Model 5570

PS/55 Model 5550-S/T & 5570-T ASCII Article (scan by Akamaki; Japanese; Jul 1988)

General Information
5570-Sxx (16MHz)
5570-Txx (20MHz)
5570-Vxx (25MHz)

General Information

PS/55 Model 5570 is the Japanese equivalent of PS/2 Model 80 (8580).

The planar VGA connector is covered by a plastic cap, and PS/55 Display Adapter-II is installed in the AVE slot. All tips for Model 80 (CPU upgrading, planar replacement and memory problems) apply to PS/55 5570 too.

It uses Japanese reference and diagnostic diskettes. Reference diskettes ver. 1.0 and ver. 1.15 are based on KDOS 3.3. Reference disks up to ver.1.3x (incl.) use JDOS. All these older KDOS- and JDOS-based disks are system specific. Reference disks ver. 1.40 and higher use DOS/V and are labeled as "Reference Diskette/V". Reference ver. 1.50 covers most of all 386 class models such as 5550-S/T/V, 5570-T/V, 5540-T, 5545 and 5530-S/T.

5570-S came with KDOS, and a stock unit with the original Display Adapter probably can't handle the DOS/V based reference.

5570 was marketed in Japan and some other countries of Asia. Recently (2002) there was a 5570 on eBay AU (reported by Lee). I suppose the beast was 5570-T or V because it's main power switch was white. Until I saw the eBay auction, I felt strange about the existence of English version of the reference diskette. Maybe some of 5570 were exported to Australia. Funny enough that most of 85xx and 95xx sold in Japan were made in Australia.

None of the 5570 have bus master issues so they can take SCSI /A without any trouble regardless of the Power Switch color (Red or White).

5570 -S09/S19/S0A/S1A/T09/T19/T1A/T0A/T0B/T0C/V0B/V0C/V1A/V1B/V1C

-Sxx: 386DX-16, 2MB, ESDI, PS/55 Display Adapter (unconfirmed)
-Txx: 386DX-20, 4MB, ESDI, PS/55 Display Adapter-II
-V0x: 386DX-25, 4MB, ESDI, PS/55 Display Adapter-II
-V1x: 386DX-25, 4MB, SCSI, PS/55 Display Adapter-II

5570-Sxx (16MHz)

5570-S was the first model of the PS/55 line, released in May 1987, shortly after PS/2 had been announced in the US.

DOS used for this model was called IBM KDOS 3.30. KDOS was originally used for IBM Japan's proprietary systems called "Multistation 5550". For detailed information about Multistation family, please go HERE.

5570-S was not usually included in the system compatibility list for some latest MCA options and software while 5570-T/V are listed. This is most likely due to the Display Adapter-I which was designed for KDOS 3.3x.

The Stock Video Adapter (though it was provided as an Option) consists of three PCBs and requires two MCA slots (one is a 16-bit AVE slot and the other one is an usual 16-bit slot).

According to the system guide issued on Jun 1997, 5570-S0A was specified as follows:

CPU i80386 16MHz
Memory 2MB (Max 16MB, 4MB max on the planar)
HDD 70MB (Max 140MB)
FDD 2HD x 2drives
Slot 32bit x3, 16bit x2 (most possibly 3 slots are occupied with an ESDI /A and a Display adapter which required 2 slots.)
Port Mouse, RS-232C (Max support up to 9 ports)
System Security CMOS memory for password check
Display adapter Should be loaded in designated MCA slot. (Not included, sold as an option)
Kanji-Font ROM 7190 characters JIS Level 1 and Level 2
VRAM 2MB! ("for 4 screens.")
OS Supports KDOS 3.3, OS/2 J1.0


System unit JY 1,497,000
2MB system board memory kit JY 240,000
70MB Hard Drive JY 500,000
Display Adapter /A JY 320,000
5574 C-02 16" color display JY 370,000
5576 001 KeyBoard JY 43,000
5576 G02 Printer JY 530,000

5570-Txx (20MHz)

5570-Txx was equipped with Display Adapter-II and the newer version of DOS, DOS J4.0. This model might be same with 8580-1xx except the BIOS.

QCONFIG below shows 5570-T with a 486DX Upgrade module from Kingston.

Operating System   : IBM PC DOS Version  6.30
Date & Time        : 1999-04-10  23:41:38
Model ID           : F8
Sub Model ID       : 06
BIOS Revision      : 00
BIOS Date          : 03/15/88
Machine Type       : IBM PS/55 Model 5571-T - Compatible
Processor          : Intel 80486
Estimated Speed    : 39.2 MHz
CoProcessor        : Integrated
Bus Type           : Micro Channel 32-Bit Bus
Keyboard Type      : Enhanced
Equipment          : 1 Parallel Port(s)
                   : 1 Serial Port(s)
                   : 2 Diskette Drive(s)
                   : 1 Fixed Disk(s)
                   : Math CoProcessor
Serial Port 1      : COM1: 03F8
Parallel Port 1    : LPT1: 0378
SCSI Device(s)     : Total      1 Unit(s)
                   : Disk       1 Unit(s)
Primary Video      : VGA
Diskette Drive 1   : 3.50"  - 1.44M - 80 Track - Type 4
Diskette Drive 2   : 3.50"  - 1.44M - 80 Track - Type 4
Fixed Disk 1       :  153 MB  =  156672 KB  =  160432128 bytes
Logical Drive C    : Size  153416K =  149.8M  Avail   73180K =   71.4M
Total Memory       : 16000 KB = 15.6 MB
Conventional       :  640 KB  Free:   538 KB
Extended Memory    : 15360 KB  Free:     0 KB
Expanded Memory    : 15264 KB  Free: 14608 KB  Page Frame  Address: D000
XMS Memory         : 14410 KB  Free: 14410 KB
EMS Version        : 4.0
XMS Version        : 3.0
VCPI Version       : 1.0
Adapter ROM 1      : Addr C0000-C3FFF SCSI
Planar             : ID FFFC - PS/55 Model 5571-T
Total Slots        : 8  System (DISK): 2  User Slots: 6
Expansion Slot 1   : * No Adapter Present
Expansion Slot 2   : * No Adapter Present
Expansion Slot 3   : * No Adapter Present
Expansion Slot 4   : ID FCFF - IBM Memory Expansion Adapter 2-8M 80386
Expansion Slot 5   : * No Adapter Present
Expansion Slot 6   : ID EFFE - IBM Display Adapter II
Expansion Slot 7   : * No Adapter Present
Expansion Slot 8   : ID 8EFE - IBM SCSI Adapter

5570-Vxx (25MHz)

5570-Vxx was the fastest model among all 5570, and was a variant of 8580-Axx.

-V1x was equipped with non cached SCSI /A and SCSI HD along with a metal drive cage in which 2x 3.25" drives can be attached.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

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