@8FEB.ADF IBM MWave WindSurfer
SURFBRD.DGS IBM MWAVE Windsurfer Diagnostics
193-314 IBM Windsurfer MCA Communications Adapter And Windsurfer Enhancements
Support Disks
(source: IBM FTP - dead)
WSWMCA01.ZIP Mwave Windows MCA support disk 1/2
WSWMCA02.ZIP Mwave Windows MCA support disk 2/2
WSWARP01.ZIP Mwave Warp support disk 1
WSWARP02.ZIP Mwave Warp support disk 2
MWAVEVSD.ZIP Mwave sampled sound synth for Warp
Windsurfer MIDI Pac Files
Samples from Prosonous Sounds - Full MIDI samples for OS/2 & Windows (7 diskettes)
OS2SMP01.ZIP MIDI samples disk 1 (OS/2)
WINSMP01.ZIP MIDI samples disk 1 (Windows)
SMPS02.ZIP MIDI samples disk 2 (common)
SMPS03.ZIP MIDI samples disk 3 (common)
SMPS04.ZIP MIDI samples disk 4 (common)
SMPS05.ZIP MIDI samples disk 5 (common)
SMPS06.ZIP MIDI samples disk 6 (common)
Band in a Box
PowerTracks Pro
Sony CDU-31A Uses the 34-pin "New Sony Bus"
(source: Metropoli BBS files)
173A.EXE Complete DOS installation disk for the CDU-31A
SONY31.ZIP OS/2 Drivers Sony CDU-31A, CDU-33A, CDU-7305, CDU-7405
NT 3 Drivers Sony CDU-31A and CDU-33A
CR-526/563 Drivers CR-562/563 (2x speed, tray loading type CD-ROM)
Windsurfer (base image from Robert Watts, part ID by Tim Clarke)

J1 RJ11 socket (phone line?)
J2 RJ11 socket (phone set?)
J4 34-pin Sony CD-ROM header
J5 40-pin IBM CD-ROM header
J6 4-pin CD audio header
J7 3-pin IBM CD audio header
P2 Ultimedia Front Panel ?
P3 6-pin mini-DIN MIDI in/out/thru
S1 twin 1/8" jack sockets (audio in/out)
U1 Crystal CS4216-KL 16-bit Codec
U2-4,10,17 LH52258AK-25 32Kx8 SRAMs
U5 Toshiba TC9164N Analog Switch
U8 TI TMS320M500PQL mWave DSP
U23 TI TLC32046CFN Analog iface
Y1 23.040 MHz osc
Y2 33.8688 MHz osc
J4 34-pin header for Sony CDU-31A CD-ROM
drive with the "New Sony Bus" interface
J5 40-pin header for IBM CD-ROM drive P/N
32G2961 or Panasonic 562/563
P2 16-pin header (3 pins missing) for the
front panel - stereo line in/out, mixed l/r out, mono in, +/- 12 V (supports a
front panel that includes a speaker with volume control, a microphone jack,
and a headphone jack)
External I/O Connections
1/8-inch jack for stereo line in/microphone
1/8-inch jack for stereo line out/headphones (32 ohms or greater)
RJ11 phone jack (telephone line connection)
RJ11 phone jack (telephone set connection)
6-pin, mini-DIN for MIDI in/out/through (via breakout cable).
WindSurfer is a 16-bit DMA bus master adapter which
occupies a 16 or 32-bit Micro Channel bus slot 16 MHz or
faster system, with a 386SX or greater processor.
WindSurfer and Audiovation Adapters Together
They cannot be active at the same
time with current software . Concurrent operation is
planned for a future release of the software.
(Ed. I don't know if AV212
solves this)
Microphone needed for
full-duplex speakerphone feature
Any standard unidirectional electret mic
will do. If you have a dynamic microphone, you may have
to turn off your monitor while using the speakerphone,
due to interference.
CD-ROMs supported
IBM Internal ISA CD-ROM (P/N 70G8501) or
Panasonic CR-562/563 drive, the other is the Sony
CDU-31A. These same drives with OEM labels, and other
Panasonic and Sony drives that use the same ISA
interfaces (not SCSI) should work also, but have not
been tested. (Ed.
Report what CDs
you have used)
Recording .WAV files while
simultaneously playing MIDI files
Yes, assuming both your PC and music
software can handle it.
Audio along with modem
All audio features (except synthesis) can
run concurrently with the modem, even at 14.4Kbps.
WindSurfer MIDI Pac
MIDI breakout cable, an
expanded set of Prosonus sampled sounds, Band-in-a-Box
and PowerTracks music applications.
Developer's toolkit
Available for the WindSurfer/Audiovation
adapters Contact Intermetrics at 617-661-1840 for
DOS/Windows and OS/2 toolkits.
Stereo Output
- Dynamic Range: 16 bits
- Bandwidth: 20 Hz – 20 kHz +/- 1.5 dB
- Output Level: 2.8 V (p-p) (600 ohms load)
- S/N Ratio (S+N0/N: >80dB @ 1 kHz (10 k ohms load))
- Output Impedance: 33 ohms typical
Stereo Input (Microphone Configuration)
- Bandwidth: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
- Input Impedance: 5 k ohms (600 ohms microphone recommended)
Stereo Input (Line-In Configuration)
- Bandwidth: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
- Maximum Input Level: 4 V (p-p) (1.4 V rms)
- Input Impedance: 5 k ohms
Internal CD-ROM Stereo Input
- Bandwidth: 20 Hz – 20 kHz
- Output Level: 5.6 v (p-p) (2 V rms)
- Input Impedance: 5 k ohms
AdapterId 08FEBh IBM MWave WindSurfer
The COMM port can be assigned as COMM 1
through COMM 8, or it can be disabled.
3, IRQ 3>, 4-IRQ3, 4-IRQ4, 5-IRQ3, 5-IRQ4,
6-IRQ3, 6-IRQ4, 7-IRQ3, 7-IRQ4, 8-IRQ3, 8-IRQ4, 2-IRQ3,
1-IRQ4, Disabled
I/O Address Selection
Select the I/O addresses used by the adapter
04F8-04FF>, 0800-081F 08F8-08FF, 0C00-0C1F
0CF8-0CFF, 1000-101F 10F8-10FF, 1400-141F 14F8-14FF,
1800-181F 18F8-18FF, 1C00-1C1F 1CF8-1CFF, 2000-201F
20F8-20FF, 2400-241F 24F8-24FF, 2800-281F 28F8-28FF,
2C00-2C1F 2CF8-2CFF, 3000-301F 30F8-30FF, 3400-341F
34F8-34FF, 3800-381F 38F8-38FF, 3C00-3C1F 3CF8-3CFF,
4000-401F 40F8-40FF, 4400-441F 44F8-44FF, 4800-481F
48F8-48FF, 4C00-4C1F 4CF8-4CFF
DSP Interrupt Selection
The Digital Signal Processor Interrupt
level can be set to either 9 or 15
Level 15 decimal>, Interrupt Level 9 decimal
CD-ROM Drive Address Selection
I/O address selection for CD-ROM
drive - Sony CDU31A or compatible or Panasonic CR-563 or
Disabled >, Sony 300 - 303, Sony 340 - 343,
Sony 360 - 363, IBM 300 - 303, IBM 310 - 31,
IBM 320 - 323
Arbitration Level
Select MicroChannel Arbitration levels.
1>, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E
Fairness Enable/Disable
Enables the MicroChannel Fairness feature
to be enabled or disabled.
<Disabled>, Enabled
MIDI Port Enable / Disable
MIDI may be enabled by the user.