@01BA.ADF NCR 53C710 SCSI Controller (single chan.)
@01BA.ADF NCR 53C710 SCSI Controller (single chan., different spacing)
@01BA.ADF NCR Dual SIOP SCSI Host Adapter Board (dual chan.)
   Thanks to Wolfgang Gehl for finding this in C710ADFS.ZIP
@01BA.ADF NCR Dual SIOP SCSI Host Adapter Board (dual chan., different version)

710FLASH.EXE Flash utility for 53C710 Fast SCSI host adapter
Cam_c710.sys  CAM Dos driver for 53C710 SCSI Host adapter 
DOS_C710.EXE DOS SCSI Drivers for the NCR C710 Chipset (includes CDROM drivers)

53C710 SCSI Adapter
ADF Sections for @01BA.ADF
ADF Sections for @01BA-2.ADF

NCR Dual SIOP, single Channel (ADF calls it "NCR 53C710 SCSI Controller")

CR1 Motorola 414
CR2 Motorola 433
F1 Littefuse 1.5A
J1 Interior 50 pin SCSI
J2 Differential SCSI daughtercard
J3 External HPDB50 SCSI
RP1 Termpack
U1 SRM2264LM -10
U2 Flash BIOS
U9 NCR APGIC 006-2003699
U10 NCR 53C710-1 609-3400563
U16 NCR 0062006151 SBIC3A
Y1 50.00000 MHz osc
Y2 36.00000 MHz osc

J1 and J3 are SCSI Channel A. SCSI Channel B is only available if the daughtercard is attached.

Fast (10MB/s transfer) 32-bit busmaster. Base card is a Single-ended SCSI controller, the optional Differential SCSI daughtercard converts the card to Differential SCSI. (No, I don't have the daughtercard!).Can control up to seven SCSI devices and is streaming capable to a maximum of 30MB/s (that's what the manual says)

Some 53C710 Thoughts from JWR (source)

The NCR 53C710 was the primary SCSI controller used in the early, post-ASP HP 9000s. Integrated in the LASI ASIC as a macrocell, all of the above named workstations used this implementation as the controller for their 8-bit SE SCSI-2 bus.


  • one Fast-Narrow SCSI channel
  • chip support for SE and HVD transfer modes (in the HP 9000s only SE logic is used)
  • synchronous SCSI transfer rate of 10MB/s
  • asynchronous SCSI transfer rate of over 5MB/s
  • 64-Byte DMA FIFO
  • bus master DMA device
  • attaches to host bus interface at either async (bus up to 25MHz) or sync (bus up to 33MHz)
  • sustained host bus bandwidth of up to 42.66MB/s

AdapterId 01BA NCR 53C710 SCSI Controller

SCSI Controller
   Allows you to disable the SCSI controller.  Once the controller is disabled, no SCSI devices connected to this controller can be accessed after the next system boot.
    <"Enabled">, Disabled

Memory Address Range
   Set the Memory Address Range to avoid conflict with adapters which use the Channel ROM area for ROM or RAM.
        <"D0000h-D3FFFh">, D4000h-D7FFFh, D8000h-DBFFFh, DC000h-DFFFFh, C0000h-C3FFFh, C4000h-C7FFFh, C8000h-CBFFFh, CC000h-CFFFFh

Interrupt Level
   Shared interrupts may degrade system performance
      <"14">, 11, 5, 3

Arbitration Level
     The SCSI Adapter supports the direct memory access mode of data transfer.  The lower the Arbitration level, the higher the corresponding priority.
    <"14">, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

  'Enabled', causes the SCSI controller to not compete for the Micro Channel during the next arbitration phase if it is currently in control of the Micro Channel.  This allows adapters to obtain the Micro Channel in the next sequence based on each adapter's assigned priority level.  When 'Disabled', the controller will compete for every arbitration phase and will obtain more than its fair share of Micro Channel usage.  It is recommended to set Fairness to 'Enabled.'
    <"Enabled">, Disabled

