OS/2 BusLogic Switches

Specifies verbose mode. This parameter displays the BusLogic ADD driver version number and the SCSI devices that are active on the SCSI bus.

Specifies the adapter number, where n has a value of 0-5.

Disable DASD Manager support. The OS2DASD.DMD will manage any SCSI device that indicates it is a removable or fixed magnetic disk.
   In some cases, a device supplier may provide a specific driver written to either IBM SCSI.SYS or Adaptec ASPI interfaces. SCSI devices may be listed in single digits as SCSI device numbers, or as pairs of numbers indicating a SCSI device number and logical unit number. In these cases, this parameter might be used to disable the OS/2 DASD Manager from claiming the device.

List of unit identifiers with the format t for SCSI target ID or (t,l) for SCSI target ID and SCSI logical unit number.

For example: /!DM:4,3,(2,1)

Disable SCSI Manager support. Prevents OS2SCSI.DMD from reporting that SCSI devices listed are available for allocation to drivers written to IBM SCSI.SYS interfaces. SCSI devices might be listed in single digits as SCSI device numbers, or as pairs of numbers indicating a SCSI device number and logical unit number.

List of unit identifiers with the format t for SCSI target ID or (t,l) for SCSI target ID and SCSI logical unit number.

For example: /!SM,6,4,(2,0)

Enables tag queuing support for all or selected SCSI devices; default is Disabled. Tag queuing is a SCSI-II feature that allows commands to a SCSI device to be overlapped, resulting in enhanced performance. To take advantage of this feature, both the host adapter and the SCSI device must support tagged queuing.

List of unit identifiers with the format t for SCSI target ID or (t,l) for SCSI target ID and SCSI logical unit number.

For example: /TQ,6,4,(2,0)

Bus-on time (microseconds) This parameter controls the maximum amount of time a SCSI adapter may control the system bus. The default value for OS/2 is 7 microseconds. This value can be set between 2 and 15 microseconds.
   If a tape drive and a diskette drive are attached to the same controller, and disk activity appears to interfere with the operation of the tape drive, then setting this parameter to a lower value might help resolve the problem.

Bus-off time (microseconds) This parameter controls the minimum amount of time a SCSI adapter will wait between requests for control of the system bus. The default value for OS/2 is 4 microseconds. This value can be set between 1 and 64 microseconds.
   If a tape drive and a diskette drive are attached to the same controller, and disk activity appears to interfere with the operation of the tape drive, then setting this parameter to a higher value and reducing the /BON value might help resolve the problem.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 12 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact