Corollary error codes can be displayed on the information
panel during early portions of the POST code. If the system hangs with
one of these checkpoints displayed, a Halt code may also be displayed,
see FRU replacement is listed with the first FRU being the first item
replaced and so on.
The types of Corollary Error Codes are:
Checkpoint Codes (CP) 1XX CP Codes
Checkpoints can be displayed on the information
panel during early portions of the Power-On Self-Test (POST) code. If the
system hangs with one of these checkpoints displayed, the FRU replacement
should be as listed with the first FRU being the first item and so on.
The checkpoint code is displayed on the information panel:
CP: 1XX 1XX Checkpoint values as described below.
- The checkpoint code will only be displayed by the default
( lowest slot number ) processor card. Therefore, only the default processor
card is being tested during this time.
- If a 2 digit checkpoint code (CP: XX) is displayed without
a beep symptom, go to 'No Beep Symptoms' and diagnose the no beep
- If a 2 digit checkpoint code (CP: XX) is displayed
with a beep symptom, go to 'Beep Symptoms' and diagnose the beep
CP Code |
141 Start of COM 1 Test |
1. System Board
2. Bridge Card
3. Default Processor Card |
142 Start of SRAM Test |
1. Memory Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Default Processor Card
4. System Board |
143 SRAM Test |
1. Memory Card
2. Default Processor Card
3. System Board |
144 SRAM Test |
1. Memory Card
2. Default Processor Card
3. System Board |
145 SRAM Test |
1. Memory Card
2. Default Processor Card
3. System Board |
146 Transition to Protected Mode |
1. Default Processor Card
2. BridgeCard
3. System Board |
147 Port Initialization |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
148 Jump to 32-Bit Assembly Code |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Memory Card
4. System Board |
149 Execution of 32-Bit Protected
Mode |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Memory Card
4. System Board |
14A Transition to 'C' Code |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
14C Default Processor Card Setup
Routines |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
14D Additional Default Processor
Card Setup Routines |
1. Default ProcessorCard
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
14E Additional Default Processor
Card Setup Routines |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
14F Additional Default Processor
Card Setup Routines |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
150 ROM Checksum |
1. System Board
2. Bridge Card
3. Default Processor Card |
151 L2 Cache Flush on Default Processor
Card |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Memory Card
4. System Board |
152 Default Processor Card Configuration |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
153 Default Processor Card and
Bridge Card Initialization |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
154 Bridge DMA Initialization |
1. Bridge Card
2. System Board
3. Default Processor Card
4. Memory Card |
155 Enable Fault/Error Detection
and Enable Interrupts |
1. Default ProcessorCard
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
156 Enable Default Processor Card
Parity and L1 Cache |
1. Default ProcessorCard
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board
4. Memory Card |
157 Start of Test Cases |
1. Default Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
158 Video Initialization |
1. Default Processor Card
2. System Board
3. Bridge Card |
159 Keyboard Initialization |
1. Keyboard
2. System Board |
15A Global Initialization.
Try removing wrap plug from serial port. |
1. System Board
2. Default Processor Card |
Test Point Codes (TP)
The following test points can be displayed on the information
panel during early portions of the POST code. If the system hangs with
one of these test points displayed, replace the FRU(s) in the order listed.
Test point information is displayed on the information panel like:
TP: 1XXS 1XX Test point value, S Slot of card/board issuing error.
- The checkpoint code will only be displayed by the default ( lowest
slot number) processor card. Therefore, only the default processor card
is being tested during this time.
- If a 2 digit checkpoint code (CP: XX) is displayed without a beep
symptom, go to "No Beep Symptoms" and diagnose the no beep symptom.
- If a 2 digit checkpoint code (CP: XX) is displayed with a beep symptom,
go to "Beep Symptoms" on page 385 and diagnose the beep symptom.
TP Code |
101s Reset All |
1. Current Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
102s Interrupt Initialization |
1. Current Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
103s Cache Flush |
1. Next Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board |
104s Memory Sizing |
1. Memory Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Current Processor Card
4. System Board |
105s Memory Testing |
1. Memory Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Current Processor Card
4. System Board |
106s Memory Testing |
1. Memory Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Current Processor Card
4. System Board |
107s Multiprocessor Cache Test.
See Undetermined Failing Processor Diags'. |
1. Any Processor Card
2. System Board
3. Memory Card
4. Bridge Card |
108s Memory Testing |
1. Memory Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Current Processor Card
4. System Board |
109s LED Blink Test |
1. System Board
2. Current Processor Card
3. Bridge Card |
10As Interrupt Testing. See
'Undetermined Failing Processor Diags'. |
1. Current Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. System Board
4. Any Processor Card |
10Bs Bridge Interrupt Testing |
1. Bridge Card
2. Current Processor Card
3. System Board |
10Cs Multiprocessor Test. See
'Undetermined Failing Processor Diags'. |
1. Any Processor Card
2. System Board
3. Bridge Card |
10Ds Multiprocessor Memory Test.
See 'Undetermined Failing Processor Diags'. |
1. Memory Card
2. Any Processor Card
3. System Board
4. Bridge Card |
10Es Multiprocessor Memory Test |
1. Memory Card
2. Any Processor Card
3. System Board
4. Bridge Card |
10Fs Multiprocessor Memory Test.
See 'Undetermined Failing Processor Diags'. |
1. Memory Card
2. Any Processor Card
3. System Board
4. Bridge Card |
110s Multiprocessor Memory Test.
See 'Undetermined Failing Processor Diags'. |
1. Memory Card
2. Any Processor Card
3. System Board
4. Bridge Card |
111s Multiprocessor Memory Test.
See 'Undetermined Failing Processor Diags'. |
1. Memory Card
2. Any Processor Card
3. System Board
4. Bridge Card |
Test Error Indication (EP)
In some cases, the early POST code will detect errors
during the running of the test cases and display corresponding test errors
to the information panel. The information is displayed in the
following format:
EP: 1XXS 1XX Error values as described below, S Slot number of the card/board issuing error.
EP Code |
1043 (104X) Memory Error
(First reseat memory adapter) |
1. Memory Adapter |
106s Processor Card Error |
1. Processor Card |
Multiprocessor Error Indication (IP and FP Codes)
During the early POST code, various multiprocessor bus
errors might occur; if they do, the early POST code will display error
information to the information panel in one of the following formats:
IP: 1xx D S xx OR FP: 1xx D S xx
D Board/card issuing error : C-Processor, M-Memory, and B-Bridge.
S Slot number of the board/card issuing the error.
If you receive an IP or FP error, do the following:
- Replace the board/card issuing the error.
- If replacing a FRU does not correct the problem, reinstall
the FRU you removed from the computer; then, continue with the next step.
- Remove all cards/boards of the same type identified by the
error code one at a time until you locate the failing card/board. (Example,
if the error code identified a memory card and replacing the memory card
in the slot identified by the error code does not correct the problem,
remove all memory cards one at a time until you locate the failing board)
If the problem remains, replace the FRUs in the following order:
- Memory Card
- Processor Card
- Bridge Card
- System Board
Halt Indications (HALT)
If during the early POST code, a fatal error is detected,
the system will display a "halting" message with a corresponding error
code to indicate the reason for the halt condition. The message will be
displayed on the information panel in the following format:
Where "XXX" is the following code number, replace the FRU(s) in the
order listed. If present, ignore the last three digits (xxx).
Note: The exceptions to the above three or six
digit error code format are:
HALT: 02
HALT: 107C
Halt Code |
02 COM 1 failure |
1. System Board
2. Bridge Card |
101 COM 1 failure |
1. System Board
2. Bridge Card
3. Default Processor Card |
102 Memory failure |
1. Memory Card
2. System Board
3. Default Processor Card |
103 Bridge failure |
1. Bridge Card
2. Default Processor Card
3. SystemBoard |
104 Processor card failure.
See "Undetermined Failing Processor Diags". |
1. Any Processor Card
2. System Board
3. Bridge Card |
105 Memory failure |
1. Memory Card
2. System Board
3. Default Processor Card |
106 Unknown POST path.
Note: Software error and system should be re-flashed with
latest level of POST code. If error persists a faulty processor card may
be the cause. |
1. Processor Card
2. System Board |
107 Unexpected interrupt or trap.
See "Undetermined Failing
Processor Diags". |
1. Bridge Card
2. System Board
3. Any Processor Card
4. Memory Card |
107C NMI error |
1. Processor Card
2. Bridge Card
3. Any remaining Processor Cards
4. System Board |
108 Not enough memory found |
1. Memory Card
2. Default Processor Card
3. System Board |
109 Memory error |
1. Memory Card
2. System Board
3. Default ProcessorCard |
1FF Miscellaneous fatal error.
See "Undetermined Failing ProcessorDiags" |
1. Memory Card
2. Any Processor Card
3. Bridge Card
4. System Board |