Aironet MC1000 / ARLAN 670 Specifications

Original HERE, HERE, and HERE.


Operating Frequency Range: 		902-928 MHz (FCC, Canada)
					915-928 MHz (Australia)

Data Rate (Min/Max):			215 Kbps/860 Kbps (FCC, Canada)
					172 Kbps/215 Kbps (Australia)

Number of Channels:			12 (FCC, Canada)
					7  (Australia)

CPU:					16 MHz Zilog Z182

RANGE - MODEL 670-900

Typical coverage per microcell*:	7,000 sq. m. (75,000 sq. ft.)
Omni-Directional range, Indoors*:	Up to 300 m. (1,000 ft.)
Omni-Directional range, Outdoors*:	Up to 600 m. (2,000 ft.)
Output power:				450 mW
Standard Antenna:			2.15 dBi Dipole
Optional Antennas:			3  dBd Omni, 6 dBd Patch, 6 dBd Yagi
Antenna Connection:			Reverse Polarity TNC (RP-TNC)


Operating Frequency Range: 		2.4-2.4835 GHz (FCC, Canada, ETSI)
					2.471-2.497 GHz (Japan)

Data Rate (Min/Max):			1 Mbps / 2 Mbps  (FCC, Canada, ETSI, Japan)

Number of Channels:			5 (FCC, Canada, ETSI)
					1 (Japan)

CPU:					16 MHz Zilog Z182

RANGE - MODEL 670-2400

Typical coverage per microcell*:	4,500 sq. m. (50,000 sq. ft.)
Omni-Directional range, Indoors*:	Up to 150 m. ( 500 ft.)
Omni-Directional range, Outdoors*:	Up to 300 m. (1,000 ft.)
Output power:				50 or 100 mW 
Standard Antenna:			2.15 dBi Dipole
Optional Antennas:			3  dBd Omni, 6 dBd Patch, 13.5 dBd Yagi
Antenna Connection:			Reverse Polarity TNC (RP-TNC)


Wireless LAN Topologies:		Peer-to-Peer (ad hoc) or Access Point (Infrastuucture)
Wireless LAN Protocol:			Patented Microcellular Architecture (TMA) based upon CSMA/CA
Wired LAN capacity:			10 Mbps
Wired LAN Filtering:			Intelligent packet filtering by network address, protocol,
					or packet content
Wireless LAN Protocol:			Patented Microcellular Architecture (TMA) based upon CSMA/CA
Wireless LAN Roaming:			Fully supported via Patented Microcellular Architecture (TMA)
Device Drivers Included:		NDIS, ODI, Packet
Network Operating Systems Supported:	All popular network operating systems including Novell NetWare.
					Personal NetWare, Microsoft Windows for Workgroups, LAN Manager,
					Artisoft LANtastic, Banyan VINES, OS/2, OS/2 WARP.


Local Configuration via:		MS DOS based Installation Software Utilities
Automatic Configuration via:		BOOTP
Data Integrity:				Direct Sequence Spreading 
Flash ROM:				64 KB for Firmware
System RAM:				32 KB, 8 KB shared RAM
LED Indicators:				System Status, Ethernet Activity, Wireless LAN Activity


Card Format:				Full size Microchannel Architecture card
Weight:					340 grams  (12 oz.)
Temperature Range:			-30° to + 60° C (-22° to + 140° F.)
Power Consumption:			300 mA average
Warranty:				One Year Parts and Labor returned to Factory
Approvals:				FCC Part 15.247
					Approved for use in over 30 countries

* Wireless LAN coverage is a function of the antenna gain, placement, and type as well as building construction and density. Typical coverage shown is for an office or factory environment. Ranges shown are line of sight and may be modified by choice of antenna. For optimum results in difficult environments please contact Aironet for additional information.

In our constant effort to improve products and systems, Aironet Wireless Communications Inc. reserves the right to change or modify features and specifications without notice.
NOTICE: Some of the product names used are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks of their respective companies.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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