8227 Errors

Error Indications and Corrective Actions

Error        Error         Action
Power LED    Power         1.  Make sure that the 8227 is switched ON.
OFF          problem       2.  Check power source and power cord
                           3.  If they are OK, the 8227 is defective.

Wait LED ON  8227          1.  Wait until OK, Device Fault, or Loading 
or blinking  hardware          Error LED comes ON.
             failure       2.  If none of these LEDs comes ON within
                               3 minutes, switch 8227 OFF and then ON.
                           3.  If this error reoccurs, the 8227 is dead.

Device       8227          1.  Switch 8227 OFF and then ON again.
Fault LED    hardware      2.  If this error indication reoccurs, the 
ON           failure           8227 is defective.

Link OK LED  10BASE-T      1.  Ensure that the Ethernet cable makes
OFF          Ethernet-         a good connection with the 8227 port.
(if using    connction     2.  Ensure the Ethernet cable is OK and that
10BASE-T)    problem           the transceiver is connected and is OK.
                           3.  If cable is bad, replace it. If not,
                               switch the 8227 OFF and then ON again.
                           4.  You could also use a 10BASE-T transceiver
                               on the AUI port.

Device       Ethernet-     1.  Ensure that the Ethernet cable makes
Fault LED    connection        a good connection with the 8227 port.
Blinking     problem or    2.  Ensure that the Ethernet cable is in
and Loading  8227              good condition and that the
Error OFF    hardware          transceiver is connected well and is
             failure           in good condition.
                           3.  If cable is bad, replace it. If not, 
                               switch 8227 OFF and then ON again.
                           4.  Ensure Ethernet network is functioning OK.
                           5.  If error reoccurs, the 8227 is defective.
                           6.  Ensure SQE switch on transceiver is on.

Device       8227 card     1.  Switch 8227 OFF, make sure the 8227 card  
Fault LED    problem or        is inserted correctly,switch the 8227 ON.
blinking     8227          2.  Switch 8227 OFF, swap 8227 card with a 
and Wait     hardware          known good 8227 card, and switch 8227 ON.
LED          failure       3.  If this error reoccurs, the 8227 is
blinking                       defective. If the error does not reoccur,
                               the original card is defective.

Device       8227 card     1.  Switch 8227 OFF, make sure 8227 card is
Fault LED    problem; not      inserted correctly, switch 8227 ON.
blinking     a bootable    2.  Switch 8227 OFF, restore image
and Loading  image             (see Chapter 3 in topic 3.0) or
Error LED                      swap 8227 card with a known good card.
blinking                   3.  If error reoccurs, the 8227 is defective.
                               If error does not reoccur, the original
                               adapter is defective.

Loading      Unsuccessful     If the 8227 is configured to LPL (IPL
Error LED    IPL              locally from the 8227 card), take the
ON after 3                    following steps:
minutes      ° Either the  
             IPL service  1.  Force another IPL attempt:  switch
             in the 8227      8227 OFF, ensure 8227 card is
             card or on      inserted correctly, and switch it ON.
             server is not    If IPL is still unsuccessful, see step 2.
             working, or  2.  Make sure that boot image on this
             incorrect or     8227 card is valid by restoring that
             corrupt image    image from the backup.  Use backup
             has been         image that was shipped on the 8227 card.
             loaded.      3.  Switch the 8227 OFF and ON again
                          4.  If error is gone, there was a problem in
                              customizing the boot image.
                          5.  If error reoccurs, switch 8227 OFF, swap
                               the 8227 card with a known good one, and
                               switch the 8227 back ON.
                          6.  If the error indication is gone, the
                              original 8227 card was defective.
                           If 8227 is configured to RPL (IPL remotely
                            from the RPL LAN server),follow these steps:
                           1.  Force another RPL attempt by switching
                               8227 OFF and then ON.  If RPL is still
                               unsuccessful, continue with step 2.
                           2.  Make sure a remote boot image file for
                               this particular 8227 has been created on a
                               file server, and that this file server is
                               accessible by the 8227.
                           3.  Make sure RPL software is started, retry.
                           4.  Check that boot image is valid.
                               (A valid configuration was shipped on
                               the 8227 Operational Software
                               Diskette.  Perform RPL from this
                               configuration if the configuration
                               you created is suspect.)
                           5.  If error reoccurs, if possible, isolate
                               8227 and server by temporarily eliminating
                               all network traffic except that between
                               the 8227 and the server.
                           6.  Switch 8227 OFF and ON again. The Activity
                               LED should blink,indicating that the 8227
                               is attempting to locate the server. Soon,
                               the Activity LED should blink faster,
                               indicating 8227 is dl'ing code from server
                               downloading code from the server.
                           7.  If Activity LED does not blink,
                               you are hosed.  If the Activity LED
                               blinks but fails to blink faster, the
                               8227 cannot locate the server.  Your
                               network administrator should verify
                               that the server and Ethernet network
                               are functioning correctly

Software    LED burned    1.   Switch the 8227 OFF.
State OFF   out           2.  Make sure 8227 card is inserted correctly.
and Cell                  3.  Swap 8227 card with known good 8227 card.
Leader OFF                4.  Switch the 8227 ON.
                          5.  If this error reoccurs, the 8227 is
                              defective. If the error indication
                              does not reoccur, the original
                              adapter is defective. 

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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