9552 HD Upgrade Kits

DASD Storage Interface Specification MCA (REV 2.2)
DBA-ESDI drive pinout - page 52-53 physical (8570 TR, identifies generic pinout!)

Onsite 9552 IDE Controller Kit
IBM 240MB Upgrade Flex Electronics
H12326 New 9552 FRUs For Upgrade Options

Onsite 9552 IDE Controller Kit

Compatible with TP 700, 700c, 720, or 720c, replaces existing cable.
Supports 32-bit access in W95 (all others use 'compatibility mode').
Uses any 8-12mm IDE drive >/=540MB; BIOS rounds down to 2GB,1GB or 540MB.
Requires new BIOS chip, refdisk ver 1.20.
About 2x as fast as original ESDI drives.

These interfaces were designed by the Swedish company Onsite in about 1995. There seems to be some interest in these, and there are about 500 unpopulated flex PCB's left, so they may put back into production (the remaining 500 only) at some point. These were used in replacement plug-in drives sold to corporate customers (@$1200+ in 1995!).

The strange 'round-down' scenario is a function of the controller chip passing specific hard-coded geometry parameters to the BIOS. It was easier to modify the BIOS than re-do the chip as drive sizes increased. They all use the same cyl/sector count, but the head no. is 16, 32 or 64 for the 540MB, 1GB and 2GB sizes respectively. IBM never made any DBA-ESDI drives bigger than 160 MB, and their 240 and 340 MB drives used a similar interface translation chip.

IBM 240MB Upgrade Flex Electronics

IBM 98
14.318 MHz

Major Tom fell from the Sky:
   About the main (QFP) chip... it will be a proprietary thing, so unless we can find a patent or technical disclosure bulletin that discusses it, we are out of luck (reverse engineering the chip is not worth the effort probably).

Not sure why they need a local oscillator either.

The rest is just some glue logic. G32 is your standard 74LS32 4xOR. G245A is a bus transceiver (74LS245), as Louis pointed out already, and it's probably being used for the top 8 data bits. The other 8 bits are going through the ASIC it seems. Would have to check where exactly it all goes on the IDE connector...

62G8285 date 19335 mfd 93, 35th week?
G32 - 74LS32 Quadruple 2-Input Positive-OR Gate
G245A - 74ALS245 Octal Bus Transceivers With 3-State Outputs

These octal bus transceivers are designed for asynchronous two-way communication between data buses. The control-function implementation minimizes external timing requirements.

The devices allow data transmission from the A bus to the B bus or from the B bus to the A bus, depending upon the logic level at the direction-control (DIR) input. The output-enable (OE) input can be used to disable the device so that the buses are effectively isolated.


The 9552 has two options that require FRU upgrades when they are installed. The options are the processor upgrade from 25 MHz to 50 MHz and the 240 / 340 MB fixed disk upgrade. When either of these options are installed a PLCC is replaced on the system board along with a new system board FRU number which is placed over the old FRU number. The 240Mb and 340Mb fixed disk option also comes with a new HDD door, FRU P/N 53G9172. The new door is needed to allow for the longer fixed disk drive. It is identical from the outside, but spacers are removed on the inside to allow for the longer length of the drive. It replaces the existing door FRU P/N 44G3777.

Note: When replacing a Fixed disk drive door on a 700 or 700C system the 720 door, FRU P/N 53G9172, must be used, if a 240Mb or 340Mb fixed disk is installed.

Note: The BIOS ROM part numbers listed in the matrix below can be used to identify the system board, if the system board FRU label was not installed during an upgrade. These can not be ordered as FRUs. The BIOS ROM module is located on the system board in a 3/4" by 5/8" socket. If the system board fails because of the upgrade installation a system board FRU must be ordered.

The IBM ThinkPad 700/700C/720/720C Ref/Diagnostic Diskette must be at version 1.20 or later to support the 240Mb disk upgrade.

The 486 processor upgrade option for the 700 and 700C 9552 systems upgrades the system speed from 25 to 50 MHz. The option allows the customer to choose battery saver, 25 or 50 MHz speeds. If the option is installed the new power management screen will look like this:

                "AUTO(LONG BATTERY LIFE)"
                 "MAX(HIGH PERFORMANCE)"
                    "DOUBLE(50 MHz)"

Note: Only systems with the upgrade will have "Double (50 MHz)"

The following chart documents the correct system board and processor FRU based on model and options.

To use this chart find the system model on the top line and the option in question under the "MODEL Speed" column. The vertical and horizontal intersection of these columns contains the appropriate option, FRU and BIOS part numbers. Note: Option part numbers and BIOS numbers can not be ordered as replacement parts. The FRU contains the correct BIOS level.


MODEL     |    700     |      700C    |     720     |   720C
Speed     |   25 MHz   |     25 MHz   |    50 MHz   |  50 MHz
NO OPTION |            |              |             |
SYSBRD FRU| P/N44G3780 |  P/N49G1975  |  P/N53G9204 | P/N53G9205
PROC FRU  | P/N44G3781 |  P/N44G3781  |  P/N54G1045 | P/N54G1045
PROC UPGRD| O/N54G1032 |  O/N54G0935  |N/A No Proc  |N/A No Proc
SYSBRD FRU| P/N54G1046 |  P/N54G1047  |Upgrade is   |Upgrade is
BIOS ROM  |    59G3301 |     39G9998  |available    |available
50 MHz FRU| P/N54G1045 |  P/N54G1045  |on the 720.  |on the 720C
240 UPGRAD| O/N66G3219 |  O/N66G3220  |  O/N53G9263 | O/N53G9275
SYSBRD FRU| P/N53G7822 |  P/N53G7823  |  P/N53G7826 | P/N53G7827
BIOS ROM  |    59G3655 |     59G3656  |     59G3653 |    59G3654
PROC FRU  | P/N44G3781 |  P/N44G3781  |  P/N54G1045 | P/N54G1045

MODEL     |    700     |      700C    |     720     |   720C
Speed     |   25 MHz   |     25 MHz   |    50 MHz   |  50 MHz
240MB &   |            |              | N/A No Proc |N/A No Proc
PROC UPGRD| O/N66G3221 |  O/N66G3222  | Upgrade is  |Upgrade is
SYSBRD    | P/N53G7824 |  P/N53G7825  | available   |available
BIOS ROM  |    59G3657 |     59G3658  | on the 720. |on the 720C
50 MHz FRU| P/N54G1045 |  P/N54G1045  |             |
340 UPGRAD| O/N53G7858 |  O/N53G7859  |  O/N53G7856 | O/N53G7857
SYSBRD FRU| P/N53G7822 |  P/N53G7823  |  P/N53G7826 | P/N53G7827
BIOS ROM  |    59G3655 |     59G3656  |     59G3653 |    59G3654
PROC FRU  | P/N44G3781 |  P/N44G3781  |  P/N54G1045 | P/N54G1045
340MB &   |            |              | N/A No Proc |N/A No Proc
PROC UPGRD| O/N53G7860 |  O/N53G7861  | Upgrade is  |Upgrade is
SYSBRD    | P/N53G7824 |  P/N53G7825  | available   |available
BIOS ROM  |    59G3657 |     59G3658  | on the 720. |on the 720C
50 MHz FRU| P/N54G1045 |  P/N54G1045  |             |

240MB HDD FRU P/N 66G3200 (Requires 720 door P/N53G9172 on 700)
340MB HDD FRU P/N 53G7862


|Part #  |Description     | 700 | 700C| 720 | 720C|Comments       |
|54G0132 |160MB HDD       |  Y  |  Y  |  Y  |  Y  |New 700/700C   |
|53G9263 |240MB HDD Kit   |  N  |  N  |  Y  |  N  |720 only       |
|53G9275 |240MB HDD Kit   |  N  |  N  |  N  |  Y  |720C only      |
|66G3219 |240MB HDD Kit   |  Y  |  N  |  N  |  N  |700 only       |
|66G3220 |240MB HDD Kit   |  N  |  Y  |  N  |  N  |700C only      |
|66G3221 |240MB HDD Kit   |     |     |     |     |               |
|        |  SLC2          |  Y  |  N  |  N  |  N  |700/SLC2 only  |
|66G3222 |240MB HDD Kit   |     |     |     |     |               |
|        |  SLC2          |  N  |  Y  |  N  |  N  |700C/SLC2 only |
|EXISTING OPTIONS                                              |
|49G2173 |Security        |     |     |     |     |            |
|        |  Diskette      |  Y  |  Y  |  Y  |  Y  |            |
|54G0133 |120MB HDD       |  Y  |  Y  |  Y  |  Y  |            |
|240MB INTERCHANGEABILITY                                      |
|                     |  80MB  |  120MB   |  160MB  |  240MB   |
|System Unit + Option |   HDD  |   HDD    |   HDD   |   HDD    |
|720C + 240MB HDD     |  SYS   |    SYS   |   SYS   |    OK    |
|720  + 240MB HDD     |  SYS   |    SYS   |   SYS   |    OK    |
|720C                 |   OK   |     OK   |    OK   |   UPG    |
|720                  |   OK   |     OK   |    OK   |   UPG    |
|700C + 240MB HDD     |  SYS   |    SYS   |   SYS   |    OK    |
|700 + 240MB HDD      |  SYS   |    SYS   |   SYS   |    OK    |
|700C + DC + 240MB HDD|  SYS   |    SYS   |   SYS   |    OK    |
|700 + DC + 240MB HDD |  SYS   |    SYS   |   SYS   |    OK    |
|700C                 |   OK   |     OK   |    OK   |   UPG    |
|700                  |   OK   |     OK   |    OK   |   UPG    |
|700C + DC            |   OK   |     OK   |    OK   |   UPG    |
|700 + DC             |   OK   |     OK   |    OK   |   UPG    |
|DC  -- Double clock upgrade installed
|SYS -- System partition must be updated with reference diskette
|UPG -- Upgrade kit installation is required

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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