RT Procedure Numbers 1, 2, 3, or 7

"Oh my God, it's full of stars!"

10x System Board
12x RT PC 1MB Memory Expansion Option
15x RT PC 2MB Memory Expansion Option
16x RT PC 4MB Memory Expansion Option
18x Enhanced Advanced Processor Board
19x RT PC Floating-Point Board
1Cx Advanced Floating-Point Board (Level 1)
1Dx RT PC 4MB Fast Memory Expansion Option
1Ex RT PC 8MB Fast Memory Expansion Option
20x RT PC AT Coprocessor Option
21x IBM AT 512 KB Memory Expansion Option
22x I/O Channel Memory Error
23x IBM AT Serial/Parallel Adapter
24x IBM AT Math Co-Processor Module
26x I/O Channel Memory Error
28x RT PC Multiprotocol Adapter
2Bx System Board
2Cx System Board
2Ex RT PC Expansion Unit Adapter
2Fx Receiver Card
30x IBM Token-Ring Network RT PC Adapter
31x IBM PC Network Adapter
34x IBM PC 3278/79 Emulation Adapter
35x 4-Port Async RS-232C Adapter (Buffered)
36x I/O Channel Memory Error
37x 512 KB Memory Expansion Option Module
38x RT PC 5080 Peripheral Adapter
39x 4-Port Async RS-422A Adapter (Buffered)
3Ax RT PC S/370 Host Interface Adapter
3Bx 8-Port Async RS-422A Adapter
3Cx 8-Port Async RS-232C Adapter
3Dx 8-Port Async MIL-STD 188 Adapter
3Ex RT PC 6192 Power Problem
3Fx RT PC 6192 Expansion Board
40x RT PC Baseband Adapter
41x IBM PC Enhanced Graphics Adapter
42x IBM PC Graphics Memory Expansion Card
43x Advanced Monochrome Graphics Display Adapter
44x IBM PC Graphics Memory Expansion Module
45x RT PC Advanced Color Graphics Display Adapter
47x Extended Monochrome Graphics Display Adapter
49x IBM Monochrome Display and Printer Adapter
4Ax IBM Megapel Display Processor
4Bx IBM Megapel Display Controller
4Cx Advanced Floating-Point Board (Level 2)
4Dx RT PC Expansion Unit Cable
4Fx IBM 6156 Bezel/Cable Assembly
51x Fixed-Disk Drive Type E310
52x IBM AT Fixed-Disk and Diskette Drive Adapter
53x Battery
54x IBM 5151 Display
58x IBM 5154 Display59x 6154 Display
5Ax 8-Port Cable Assembly - RS422A
5Bx RT PC SCSI Adapter
5Cx IBM RT PC SCSI Adapter Fuse
5Dx IBM 6156 Model 003
5Fx 8-Port Cable Assembly - RS232C/Mil-STD 188
60x IBM 6153 Display
61x IBM 5081 Display
62x IBM 6155 Display
63x Operator Panel Board
64x IBM High Capacity Diskette Drive
65x IBM 6156 Model 001
70x Fixed-Disk Drive Type R70
71x Fixed-Disk Drive Type H310
74x Fixed-Disk Drive Type R40
75x RT PC Portable Disk Drive Adapter
76x Fixed-Disk Drive Type E114
77x Fixed-Disk Drive Type E70
78x Keyboard
79x Mouse
7Ax IBM 5085 Dials Feature
7Bx IBM 5085 LPFK Feature
7Cx Stylus for the Model 11 and 12 Tablet
7Dx Cursor for the Model 11 and 12 Tablet
7Ex IBM 5083 Model 11 Tablet
7Fx RT PC 6192 DC to DC Converter Assembly
80x IBM 5083 Model 12 Tablet
81x IBM 6157 Streaming Tape Drive
82x RT PC ESDI Magnetic Media Adapter
84x RT PC Processor Board
85x RT PC Streaming Tape Drive Adapter
86x RT PC Extended ESDI Magnetic Media Adapter
87x Keylock
88x Power Supply
8Ax Stylus for the Model 1 Tablet
8Bx Cursor for the Model 1 Tablet
8Cx IBM 5083 Model 1 Tablet
8Dx Network problem
8Ex Advanced Processor Board
8Fx SCSI Bus Problem
91x Attached Device
95x IBM PC Network Components
981 POST Error 5c or 05
982 Invalid SRA Number
983 Invalid SRA Number
984 POST Error 23
985 Invalid SRA Number
986 Undetermined Problem
989 Missing Option
98A Format Fixed Disk
98B Compatibility Problem
991 Obvious System Unit Problem
A1x Fixed-Disk and Diskette Drive Cable
A5x External Power Cable
A6x IBM PC Network Cable
A7x RT PC Modem Cable - RS232C (10 Pin)
A8x IBM AT Modem Cable - RS232C/9 Pin
AAx Fixed-Disk and Diskette Drive Cable
B1x IBM Token-Ring Network RT PC Adapter Cable
B2x IBM PC Parallel Printer Cable
B3x RT PC Serial Printer Cable (9 Pin)
B4x RT PC ASCII Terminal Cable - RS-232C (10 Pin)
B5x RT PC ASCII Terminal Cable - RS-422A
B6x RT PC Serial Printer Cable (10 Pin)
B7x RT PC Modem Cable - RS232C (16 Pin)
B8x RT PC Automatic Calling Unit Cable - RS366
B9x RT PC Modem Cable - X.21
CCx Software Problem
CDx External power Failure
CEx DMA Channel Error
CFx I/O Channel Error
D1x Data Link Problem
D2x Modem problem
D3x Modem Interface Problem
D6x Electrostatic Discharge Problem
D7x Media Problem
D8x Autocall Interface Problem
F4x Unidentified Processor Board
F6x Unidentified Memory Option
F7x Unidentified Drive Cable
F8x Unidentified Fixed-Disk and Diskette Adapter
F9x Fixed-Disk Drive Problems
FAx Fixed-Disk Drive Problem
FBx Unidentified Fixed-Disk Drive
FCx Unidentified Diskette Drive

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 09 Dec 2024 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact