Disk Image Utilities
MCA Utilities
Official IBM Utilities
DOS Utilities and Drivers
OS/2 Utilities and Drivers
Windows Utilities, Drivers, Updates & Fixes
Linux Utilities and Drivers
Files collected by Louis Ohland, Tomáš Slavotínek and others. Last update: 23 Dec 2024
Disk Image Utilities
WinImage (16/32/64-bit Windows)
Download Page contains modern (32/64-bit) and legacy versions (Win16, Win32 - 95/NT/3.1+Win32s, PPC, Alpha)
IBM Disk Image Utilities (DOS, 16/32-bit Windows, OS/2)
LOADDSKF.EXE Write *.DSK image to a floppy (readme)
SAVEDSKF.EXE Create *.DSK image from a floppy (readme)
LOADDSKF.ZIP Contains the LOADDSKF and SAVEDSKF utilities together with readme files
Note: For later Windows systems to be able to
consistently access the *.DSK, you MUST use the /D /A switches. /D omits the 1
sector leader and inhibits data compression. /A saves all sectors of the disk.
SAVEDSKF a: C:\temp\refdisk.dsk /D /A
GNU Disk Image Utilities (Windows, 64-bit compatible)
RAWRITE.EXE Write an image file to a floppy
RAWREAD.EXE Create an image file from a floppy
TELEDISK Image Utility (.TG0 extension)
TELEGET.EXE Write .TG0 image to a floppy
TGCONFIG.EXE Configuration utility for TELEGET
TG0.ZIP Contains the TELEGET and TGCONGIG utilities
EMT Image Utility
EMT4DOS.EXE Pack/unpack EMT (and some other) images
DISKCOPY.COM DR-DOS disk copying utility. Copies disk to disk, disk to image file, or image file to disk
MCA Utilities
QBMCA Info and Download Identifies adapters in your system
IDMCA Identifies cards in each slot of an MCA system (info)
REFSTAMP Adds byte-stamp to create refdisk (info)
POS Reads info about a system from its POS registers (info)
SYSPART Diskette for maintenance of the hidden partition (info)
SPCOPY Copy a System/Convenience Partition to other
drives than ID 6 (for those which support IML Scan) or delete a pre-existing
bad/incompatible one. Only Models 90/95/500 are supported. (by Tim Clarke)
Official IBM Utilities
Customizer Customizes IBM PS/2 Refdisks using option files (no readme yet).
System Information Tool (SIT) (discovered by David Beem)
![Screenshot [P]](/other/img/photo.gif)
Provides information about system hardware and software. Menu/dialog driven.
SIT v1.10 Official version
SIT v1.10C Unofficial patch by Major Tom (04 Apr 2021)
(release notes are included in the ZIP archive)
Recognized Machines, Adapters, and Processors.
QCONFIG (shipped with IBM PC DOS)
Provides information about system hardware and software.
An alternative to Microsoft's "MSD". Command line only, no menu interface.
QCONFIG_2000 Build from PC DOS 2000 (24 Dec 1996)
QCONFIG_J70V_C Build from PC DOS J7.0/V update C (24 Oct 1997)
Recognized Machines, Planars, and Adapters.
PCINFO is an IBM Internal Use Only tool, distributed world-wide. PSINFO is a
Canadian Authorized Dealers' version of PCINFO.
THE NEW PCINFO 21 May 1996, Version 11.93A (from os2site.com, thanks Ian)
![Screenshot [P]](/other/img/photo.gif)
Contains 4 programs (and a bunch of data files):
- PCINFO.EXE - model info, PC/PS parts, printers & parts, OEM parts, ECA's, option-to-machine xref, technical bulletins, PC and token ring errors, ISA adapter settings, and more.
- SWITCHES.EXE - used for setting PC & PC AT system board switches
- ERRORS.EXE - used to troubleshoot PC & PC AT memory errors
- OEMERROR.EXE - called by ERRORS.EXE; do not run directly
DOS Utilities and Drivers
XGA Drivers & Utilities
QSPOCK.ZIP Query Spock for DOS (info)
QUMC155.ZIP QUMC for DOS, Unofficial Rel. 01.55 (info)
QMCD113.ZIP QUMC for DOS, Rel. 01.13 (info)
WLD009.ZIP WriteLED for DOS Rel. 00.09 (info)
DLITEDOS.ZIP DOS device driver for HD activity indicator on Model 95 LED Panel (info)
SNOOP344.ZIP Snooper 3.44 by Vias and Associates. System information/benchmarking utility, capable of detecting 1,100 MCA cards. (archived website)
UNPC.zip The Undocumented PC utilities by Frank van Gilluwe (book available HERE)
UNPC_patch.zip Patch for the main executable - fixes an I/O port exclusion bug (by Major Tom)
OS/2 Utilities and Drivers
PANEL OS/2 device driver for Model 95 LED Panel (info)
Windows Utilities, Drivers, Updates & Fixes
XGA Drivers & Utilities
SPOCK206.ZIP SPOCK206 Driver for Windows 95/98 by Unal Z (info)
SPOCK2NT.ZIP SPOCK206 Driver for Windows NT by Unal Z (info)
MCPNT009.ZIP MCPOS, QUMC, and WriteLED Rel. 00.09 (info)
AHA206.ZIP AHA-1640 Windows 95/98 driver by Unal Z (info)
Adaptec WinASPI Windows NT4/98 (4.71a2)
Adaptec ASPI32 ASPI Layer for Windows 95/NT
Adaptec ASPICHK Display version and status of ASPI Layer
Ultimedia NT Packet Driver (driver info HERE)
TCP32B.EXE WfW 3.11 TCP/IP stack update.
CTL3D.DLL Version 2.05 for SCSIBENCH and NT maybe 9x as well...
QEMM5060 QEMM 50-60 for memory expansion adapters
HIMEMUPD.EXE Use if you can't see >16 MB under W95
CPU-Z v1.04 "Vintage Edition" Shows information for 386 – 686-class CPUs
Supports Windows 95/98. More info HERE.
WCPUID 3.3 Build 1092 Shows information for 586 – Pentium 4/M, Athlon 64 FX/Opteron CPUs
Supports Windows 95/98/Me, NT 4.0, 2000, XP/2003, Linux 2.2/2.4/2.6, FreeBSD 4.x/5.
RootKitRevealer (v1.7) Last version to support NT4 1.7.1. Supports W2K and up
(thanks to Dave Ress for finding it)
FORCEDOS (internal Windows NT/2000/XP utility).
Some MS-DOS programs are not recognized by Windows NT as MS-DOS
programs. The FORCEDOS command allows you to start these programs.
Linux Utilities and Drivers
Linux SCSI Driver by Michael Lang
lsmca List the POS values and their meaning (sources only)
Exploring The IBM PS/2 Models 50-80 - DSK | IMG