7009 Processor Card

C10 Processor Card FRU P/N 65G8331, P/N 65G8317

Source images provided by Rick Ekblaw

J1 240-pin connector to cache card
J2 2x7 solder pads, unused
J3 2x8 Berg header
J4 Battery holder for 3V CR2032
J5, J6 240-pin connectors to planar
U1 8184091 IBM
U2 8184093 IBM
U3 65G8138
U5 Sony CXK58267AM-70L
U7 Dallas DS1285Q RTC/CMOS
U8 PowerPC 601 80 MHz
U9 Dallas DS1210S NVRAM controller
U10 8184108 IBM
U12 LSI L1B7807
Y1 SG-615P 7.8125 MHz osc
Y2 15.960 MHz xtal
Y3 32.768 kHz xtal

C20 Processor Card FRU P/N 40H5693, P/N 40H5650

J1 240-pin connector to cache card
J2 2x7 solder pads, unused
J3 2x8 Berg header (not used)
J4 Battery holder for 3V CR2032
J5,6 240-pin connectors to planar
U1 8184091 IBM module
U2 8184093 IBM module
U4 Dallas DS1285Q RTC/CMOS
U5 Dallas DS1210S NVRAM controller
U6 Sony CXK58267AM070L
U8 120 MHz PPC604 under heatsink
U9 65G8138
U10 12H0272 IBM module
U12 LSI L1B7796 module
VR1 LT1083CP and heatsink
Y1 SG-615P 7.8125 MHz osc
Y2 7.980 MHz xtal
Y3 32.768 kHz xtal

U9 is an AMD 27C040-150 EPROM

7009 Cache FRU P/N 65G7929, P/N 65G7930

J1 240-pin connector to CPU card
U1-8 CY7C1032-8JC cache
U14 88G2501 IBM module

1 MB L2 Cache (same as C10) may be added for higher performance.

The C20 is supported only on AIX Version 4.1 and up.

16 to 256 MB of ECC memory. SIMMs are installed in groups of four to provide memory interleaving for performance. The same size SIMM must be used in each group of four SIMMs. memory uses PS/2 SIMMs.

P/N     | Size
8184416 |  2MB
51G8553 |  4MB
51G8554 |  8MB
8184379 | 16MB
8184380 | 32MB
1MB cache SIMM 65G7929

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 16 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact