RT Resident POST

When power is first applied, initial self tests are performed by built it ROM routines and special processor on the system planar board.  These self tests should complete with in 1-2 minutes. The tests labeled 'fatal' indicate that if this code remains for more than five minutes, indicates that component has failed.
   Numbers display on the two-digit display to track the progress of the POST programs. Some tests may run so quickly that the numbers may not be visible.

 Note: I have seen tests 14,15,16 and 17  last for up to three to four minutes, depending on the number of hard disks and/or floppy drives  connected to the installed adapters. (MW)

 The following chart is for "steady" numbers only. Flashing (about one second) numbers are for software failures. See page 2-19 for flashing numbers during the diagnostic checkouts.
   When u is shown in the chart, it is displayed in the upper half of the two-digit display.
    IBM RT PC 6151 System Unit Hardware Maintenance and Service, pgs 2-6 thru 2-8.

Values during IPL
88 Displays for 1 sec (lamp test). If steady, the 32-bit processor has stopped. reserved - POR or processor check
Initialization of Mono/Printer adapter failed  Initialization failed - Mono/Printer adapter and APC
ROS CRC did not compare - 
- Fatal Advanced Processor card- 
- Fatal Enhanced Advanced Processor and 
- Fatal memory Mgmt card
02 Tests for correct communications between 32-bit processor and the system board. Soft IPL check failed - Fatal
Memory error or no memory - 
- Fatal Advanced Processorcard and first 128K of memory. - - Fatal Enhanced Advanced Processor
- Fatal Memory Mgmt card.
Processor card logic error - 
- Fatal APC logic (AdvancedProcessor Card). 
- Fatal Enhanced Advanced Processor 
- Fatal Memory Mgmt card Logic.
Processor or memory error condition - 
- Fatal APC logic and system memory. 
- Fatal Memory expansion option / Enh Adv Processor 
- Fatal Memory managment card.
07 IOCC test resident POST - Fatal
Bad processor card in IOCC test - 
- Fatal IOCC testfor APC. 
- Fatal Enhanced Advanced processor
- Fatal Memory managment card.
09 Keyboard adapter resident POST - Fatal
10 System timer resident POST - Fatal
11 Interrupt controller POST - Fatal
12 DMA arbiter resident POST - Fatal
13 Serial port resident POST
14 Fixed disk resident POST adapter 1 test
15 Fixed disk resident POST adapter 2 test
16 Diskette resident POST adapter 1 test
17 Diskette resident POST adapter 2 test
Beep Tests Speaker on keyboard
18 Extension ROS
19 Attemting Manufacturing IPL
20 NVRAM CRC check
21 Attempting to IPL from devices stored in battery- powered memory. No boot record found (NVRAM selected devices)
22 Attempting to IPL from default devices stored in ROM on processor board. No boot record found (ROM selected devices)
23 No IPL devices in battery-powered memory or the ROM default list could be identified.  Disk or diskette adapter slot or address
25 Error occured during IPL. System must be powered off to clear this error. User error - invalid RamSpecReg - Fatal
26 Attempting soft IPL
27 Bootable code exceeds available storage - Fatal
28 Unexpected return from loaded code - Fatal
29 IPL process passed control to loaded code.
30-uu Individual adapter or device tests
89 Unexpected machine or program check - Fatal.
96 Memory card 1 resident POST error condition.
97 Memory card 2 resident POST error condition.
98 Memory card 1 and 2 resident POST error condition.
99 Testing stopped Keylock in Locked position.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 09 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact