Options/Configuration v2.43

The following is the contents of the README file on the Options/Configuration v2.43 diskette which includes all .ADF and .CFG files. This diskette is available for download in a self-extracting archive file called confg243.exe.

Version 2.43 Configuration Files -- August 28, 1996
        When using the SDC-3222WB host adapter, it will be necessary to
        copy the BUS4292.OVL file from the Option/Configuration diskette
        to the system EISA configuration diskette or hard drive protected
        partition in order to run the utilities directly from the diskette
        or protected partition.  This .OVL or overlay file is necessary to
        properly identify and configure the host adapter during the
        configuration process.

On this diskette are all of the ".cfg" and ".adf" files needed to configure
our SCSI host adapter boards into EISA, ISA and Micro Channel computers.
Follow your computer configuration procedures.  Each new board needs a
configuration file when it is installed. This diskette supplies those files.

1. The configuration file changes made in this release were:

   A. Added ADP7770.OVL.  This file is required by the !ADP7771.CFG file to
   config the SDC 3222WA and SDC 3222WDA controllers.

2. This diskette contains the Configuration files for all Dot Hill
   Host Adapter Boards.  The file names associated with
   each board are as follows:

    Sorted by Dot Hill Board Model Number:
    SDI MODEL -- DESCRIPTION                                CONFIG FILE NAME
    SDC 1602  -- 16 bit ISA to SCSI bus                         !ISAE601.CFG
    SDC 1602B -- 16 bit ISA to SCSI bus                         !ISAE604.CFG
    SDC 1602F -- 16 bit ISA to FAST SCSI bus                    !ISAE605.CFG
    SDC 1611  -- 16 bit MicroChannel to SCSI bus                @0F1F.ADF
    SDC 1632  -- 16 bit ISA to ESDI disk bus                    !ISAE603.CFG
    SDC 3211B -- 32 bit MicroChannel to SCSI bus                @0708.ADF
    SDC 3211F -- 32 bit MicroChannel to FAST SCSI bus           @0709.ADF
    SDC 3222B -- 32 bit EISA to SCSI bus                        !BUS4281.CFG
    SDC 3222F -- 32 bit EISA to FAST SCSI bus                   !BUS4781.CFG
    SDC 3222W -- 32 bit EISA to wide SCSI bus                   !BUS4291.CFG
    SDC 3222WB -- 32 bit EISA to wide SCSI bus                  !BUS4292.CFG
    SDC 3222WA -- (AHA-2740/42) 32 bit EISA to wide SCSI bus    !ADP7771.CFG
    SDC 3222WDA -- (AHA-2744) 32 bit EISA to diff wide SCSI bus !ADP7771.CFG

 Sorted by FILE NAME:
   !BUS4281         SDC 3222B -- 32 bit EISA / SCSI bus
   !BUS4781         SDC 3222F -- 32 bit EISA / FAST SCSI bus
   !BUS4291         SDC 3222W -- 32 bit EISA / wide SCSI bus
   !BUS4292         SDC 3222WB -- 32 bit EISA / wide SCSI bus
   !ADP7771         SDC 3222WA -- (AHA-2740/42) 32 bit EISA / wide SCSI bus
   !ADP7771         SDC 3222WDA -- (AHA-2744) 32 bit EISA / diff wide SCSI bus
   !ISAE601         SDC 1602  -- 16 bit ISA / SCSI bus
   !ISAE603         SDC 1632  -- 16 bit ISA / ESDI disk bus
   !ISAE604         SDC 1602B -- 16 bit ISA / SCSI bus
   !ISAE605         SDC 1602F -- 16 bit ISA / FAST SCSI bus
   @0708            SDC 3211B -- 32 bit MicroChannel / SCSI bus
   @0709            SDC 3211F -- 32 bit MicroChannel / FAST SCSI bus
   @0F1F            SDC 1611  -- 16 bit MicroChannel / SCSI bus

3. Each host adapter board (see item 4. for MicroChannel boards) has
   three files associated with it. Each file uses the same file name with
   a different file extension.  For example, the files associated with the
   SDC3222W are:

    !BUS4291.cfg -- this file is the one to be used with the user's EISA
     configuration utility.  It contains the factory set defaults for the
     most commonly used board configuration options.

    !BUS4291.std -- when the user receives the configuration diskette, the
     "!BUS4291.std" file is identical to the "!BUS4291.cfg" file. In some
     cases the user may change the"!BUS4291.cfg" file.  For example, SDI
     Technical Support may instruct a user to copy the "!BUS4281.all" file
     to the "!BUS4281.cfg" file.  This may be done to allow access to a
     parameter not normally configured for the board.  For the user to return
     to the factory default configuration options, the user can copy
     "!BUS4218.std" to "!BUS4218.cfg", then run the EISA configuration

    !BUS4281.all -- this file contains all possible board configuration
     options.  The "!BUS4281.cfg" and "!BUS4281.std" files contain the most
     commonly used subset of the board configuration options.  To gain access
     to the full set of board configuration options, the user can copy
     "!BUS4218.all" to "!BUS4218.cfg", then run the EISA configuration

     Note: -- it is recommended that only experienced EISA system users work
              with the full set of configuration options.

4. Each MicroChannel board has three files associated with it.  Each file
   uses the same file name with a different file extension.  For example,
   the three files associated with the SDC3211B are:

    @0708.adf -- this file is the one to be used when the Reference Disk is
    booted and the configuration utility is run.  It contains the factory set
    defaults for the most commonly used board configuration options.

    @0708.std -- when the user receives the configuration diskette, the
    "@0708.std" file is identical to the "@0708.cfg" file.  In some cases the
    user may change the "@0708.cfg" file.  For example, SDI Technical Support
    may instruct a user to copy the "@0708.all" file to the "@0708.cfg" file.
    This may be done to allow access to a parameter not normally configured
    for the board. For the user to return to the factory default configuration
    options, the user can copy "@0708.std" to "@0708.cfg", then boot the
    Reference Disk and run the configuration utility.

    @0708.all -- this file contains all possible board configuration options.
    The "@0708.cfg" and "@0708.std" files contain the most commonly used
    subset of the board configuration options.  To gain access to the full
    set of board configuration options, the user can copy "!BUS4218.all" to
    "!BUS4218.cfg", then boot the Reference Disk and run the configuration

    Note: -- it is recommended that only experienced Microchannel system
             users work with the full set of configuration options.

5. It is recommended that you configure our ISA config file when you add one
   of the Dot Hill ISA boards in an EISA PC.  By doing this, the
   EISA configuration utility will be able to check for a resource conflict
   with the ISA as well as EISA boards in the PC.  The list below is a list
   of Dot Hill ISA boards:

        SDI MODEL -- DESCRIPTION                          CONFIG FILE NAME
        SDC 1602  -- 16 bit ISA bus to SCSI bus            !ISAE601
        SDC 1602B -- 16 bit ISA bus to SCSI bus            !ISAE604
        SDC 1602F -- 16 bit ISA bus to FAST SCSI bus       !ISAE605
        SDC 1632  -- 16 bit ISA bus to ESDI disk bus       !ISAE603

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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