ForceASPI Provides ASPI layer for 98, NT, Me. Many CD burners require this.
DOS & OS/2 Option/Device Driver Diskette
CD-ROM Burning
Guide Rail Dimensions (convert the cheap AT rails!)
External SCSI Devices and POST Errors
MCACDROM (by Brad Parker)
Boot from CDROM?
"Wide" CD-ROM Hangs System or App
DOS Configuration
Modifying W95/98 Install Bootfloppy
OS/2 Configuration
Limits of IBMCDROM
Sound Without a Sound Card?
CD-ROM Audio Connector
External SCSI Devices and POST Errors
Important: Please note that external SCSI devices
connected to a standard IBM SCSI adapter will cause POST errors if
you unplug them or forget to power them up before turning the system unit
For this reason, all non-essential external devices should be set to
"Presence error reporting - Disabled" in the
Set and view
SCSI device configuration menu.
If you want to permanently remove an external device that is no longer
connected to the system, enter the
Set and view
SCSI device configuration menu, find the device in question, and set the
"Not present" option to "Remove".
Brad Parker's automated CD-ROM installation for IBM, Adaptec, FD, Buslogic,
and Trantor controllers.
Supported by DOS 6.0 and higher, including Win 95/98.
mcacdrom.dsk (not the same contents)
MCACDROM Readme.txt

Term - If the CD
is the last device, jumper this to provide termination
Test - Open for
normal use. Open ID1,2,4 and Parity to operate as
CD-Audio player mode.
PRV / ALW - Prevent /
Allow- Open, Ejects, jumpered, will not eject
For MultiMedia operation set this drive to
SCSI-ID 3 for all other select a low priority ID as 4,
3, 2, 1 or 0 and use high priority IDs for fixed-media
(for Hard disk use IDs 6, 5 ...)
Termpacks for CD-ROM II
This bad boy uses two F221/331J 305 11-pin resistors.
46xx series spec sheets Bourns 4611X-104-221/331

Personal Preferences For 85s/95s
I use the top 5.25 inch bay if my cabling
allows. This keeps the cable from being jammed up
against the grilles on the power supply. If you run
another SCSI adapter for the CD, you can run a single
drop cable to the CD. Better yet if the CD has
termination on it- either termpacks or internal
termination. This is sweet, because such a setup keeps
the SCSI cable from being guillotined while swinging in
the power supply. (No in-line terminator hanging off the
If you have a CD on a 68- to 50-pin
adapter, you have to be careful like when using the
in-line terminator. For CDs on a SCSI cable, I'd rather
have it between the adapter and the boot drive. That way
you can pull it without bothering the termination
Boot from CD-ROM
Many have tried. They all failed. I have
tried with my NT 4 CD on my 95A off of a FW. Setup, Start
Sequence claims there is no bootable media on the CD.
From Bob Eager:
I don't think it ever worked except
probably with internal IBM CDs. The 'standard' for this
wasn't really set when that machine came out. Even now,
there's a lot of BIOS incompatibility around.
So much spoofing is required in the BIOS that I
doubt it can be made to work. Shame...
SCSI-2 (HPDB68 port) CD-ROM Locks up System
I installed a Plextor PX-20TSi in my 9595 on
a wide cable, with the active terminator at the end of the
cable. It was the only device on the interior port of the
corvette, yet it hung the system when I accessed it a few
Cure? Set the Wide Messages" on the internal
bus to "Disabled". This sucks when you want to run
another fast device on that port as well.
Installing IBMCDROM.SYS (from Peter)
Assumed, you installed an IBM SCSI-Adapter or used the one in
your machine (card or onboard) to connect a SCSI CD-ROM drive to it.
The adapter is recognized in the setup and so is the CD-ROM drive.
But you cannot access it. What's wrong?
