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Resource List
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This product is no longer being manufactured by Intel. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED FOR HISTORICAL REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY AND IS SUBJECT TO THE TERMS SET FORTH IN THE "LEGAL INFORMATION" LINK BELOW. For information on currently available Intel products, please see and/or

Note: The ActionMedia® II and its related products have been End-of-Lifed (EOL) by Intel. Please see the Actionmedia® II End Of Life Letter for further support information.


Installation and driver support for the ISA bus version of the ActionMedia® II is only available on Intel's Web page.

For Micro-Channel Architecture bus ActionMedia® II cards support is handled by IBM. Also if you have IBM software or drivers that came with the ActionMedia® II you will need to check with IBM support. IBM's ActionMedia® II support can be reached at (800) 241-1620.


The ActionMedia® II has been End-of-Lifed (EOL) by Intel and is therefore no longer produced by Intel. With this in mind the following companies MAY still have the ActionMedia® II available for purchase:

  • Advanced Media Inc. - (800) 292-4264
  • Digital Renaissance - (416) 593-5070
  • NB Engineering - (410) 721-5725

The ActionMedia® II card can still be serviced. Call 1-800-628-8686. Then choose options 1, 4, and 2 which will get you to the Repair Center's call handlers. At this point let them know that you need to be directed to ActionMedia® II repair.

  • Cables to Go
    (800) 826-7904 in North America
    (513) 224-8646 International
    Contact: Doug Saul at ext. 312
DINTEL0001 Capture Cable Assembly
DINTEL0002F RGB Overlay Cable (Analog)
DINTEL0003 S-Video Adapter
DINTEL0004 RCA to BNC Adapter
DINTEL0005 VGA Edge Card Connector to ActionMedia® II Feature Connector (Digital)
DINTEL0006 VGA Feature Connector to ActionMedia® II Feature Connector (Digital)
DINTEL0007 18" SCSI Flat Cable (50 Pin)
DINTEL0008 Not Available
DINTEL0009 Not Available
VRAM Memory

Following are part numbers for VRAM memory that can be used to upgrade your ActionMedia® II.

Texas InstrumentsTMS44C251ASD-80

Software Development Kits (SDK)
  • Digital Video Arts
    (215) 576-7920
    Contact: Stephen Kraiman or George Breen

    New World Operating Environment (NWOE) For DOS and for Windows
Desktop Video Editing Software
  • D/Vision
    (312) 989-2160

    D/Vision Pro
    D/Vision Basic

NOTE: This is not an endorsement by Intel Corporation of any product or company listed. Companies listed above are responsible for support of their product.

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* Legal Information © 1999 Intel Corporation