@0051.ADF Thomas-Conrad TC4046
User's Manual
Pocket Guide
TC4046 Adapter
Drivers and OS Support
Based on content by William R. Walsh (original HERE).
TC4046 Adapter

JB1 TR Cable Type Select
JP1 RAM Density Select
K1 Pads
P6 6-pin header (?)
T1 Valor LT6023
T2 Valor LT6023
T3 Valor FL1013
U43-47 RAM Sockets
U25 4046-25A
U48 Pads for PGA IC
U42 MAC Address
U28 4046-28A
U35 4046-35A
U24 (left) 4046-24A
U37 (right) 4046-37C
U50 TI TMS38054FNL
X1 64.0000 MHz
JB1 TR Cable Type Select - left for Type 3 (UTP) / right for Type 1 (STP)
JP1 RAM Density Select - left 4M / right 1M
Total Hardware '99 seems to have the numbering on the jumpers reversed.
The Type 3, Type 1, 1M and 4M options are correct based on what is
printed on my adapter. The cable types represented by Type 1 and Type 3
may be wrong.
What is the purpose of P6 on the board? I can't trace it visually, as the board material is too dark.
LEDP1 Functionality
Per the documentation, the green LED indicates a valid link. The red
LED indicates activity on the ring, such as sending or receiving data.
My experience (below) differs from this, perhaps the Windows NT 4.0
driver doesn't utilize the LEDs in the same way?
When the adapter attempts to insert into the ring, the
red LED comes on first, followed by
the green LED. After the adapter
opens (the MAU usually "clicks") the red LED
gets slightly brighter and the green LED
remains on.
RAM Sockets
The RAM sockets are unique "two in one" sockets that will accommodate
multiple types of RAM chips. From the factory, the adapter appears to
come with 5 4464 DRAM chips, for a total of 128KB RAM. You can upgrade
to 512KB using 5 44256 and 2MB with 5 441000 DIP RAM ICs.
Set JP1 to the 1M setting when using 4464 chips. Use the 4M position for all
other types.
Drivers and OS Support
I've got this adapter running under Windows NT 4.0, which ships with a
built in driver. It runs well and seems to work very well in a 9585-0X0
with the stock soldered 486SX-33 CPU.
I have no idea what other operating systems have for driver support, as
I haven't tried them yet. I also don't have any of the original
Thomas-Conrad drivers or supplemental files. If you have anything
relating to this adapter (files, diskettes, manuals, etc.), please
contact us!
Louis Ohland dug this listing up:
Internet Archive doesn't have them. I did get the names, though...
Downloadable Support Software for Compaq Thomas-Conrad TC4046 16/4 Mb
Microchannel Token Ring NIC
Shipping Diskette
DOWNLOAD: tokdsk.exe 664 K
DESCRIPTION: Shipping Diskette.
Microchannel Configuration Files
DOWNLOAD: tokadf.exe 17 K
DESCRIPTION: Microchannel Configuration Files.
Eaglemac.Bin Adapter Microcode
DOWNLOAD: tokegl.exe 32 K
DESCRIPTION: Eaglemac.Bin Adapter Microcode.
LLC Drivers for IBM Lan/PC Support/Client Acess
DOWNLOAD: tokllc.exe 65 K
DESCRIPTION: LLC Drivers for IBM Lan/PC Support/Client Acess.
Old style LLC Drivers for IBM Lan/PC Support
DOWNLOAD: bothllcs.exe 99K
DESCRIPTION: Old style LLC Drivers for IBM Lan/PC Support.
DOS/OS2 Drivers for IBM Lan Server
DOWNLOAD: tokls2.exe 69 K
DESCRIPTION: DOS/OS2 Drivers for IBM Lan Server.
NetWare IPX Workstation Shell Files
DOWNLOAD: tokipx.exe 42 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare IPX Workstation Shell Files.
NetWare DOS ODI Workstation Shell Files
DOWNLOAD: tokodi.exe 113 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare DOS ODI Workstation Shell Files.
NetWare OS/2 ODI Workstation Requester Files
DOWNLOAD: tokreq.exe 52 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare OS/2 ODI Workstation Requester Files.
NetWare Lite Client Files
DOWNLOAD: toknwl.exe 45 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare Lite Client Files.
NetWare 2.12 Server Drivers
DOWNLOAD: tokn12.exe 47 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare 2.12 Server Drivers.
NetWare 2.15-2.20 Server Drivers
DOWNLOAD: tokn22.exe 108 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare 2.15-2.20 Server Drivers.
NetWare 3.10 Server Drivers
DOWNLOAD: tokn30.exe 42 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare 3.10 Server Drivers.
NetWare 3.11 Server Drivers
DOWNLOAD: tokn31.exe 75 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare 3.11 Server Drivers.
NetWare 3.12-4.x Server Drivers
DOWNLOAD: tokn4x.exe 144 K
DESCRIPTION: NetWare 3.12-4.x Server Drivers.
Microsoft Lan Manager Drivers
DOWNLOAD: toklm2.exe 35 K
DESCRIPTION: Microsoft Lan Manager Drivers.
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups Drivers
DOWNLOAD: tokwin.exe 134 K
DESCRIPTION: Microsoft Windows Drivers.
Microsoft Windows 95 Drivers, Microsoft Windows NT 3.5x - 4.0 Drivers
DOWNLOAD: cpq45nd3.exe 99 K
DESCRIPTION: Microsoft Windows 95 Drivers, Microsoft Windows NT 3.5x -
4.0 Drivers Server/Workstation.
Ringtools 286 - Diagnostic for 286 machines
DOWNLOAD: rtool286.exe 151 K
DESCRIPTION: Ringtools 286 - Diagnostic for 286 machines.
Ringtools 1 - Long adapters only
DOWNLOAD: rtool1.exe 183 K
DESCRIPTION: Ringtools 1 - Long adapters only.
Can anyone lay their hands on these files?