Do the following:
- get the SCSI CD-ROM Driver Disk SCSICDRM.EXE
- extract it to a 720K / 3.5" disk
- run the UINSTALL-program from the disk to install the device-driver
- use a Text-Editor to add /i in your CONFIG.SYS at the end of
the line with the IBMCDROM.SYS
- If you have a CD-ROM (like some NEC) and it refuses to work even after
adding the /i try to add a /P:2 as well to enable the read seek command on
this unit too. (Thanks White Box!)
- restart the system
This little /i will convince the IBMCDROM.SYS to accept all CD-ROM drives,
which do not have the !x-sign in their device descriptor and therefore are
recognized as Non-IBM devices. Works fine with NEC, Toshiba, Panasonic, Sony etc.
BTW.: It pays to read the README-file on the SCSICDRM-disk... Pretty easy, right?
Editor's Note: I have had to use
the /i switch to get an IBM CD-ROM (first model) to be recognized. But
the rebadged Toshiba XM3101BME works under DOS 6.22 and WfW 3.11. Also,
a no-brainer is the /D:drivername must be the same
in CONFIG.SYS as well as the AUTOEXEC.BAT or you will spend 30 minutes
or more looking for a hardware problem that isn't...
DOS Configuration Examples
Sample CD-ROM DOS Configuration (one Drive)
drive:\path\MSCDEX /D:IBMCD001 /M:10
Device=drive:\path\IBMCDROM.SYS /D:IBMCD001 /i
Sample CD-ROM DOS Configuration (two Drives)
drive:\path\MSCDEX /D:IBMCD001 /D:IBMCD002 /M:10
Device=drive:\path\IBMCDROM.SYS /D:IBMCD001 /i
Device=drive:\path\IBMCDROM.SYS /D:IBMCD002 /i
Parameters that effect the DOS - MSCDEX.EXE operation:
Indicates the device driver name. This parameter
indicates to MSCDEX.EXE the name to use to locate the
device driver. This name must be the same device-driver
name given for the DEVICE entry in CONFIG.SYS and the
same as that used in the MSCDEX parameter in your
Determines what drive letter MSCDEX.EXE uses as the
first letter when assigning the CD-ROM-II drive letter.
Instead of starting at the first free drive letter
MSCDEX.EXE starts at the drive letter specified by this
Tells MSCDEX.EXE how much memory to allocate for caching
information on the CD-ROM-II. The default value reserves
20KB for sector caching for each drive.
Provides memory-use statistics such as how much memory
the buffers, resident data, and resident code use.
Enables MSCDEX.EXE to use expanded memory for caching
information on the CD-ROM-II.
/S Tells
MSCDEX.EXE to allow an SCSI CD-ROM drive, installed in a
network server, to be shared on an IBM PC Local Area
Network (LAN).
W95/W98 Install Boot Floppy Hack
Very simple. You need to put IBMCDROM.SYS and
ASPI4B.SYS on the install floppy. Add the blue text to the
appropriate files. This assumes that you have one CD-ROM
drive as D: and one hard drive as C:
I advise you to put W95's EDIT onto your
boot floppy. When you sit there with "Cannot continue,
returning to DOS" you will understand why.
My personal preference when infecting a PS/2 with
95 is to put the entire Win95 directory on the hard drive.
Then if you somehow mess up the SCSI adapter settings
under Device Mangler, you can still get to the CAB files
and reinstall things.
Important to use IBMCDxxx! The driver in CONFIG.SYS sets this! If the
AUTOEXEC.BAT uses another name or drive number, it won't work.
a:\mscdex /D:IBMCD000 /M:10
menuitem=MCA,Windows95 installation for Microchannel CD_ROM
Cannot Continue Error
Almost every time that setup dumps you back
into DOS (not that you ever left, IMHO) is that the
MSCDEX setting in the AUTOEXEC.BAT does not match the
CONFIG.SYS line. If you were smart and put EDIT onto the
floppy (like I told you) you can open both files and
compare the IBMCDROM.SYS line and the MSCDEX lines. It's
amazing that a good college education is not enough to
make up for typing errors...
OS/2 Configuration Example
Sample CD-ROM OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file (one Drive):
DEVICE=drive:\path\SCSI.SYS /N:4
Sample CD-ROM OS/2 CONFIG.SYS file (two Drives):
DEVICE=drive:\path\SCSI.SYS /N:5
Parameters that effect the OS/2 - CD-ROM operation:
/N: Specifies the number of CD-ROM-II
drives in the system.
/Q: Specifies quiet mode for CDFS.IFS.
Inhibits messages during startup/installation.
Limits of IBM CD-ROM Drivers
What if IBM CD-ROM drivers do not work?
Peter replies with:
Err, the ASPI4B driver was *intended* to
be used with the ASPICD.SYS ! It simulates the
ASPI-layer, which is present on "ordinary" Adaptecs
after loading the ASPI4DOS.SYS (on 154x / 164x cards)
and the ASPICD-driver is the physical device layer to
which MSCDEX later assigns a drive letter to. The
IBMCDROM.SYS is worthless in this case - it was intended
as a stand-alone device driver *without* any
ASPI-compliant manager layer between the hardware
(CD-drive) and the software (MSCDEX).
Experience showed, that the combination of ASPI4B +
ASPICD often enables "non-working" drives ... but is not
necessary on more modern drives. I use a flea-circus of
various CD-drives (few are "manufactured for IBM") and
use them for Win95-installation for example. And I only
have the IBMCDROM.SYS with the additional parameters in
the CONFIG.SYS (plus the MSCDEX in the AUTOEXEC of
course) - and have no problems.
(Ed. My XM3101BME has IBM
stickers and Part #s all over it. Hated IBMCDROM.SYS.
CDR101 results. Used the Aspi4b driver. It works now.
Funny, as it had been working well with the IBM driver
in another machine...)
May well be that it does not work with some older
releases of the XM3101 - but the first series IBM CD-ROM
II were XM3101 as well ... guess my 77i is currently
working with one ... must check.
ASPI4B.SYS vs. ASPIIBM.SYS (from Peter)
As the documents ASPI4B.TXT and ASPIIBM.TXT already explain:
ASPI4B.SYS is a Tool from
Adaptec for IBM to transfer "a sort of" ASPI-Manager
functionality to the "Spock-like" IBM MCA SCSI Adapter
along with the functions of the INT4Bh interface that
these adapters normally use.
ASPIIBM.SYS is from Corel
SCSI ... and does the same with a lot more
Both were originally designed to enable
for example SCSI scanners to work with the IBM adapters
and using most of the ASPI-based software. My "normal
condition" with the Non-IBM CD-ROM drives at the times
before the revised IBMCDROM.SYS appeared (and before
Win95 made the whole thing a bad joke) was running a
CONFIG.SYS contained the two lines:
ASPIIBM.SYS is the Aspi manager layer,
ASPICD.SYS is the physical interface device driver using
the Aspi command set, MSCDEX is the operation system
device driver that routes a drive letter to the device
named after /D ...
The ASPIIBM.SYS however shows tendencies
to dump Win95 systems into 16-bit mode IIRC - but I
found that out at a time where I did not use it anymore.
But it is the better driver for e.g. a straight DOS
environment / Win 3.x and using scanners, tapes and
CD-ROM drives.
Sound Without a Sound Card
> Can I attach an audio plug to the CD Line out connector and run it to an
From Peter:
Sure can - no problem. Did that with my first
CD-ROM drive when I had no soundcard in my old IBM AT back
in 1987 or so. The connector has L-G-R (or L-G-G-R or
whatever) and is straight analog audio output. The one at
the front (if present) is for low-impedance headphones
(200 - 1000 Ohms). The rear port is for hi-impedance
> Question is, is the audio there when used in
music mode as well as in the program decode
The audio signal is only present, when
there is an audio-CD running in the drive. The "audio"
derived from data CDs (e.g. WAV or such) needs a
soundcard to convert the digital data packets back to
analog signals.
CD-ROM Audio Connector