX / 0017 13XX
0017 15XX / 0017 16XX
0017 17XX / 0017 26XX
0017 35XX / 0017 50XX
0017 51XX / 0017 52XX
0017 53XX / 0017 54XX
0017 55XX / 0017 57XX
0017 80XX / 0017 81XX
0017 82XX / 0017 90XX
0017 91XX
Read/write problem. Be sure the drive type is supported. If it is, try a low level format. If the error continues, replace the hard disk drive.
1. Format the Drive
2. Hard Disk Drive
0018 0100 to 0018 0700 1. System Board
0018 6XXX 1. Set Configuration / Features
2. Battery
0018 XXXX
not listed above
1. System Board Expansion Unit
0024 0100 / 0024 0200
If screen colors change
1. Display (any type)
0024 0100 / 0024 0200
If screen colors are OK
1. System Board
2. Display (any type)
0024 0900 1. Display (any type)
0024 1000 1. System Board
0026 5XXX
Ethernet Adapter terminator not connected.(Thin/Thick or Twisted Terminator)
Information only
0024 60XX 1. 90 MHz Processor Upgrade (without VRAM)
2. System Board
0024 61XX 1. 90 MHz Processor Upgrade (with 1MB VRAM)

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 08 Sep 2024 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact