TP 700 / 720 Error Codes

Numeric Error Codes
Beep Codes
Miscellaneous Symptoms
Removing Power-On Passwords
   700 / 700c
   720 / 720c
Reactivate POP (Both models)
Removing Privileged-Access Password (You DID want one, didn't you?)
Musings on PAP

Numeric Error Codes

The 9552 follows the PS/2 error codes, but they did add some extra ones. In the following error codes, an X can be any number.

Symptom/Error FRU/Action
00010200, 00010300, 
00010400, 00010700
1. System Board 
00010800 1. System Board 
2. Processor card 
00011000 1. 'Memory Checkout' before replacing FRUs. 
2. Base Memory Card 
3. IC DRAM Card 
4. System Board 
000113XX 1. System Board 
2. Processor Card 
000118XX 1. Clear Error Log.  See 'System Error Log' 
2. If the error remains replace FRUs in this order: 
   ° Base MemoryCard 
   ° IC DRAM Card 
Note: Clear Error Log when a FRU is replaced. 
00016100 1. See 'Checking the Backup Battery'
2. System Board 
3. Voltage Converter 
00016300, 00016400, 
00016500, 00016900 
(For 163, set date/time w/RefDisk) 
(If setting configuration does not solve the problem Check Installed Devices)
1.Set Configuration/Features 
2. System Board 
3. Hard Disk Drive 
4. Base MemoryCard 
5. IC DRAM Card 
000171XX, 000172XX 1. System Board 
(700, 700C Only)
Before replacing a FRU restore system partition with RefDisk v1.1 or later. See 'Installing a New Version of the System Diskettes' 
1. See '173 and 11350 Error Combination
2. See 'Checking the Backup Battery'
3. Voltage Converter 
(If AutoConfig does not solve problem run Adv. Diags.)
1. Set Configuration/Features 
000175XX, 00017700, 
1. System Board 
000179XX 1. Run System Unit and Memory Diagnostic
            - or - 
2.Select More utilities to clear system error log. 
000183XX 1. PAP (Privileged Access Password)  needed to boot from System Program. 
000184XX, 00018500 1. System Board 
000187XX 1. Set Configuration 
2. System Board 
000188XX 1. System Board 
000189XX 1. Select More utilities to clear system error log. 
00019000 1. Reseat System Board 
2. Reseat CPU chip / Processor Card
3. System Board 
00019102 1. Rerun diagnostics tests. 
2. If error remains see 000191XX. 
(Not listed above)
1. Reseat System Board 
2. Reseat CPU chip / Processor Card 
3. System Board 
00019200 1. Voltage Converter 
2. Keyboard Control Card
3. System Board 
00019201 1. Voltage Converter 
00019202 1. Run System Unit Diags. If error appears frequently replace Processor Card. 
00019300, 00019301, 
1. System Board 
00019302 1. Hard Disk Drive 
2. System Board 
00019303 1. System Board 
2. Diskette Drive 
00019304 1. PC Card 
2. System Board 
00019306 1. Keyboard Control Card 
2. Keyboard 
3. Pointing Device 
00019400 1. Processor Card 
000199XX 1. System Board 
(not listed above)
1. System Board 
2. Processor Card 
(720, 720C only) 
1. Reseat Base Memory Card 
(interface connector on system board). 
(See 'Memory Checkout' before replacing any FRUs.) 
1. Base Memory Card 
2. IC DRAM Card 
3. System Board 
00030100, 00030500 
(Turn-on computer before ext.devices.)
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1. Keyboard Control Card 
2. System Board 
3. Keyboard 
4. Numeric Keypad or KB/Mouse Cable (if attached) - or - External KB (if attached) 
00030200, 00030300, 00030400 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1. System Board 
2. Keyboard Control Card 
3. Numeric Keypad or KB/Mouse Cable (if attached) or External KB (if attached) 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1. Keyboard 
2. Numeric Keypad or  KB/Mouse Cable or External KB (if attached) 
3. Keyboard Control Card 
4. System Board 
00030700 1. External Keyboard 
2. Keyboard/Mouse Cable 
0004XXXX 1. System Board 
2. Any Parallel Device 
3. Communication Cable 
000601XX 1. Diskette Drive 
2. System Board 
3. Diskette Drive Cable 
000602XX  1. Defective Diskette 
000628XX  1. Incorrect Diskette Media Type 
2. Diskette Drive 
3. System Board 
4. Diskette Drive Cable 
000655XX, 000662XX, 
000670XX - 000675XX
1. System Board 
2. Diskette Drive 
3. Diskette Drive Cable 
(Unsupported drive or cable) 
1. Diskette Drive 
2. System Board
3. Diskette Drive Cable
0007XXXX 1. Math Coprocessor 
2. Processor Card 
0011XX00 1. System Board 
2. Any Serial Device 
3. CommunicationCable 
0014XXXX 1. See 'Printer Checkout' before replacing FRUs. 
2. Printer
3. System Board 
00180100, 00186100 1. Replace line QEMM386.SYS with QEMM386.SYSXBDA:L in Config.sys. 
0024XX00 1. Video Card 
2. System Board 
3. Voltage Converter (700C, 720C only) 
0039G900 1. System Board 
005002XX, 005006XX, 
005008XX, 005041XX
1.'External Display Test' before replacing FRUs
2. Video Card 
3. External Display 
4. LCD 
5.System Board 
005004XX, 005010XX, 
005030XX - 005032XX, 
005051XX - 005062XX
1.Video Card 
2. System Board 
3. LCD 
005009XX, 005040XX 1. 'External Display Test' before replacing FRUs. 
2. External Display 
3. Video Card 
4. System Board 
0080XXXX 1. System Board 
2. PCMCIA Card Slot 
0085XXXX 1. Memory Expansion Adapter isn't supported. 
00860100, 00860200 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1. Pointing Device 
2. System Board 
3. Numeric Keypad 
00860300, 00860400, 00862300, 00862400 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1. System Board 
2. Keyboard Control Card 
3. Pointing Device 
4. Keyboard (TrackPoint) 
5. Numeric Keypad 
00861100, 00861200, 00861300 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' beforereplacing any FRUs.)
1. Keyboard Control Card 
2. Keyboard (Pointing Stick)
3. System Board 
4. Ext. Keyboard Cable 
(not listed above) 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1. Keyboard (Pointing Stick) 
2. Keyboard Control Card 
3. SystemBoard 
00862100, 00862200 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1. Keyboard Control Card 
2. System Board 
3. Keyboard (TrackPoint) 
00862500, 00862600 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1. Keyboard (Pointing Stick) 
2. Keyboard (TrackPoint) 
3. Keyboard ControlCard 
(See '1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1.Keyboard Control Card 
2. Keyboard 
3. System Board 
010103XX - 010110XX, 
010116XX - 010153XX, 
1. See 'Fax/ModemCheckout' 
010436XX 1. System Board 
2. Hard Disk Drive 
0104XXXX 1. Hard Disk Drive 
2. System Board 
0129XXXX 1.Run System Board diags, clear error log- retest 
2.Select N to question during System Board diags
3. Turn-on system. If error remains replace Processor Card. (What  Card?)
4. Repeat steps 1 and 2. 
5. If the problem remains replace system board. 
0130XXXX 1. Indicator Assembly 
2. System Board 
3. Keyboard ControlCard 
4. Hard Disk Drive 
5. Diskette Drive 
6. Diskette Drive Cable 
7. Speaker 
0137XXXX 1. Serial Adapter 
2. System Board 
3. Video Card 
4. Any Serial Device 
5. Communication Cable 
0194XXXX 1. Memory Expansion Adapter isn't supported. 
I99903XX, I99900XX,  I99800XX  1. Reseat hard drive. See 'Set Startup Sequence' 
2. Hard Disk Drive 
3. System Board 
I999XXXX 1. Restore system partition from Reference Disk. 

Beep Symptoms, All Models

Symptom/Error FRU/Action
Continuous beep 1. System Board 
Repeating short beeps
(See 1080 Keyboard Unit' before replacing any FRUs.)
1.  Keyboard 
2.  Keyboard Control Card
3.  System Board 
One long and one short beep 1. System Board 
One long and two short beeps 1. Video Card 
2. System Board 
One short beep and a blank unreadable illegible or  flashing display with no external display attached 1. LCD 
2. Video Card 
3. System Board
4. Voltage Converter 
One short beep and a diskette prompt or a program load from the harddisk or unable to read the diskette.  (Be sure an external displayis not too close to the diskette drive.) 1. Diskette Drive
2. System Board
3. Diskette Drive Cable 
Two short beeps and a blank display 1. System Board 
Two long beeps and two short beeps 1. Video Card 
(or two long beeps and no short beeps).
2. Incorrect system board (700, 700C) 
(Possibly with a blank screen and blinking speaker icon.)
3. Wrong cpu upgrade (700, 700C) 
4. Wrong 240MB HD upgrade for  model 

Miscellaneous Symptoms

Symptom/Error FRU/Action
Power-on password is not reactivated. 1. Check the power-on password switch position.
Problem occurs only when port replicator installed. 1. Port Replicator
No beep and a blank or unreadable display during POST. 1. See "Power Systems Checkout"before replacing any FRUs. 
2. Processor Card 
3. System Board 
4. Video Card 
5. Hard Disk Drive 
6. Base Memory Card 
7. Any option or device 
8. Power source in use when failure occurs
9. Voltage Converter
10.  Speaker
No beep with a blinking cursor. 1. System Board 
2. Processor Card
3. Any Option or Device
No beep with a normal display during POST. 1. Speaker 
2. System Board
3. Keyboard Control Card 
4. Voltage Converter
No beep, system hangs with CP XX at the right-bottom cornerof the screen. 1. System Board 
2. Processor Card
No beep, system hangs after displaying memory count. 1.System Board 
2. Processor Card 
3. Hard Disk Drive 
4. Coprocessor
No boot with blank screen. 1. System Board
Extra horizontal or vertical lines displayed on upper or lower halfof the LCD. 1. LCD 
2. Video Card 
3. System Board
LCD  unreadable or characters missing pels.
(See "LCD Limitations")
1. LCD Assembly 
2. System Board
LCD too dark unable to adjust contrast or brightness. 1. LCD 
2. Video Card
LCD slightly dims when changing to battery power. 1. Normal operation (Dimming of LCD conserves battery power.)
LCD unreadable illegible or distorted. 1. LCD 
2. Video Card 
3. SystemBoard
LCD cannot be powered-on or off. 1. Video Card 
2. System Board 
3. Voltage Converter
Blank screen or extra horizontal or vertical lines displayed on upper or lower half of the LCD with no beep or one short beep. 1. LCD 
2. Video Card 
3. System Board
System status indicator is incorrectly blinking or stays on. 1. SystemBoard 
2. Related Device 
3. Indicator Assembly
System status indicator stays off, but  POST ends without  error. 1. System Board 
2. Related Device 
3. Indicator Assembly
No keys on the keyboard work. 
(See "1080 Keyboard Unit")
1. Keyboard Control Card 
2. Keyboard 
3. Ext. KB / Numeric Keypad (if attached)
4. System Board 
Keypad problems. 1. Reseat cable 
2. External Keypad 
3. Keyboard Control Card 
4. System Board
One or more keys do not work.
(See "1080 Keyboard Unit" before replacing any FRUs)
1. Keyboard 
2. Ext. KB / Numeric Keypad (if attached)
3. Keyboard Control Card
Mouse and Pointing Stick problems.
(See "1080 Keyboard Unit" before replacing any FRUs)
1. Disable Trackpoint and test Mouse again.  Trackpoints can interfere with Mouse devices 
2. Mouse 
3. Keyboard Control Card 
4. Keyboard
Cursor floats or moves erratically. 1. See "TrackPoint II Checkout"before replacing any FRUs. 
2. Mouse 
3. Keyboard
External display problems. 1. See "External Display Self-Test" before replacing any FRUs. 
2. External Display 
3. Video Card 
4. System Board
Incorrect memory size during POST. 1. See "Memory Checkout" before replacing any FRUs. 
2. Base Memory Card 
3. IC DRAM Card
System hang or Intermittent hang. 1. See "Undetermined Problem" before replacing any FRUs. 
2. System Board 
3. Hard Disk Drive 
4. Replace the last device being tested 
5. Voltage Converter
System suspends after POST 1. System Board
2. Voltage Converter 
3. Keyboard Control Card
The system does not suspend or resume. 1. Check the Suspend/Resume switch operation. If broken replace the Voltage Converter. 
2. System Board
3. Voltage Converter 
4. Keyboard Control Card 
5. Keyboard
The computer does not power-off. 1. Voltage Converter 
2. System Board
Real-time clock inaccurate. 1. See "Checking the Backup Battery" before replacing any FRUs. 
2. Backup Battery 
3. System Board
Printer problems. 1. See "Printer Checkout"
Serial or serial port device problems. 1. Device 
2. Cable 
3. Serial Adapter (if attached) 
4. System Board
Parallel or parallel port device problems 1. Device/printer 
2. Cable
3. Parallel Adapter (if attached) 
4. System Board
Internal Data/Fax modem does not communicate with  remote modem or fax. 1. See "Fax/Modem Checkout"
PS2 command cannot power-off internal modem unless computer is powered-off. 1. Create new PS2 setup program using UINSTALL command. (RefDisk must be1.10 or later.)

Remove Power-On Password (700, 700C) 

To disable the ThinkPad 700, 700C power-on password, do the following: 
   1. Power-off the computer. 
   2. Remove the battery pack and the bottom cover. 
   3. Locate the password-override connector on the system board.  (See 'System Board') 
   4. Install a jumper between the two pins at position 1. 
   5. Power-on the computer and wait until the POST ends. 
Remove the jumper from the password-override connector when service is completed. 

Remove Power-On Password (720, 720C) 

To disable the ThinkPad 720, 720C power-on password, do the following: 
   1. Power-off the computer. 
   2. Remove the battery pack and the bottom cover. 
   3. Locate the password-override switch on the system board. (See 'System Board') 
   4. Slide the password-override switch to the left position. 
   5. Power-on the computer and wait until the POST ends. 
Slide the password-override switch to the other position when service is complete. 

Reactivate Power-On Password
   To reactivate the password, start the system programs, select Set features from the Main Menu, then select Set password and unattended start mode, and follow the instructions on the screen. 

Remove Privileged-Access Password (PAP) 
    If the PAP is set, then forgotten, it cannot be overridden or removed. The system board must be replaced.  

Musings on PAP Recovery
   Someone claims to be able to clear the PAP for ThinkPads (for a few hundred IIRC). Your best bet is never to enable it to begin with. With the 95s, the home of the PAP has been tracked to the Dallas RTC which has a small protected data storage area. I assume the TP has a similar chip.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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