I/O Address Range
          <"0800h" (0800-08FF)>, 0C00 (0C00-0CFF), 1000 (1000-10FF), 1400 (1400-14FF), 1800 (1800-18FF), 1C00 (1C00-1CFF), 2000 (2000-20FF), 2400 (2400-24FF), 2800 (2800-28FF), 2C00 (2C00-2CFF), 3000 (3000-30FF), 3400 (3400-34FF), 3800 (3800-38FF), 3C00 (3C00-3CFF), 4000 (4000-40FF), 4400 (4400-44FF), 4800 (4800-48FF), 4C00 (4C00-4CFF), 5000 (5000-50FF)

Channel A Host Logical ID
   Set the Logical ID to avoid conflict when performing I/O with other SCSI devices.  The default is 7.  This may be the same as the 'Channel B Host Logical ID' since channel A and channel B are on separate physical SCSI buses.
    <"7">, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Channel B Host Logical ID
   Set the Logical ID to avoid conflict when performing I/O with other SCSI devices.  The default is 7.  This may be the same as the 'Channel A Host Logical ID' since channel A and channel B are on seperate physical SCSI buses.  This option is only active if there is a Daughter Card attached.
    <"7">, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

Controller Priority
   The controllers on each SCSI Bus will take turns accessing the Micro Channel if this option is set to 'Equal'.  If the 'Channel A' or 'Channel B' controller has priority, that controller will always win when the two controllers compete for the Micro Channel.
    <"Equal">, Channel A, Channel B

ADF Sections for  01BAh (-2) "NCR Dual SIOP SCSI Host Adapter Board"

Host Adapter Board Interrupt Level
   Set the Host Adapter Board Interrupt Level so it will not conflict with other interrupting devices
        <"INT LEVEL 14">, 11, 5, 3

Arbitration Level
   The NCR SCSI Adapter supports the direct memory access (DMA) mode of data transfer.  Each DMA level has a corresponding  priority level; the lower the DMA level, the higher the
corresponding priority. You may select any one of the DMA levels listed. We recommend you select the first level listed, DMA level 3.
      <"DMA Level 3">, 0,1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

On-Board ROM Starting Address
   Set the On-Board ROM Starting Address to avoid conflict with other adapters which use the extended ROM area for ROM or RAM.  The default is D0000h
      <"D0000h-D3FFFh">, D4000-D7FFF, D8000-DBFFF, DC000-DFFFF, C0000-C3FFF, C4000-C7FFF, C8000-CBFFF,  0C8000-0CBFFF, CC000-CFFFF

SCSI Bus 0 Host Logical ID
   Set the Host Adapter Board Logical ID to avoid conflict when performing adapter to adapter I/O.  The default is 7.
      <"7">, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

SCSI Bus 1 Host Logical ID
   Set the Host Adapter Board Logical ID to avoid conflict when performing adapter to adapter I/O.  The default is 7
      <"7">, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0

I/O Address Select
  You may set the NCR SCSI adapter to any one of the I/O Addresses listed.  The first choice is recommended
      <"0800h">, 0C00h, 1000h, 1400h, 1800h, 1C00h, 2000h, 2400h, 2800h, 2C00h, 3000h, 3400h, 3800h, 3C00h, 4000h, 4400h, 4800h, 4C00h, 5000h

SIOP Fairness/Priority
   If 'Fairness' is enabled, the SIOPs on each SCSI Bus will take turns accessing the MicroChannel Bus.  If SIOP 0 or  SIOP 1 have priority, that SIOP will always win the MicroChannel Bus when the two SIOPs compete
      <"Fairness Enabled">, SIOP 0 Priority, SIOP 1 Priority

MicroChannel Fairness
    If 'Fairness' is enabled, the NCR SCSI Adapter will not compete for the channel during the next arbitration phase if it is currently in control of the channel.  This allows other installed adapters to obtain the channel in the next sequence based on each adapter's assigned priority level.  When 'Fairness' is disabled, the adapter will compete for every arbitration phase and will obtain more than
its fair share of channel usage.  We recommend you use 'Fairness  Enabled' for all adapters.
        <"Enable">, Disable

 Streaming Data
   "If the MicroChannel supports Streaming,  this board will have greater transfer rates
        <"Disable">, Enable

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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