IBM PS/2 (Model 30) - Technical Specifications

IBM Personal System/2 Model 30

General information
Machine type: 8530
Announce date: April 2, 1987

Excerpt from the original announcement letter;

"The IBM 8530, Personal System/2 Model 30 is a new general-purpose computer system which provides enhanced function beyond that established by the IBM PC and PC XT*, especially in display graphics, at lower prices to the customer. This system includes as standard, many newly integrated features such as a graphics adapter and parallel port. It also allows for the attachment of many existing PC option cards for further expansion. The Personal System/2 Model 30 is available in two versions, 8530-002 with two 3.5 inch (720KB) diskette drives, and 8530-021 with a 20 megabyte fixed disk and a single diskette drive. All models have 640KB RAM, standard."

System Characteristics
Microprocessor: Intel 8086 (16 bit)
Clock speed: 8 MHz, zero wait states
Coprocessor: socket for optional i8087 math coprocessor
Type of BUS: 8-bit
Total number of expansion slots: 3
Ports: PS/2 keyboard, PS/2 mouse, serial, parallel, video

Min/Max on system board: 640kb
Type of memory:
RAM: DRAM (MMK) 100-150ns w. parity.
ROM: 40 or 64kb w. MS BASIC-80
Cache: n/a

Physical description
Power supply: 70w with internal sensing, for worldwide usage
Weight: 8 kg (17.5 lbs)
Dimensions (HxWxD): (102 x 406 x 397mm)

Mass storage
Drive bays: 2 3.5" half-height
Floppy Disk
Size: 3.5 inch half-height
Capacity: 720KB
Hard disk
Size: 3.5 inch half-height
Capacity: Optional 20MB 80ms or 30MB 39ms
Access time:
Interface: ST-506 PS/2 model 25/30 connector

Size: Optional 12" (8503) or 19" (8506) mono, 14" (8512) or 16" (8514) colour
Display type: Analog CRT
Graphics modes supported: Integrated MCGA Display adapter

64K multiport RAM for displays
CGA compatible (31.5KHz double scanned)
New modes: (31.5KHz)
- 40 by 25 by 16 colours - text (8 X 16 character box)
- 80 by 25 by 16 colours - text (8 X 16 character box)
- 320 by 200 by 256 colours - all points addressable
- 640 by 480 by 2 colours - all points addressable
Palette of 262,144 colours
- Analog drive to internal display
- 70Hz refresh rate in all but 640 by 480 mode
- 60Hz refresh rate for 640 by 480 mode
- Not compatible with digital displays
- Loadable character font capability (512 characters in text modes)
- Colour summing to 64 gray shades in BIOS for monochrome display

Type: Space Saving Keyboard or 101 key enhanced

Operating system: IBM PC DOS Versions 3.30 and later

Various memory, diskette drive, hard drive, monitor, and keyboard configurations including;
8530-002 - System unit 640kb, two diskette drives, keyboard.
8530-021 - System unit 640kb, one diskette drive, one 20MB fixed disk, keyboard.

Personal System/2 8087 Math Co-Processor (#1501217)
Personal System/2 Speech Adapter (#1501216)
PC Network Adapter II (#1501220)
PC Network Baseband Adapter (#1501221)
IBM 2MB Expanded Memory Adapter (#2685193)
Personal System/2 Display Adapter (#1887744)
General Purpose Interface Bus Cable (#63X4882)
PC Network Baseband Extender (#6134339)
InfoWindow Enhanced Graphics Adapter (#56X2412)
IBM Token-Ring Network PC Adapter Diskette (3.5 inch) (#67X0410)
Personal System/2 5.25 Inch External Diskette Drive Adapter
Personal System/2 Mouse (#6450350)
IBM 3363 Optical Disk Drive (#63X4131, 63X4166)
IBM Proprinter (#87X9787)
Personal System/2 5.25 Inch External Diskette Drive (#4869001)
IBM Quietwriter(R) II Printer (#1318200)
Personal System/2 Data Migration Facility (#1501224)
Plus many more IBM and 3rd party adapter cards...

Document ID:  GJAN-43UQGQ
Last Modified:  2000-04-13
Copyright © 2000 IBM Corporation

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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