@6405.ADF Sigma Data IDE Adapter
qed68.zip Driver diskette that shipped with the QED/68-XXXX
All hail William Walsh for pulling this adapter out of obscurity!
Sigma Data QED/68 IDE Adapter

I'm not bothering with the component IDs on this- they're all PALs or simple
logic chips.
I'll guess that this is a REAL simple-dimple IDE controller with a burnt-in
drive table (like the one on the IBM MCA IDE adapter)
Went through the add a bit- it has LBA in it. I'll have to install this card
and an IDE drive to see fer sure...
AdapterID 06405h IDE Controller for Model 60 & 80
Controller IO Address
Selects the IO address space of the adapter.
< IO Base 001f0 -
001ff>, 041f0 - 041ff, 081f0 - 081ff, 0c1f0 - 0c1ff
Interrupt Level
Selects the Interrupt Level for the adapter
<Interrupt 14>,
15, 10, 11