3350/3355/3410 System Software

Filename Date Size Description
3350BIO2.EXE 07/10/98 1053543 BIOS version 1.12 for pre-WARP OS/2.
This version fixes the problem with the printer. This is the only change made in this version. If you are not running pre-WARP OS/2, you do not need this BIOS, use file 3350R208.EXE.
3350RBIO.EXE 05/10/99 607340 Y2K RBIOS for Model 3350/3355/3410. Ver. 81.09.00. for UNIX Systems
This archive contains, along with the RBIOS upgrade diskette, the reference diskette required to do setup on this RBIOS. Do NOT overwrite your existing reference diskette, because you will need it if you ever want to flash your box to another RBIOS revision.
3350SD01.EXE 07/19/95 551374 3325, 3350/55 Service Diags Disk 1 of 1 ver 2.
P/N: 515-0002148
3350SS01.EXE 07/17/94 1070289 3350/3355 SW Support Disk 1 of 1 ver 1.0
3350UD01.EXE 07/19/95 510728 3325, 3350/55 User Diags Disk 1 of 1 ver 2.04
P/N: 515-0002145
REF20400.EXE 07/31/98 1003477 Reference/BIOS Version 2.04.00 for 3325, 3350/3355, 3433/3434/3432/3437
Contains BIOS 1.08.00, this is NOT Y2K version.
3350R208.EXE 07/15/99 1104599 3325, 3350/55, 3432/33/34/37 Reference disk version 2.08 Y2K Compliant
P/N: 515-0010057
3325 version 1.07.00
3350/55 version 1.11.00
3432/33/34/37 version 3.01.00
HIGH_RES.EXE 07/16/94 25195 77c22(e) Device Driver (ver 2.10) needed to run most DOS applications
OS2VID13.EXE 07/16/94 211890 77c22(e) Video Drivers for OS/2 1.3
OS2VID20.EXE 07/16/94 878965 77c22(e) Video Drivers for OS/2 2.0
OS2VID21.EXE 07/16/94 1086427 77c22(e) Video Drivers for OS/2 2.1
WIN_31.EXE 06/01/95 248158 77c22(e) Windows 3.1 Video Drivers
CLR1SS01.EXE 08/16/94 547583 Clarity I SSD (Win & NT) v 1.30

Label the diskette:
|                           01/25/94 |
|                                    |
|   Product:  NCR Clarity I Software |
|             Support Diskette       |
|             (Windows & NT Windows) |
|                                    |
|   Version:  1.30                   |
|                                    |
|Product ID:  515-0002311            |
CAMC9X.EXE 07/06/95 24360 CAM disk drivers for 53C9X SCSI host
66IBM13.ZIP 07/17/94 39648 High Speed drivers patch for ibm OS/2 1.3
8250PAT.EXE 11/06/96 823481 Flash diskette for 8250S PCI SCSI adapter with BIOS v.3.07. This file is necessary when trying to flash the BIOS on the 8250S PCI SCSI adapter when it is installed in a Globalyst 550/575.
@8EFF.ADF 07/17/94 256 IBM PS/2 SCSI Laddr Kit for OS/2 2.x and MS OS/2 1.31
AJAZSS01.EXE 03/29/95 835547 Jazz 16 - Install update PnP BIOS support
ARCBYTE.EXE 07/17/94 18634 Exabyte 8mm tape driver and Tape.tsd for OS/2
ATTDISK.EXE 01/18/95 371733 NCR 8250 PCI SCSI Install Disk, contains DOS, Novell, NT, and OS/2 drivers.
Use -d option when executing.
BS_WSCSI.EXE 07/17/94 105504 CDROM drivers for Business Sound W/ SCSI card
BT747.EXE 09/30/94 44317 BT-747 DOS & CD-ROM drivers
CD-NEC.SYS 07/17/94 9240 DOS CDROM driver for NCR SCSI and NEC CDROM
CD-SONY.SYS 07/17/94 10893 Sony CDROM CAM driver for DOS
CD-TOSH.SYS 07/17/94 9216 CDROM driver for Toshiba CDROM and Dos
CDSCSI-2.SYS 08/24/94 10918 DOS CDROM Driver for SCSI 2 Devices
DISKIDD.SYS 01/06/95 12302 DISKIDD.SYS rev 2.00.01 for NCR DOS SCSI Support
This file requires the appropriate CAM driver for your SCSI chipset.
DUALTOSH.EXE 07/17/94 19202 Toshiba CDROM driver for dual CDROM v1.01.00
EXABYTE.ZIP 07/17/94 2769 Exabyte tape driver for Sytos for DOS
LADDR13.EXE 07/17/94 542846 LADDR drivers for IBM OS/2 1.30 disk 1 of 1
NCRASPI.EXE 02/12/97 38053 SCSI Driver for NCR PCI Dual/Quad Board.
NCRSCSI.EXE 12/16/94 133724 NCR SCSI LADDR Kit for OS/2 2.X and MS OS/2 1.?
OS21STD.EXE 07/17/94 720308 Disk 1 for OS/2 2.1 for CDROM Install NCR SCSI
SCSI_BA.EXE 08/23/94 104060 CD-ROM Drivers for Business Sound Adapter SCSI
v2.00 "SCSI Installation Disk Business Audio"
P/N: 517-0002890
cd-rom.sys, mini400a.sys, and install programs
SLEEP.CMD 07/17/94 844 Delay for OS/2 batch file (sleep nnn....)

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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