MCA - Streaming Transfer Procedure

Streaming Data Transfer

The streaming data procedure provides performance improvements over basic transfer procedures for block transfers, and supports data-transfer rates of up to 80MB per second. It provides for the transfer of a data block by using a single address followed by multiple 16-, 32-, or 64-bit data transfers within a single streaming data cycle. The data transfers are clock-synchronous and incorporate automatic speed matching between the controlling master and slave.

The streaming data procedure can be used for high speed data transfer between a controlling master and the selected slave. The streaming data procedure is transparent to devices that are not selected. Streaming data participants must support the basic transfer procedure to operate with nonstreaming-data participants. Special rules apply to streaming data devices to ensure compatibility with nonstreaming-data participants. These include:

  • A streaming-data-enable bit must be supported in the adapter POS space.

    Note: Streaming data participants must support a fully-functional operation with nonstreaming-data participants, independent of the state of the Streaming Data Enable field.

  • After CHRESET, the default state of the streaming-data-enable bit is disabled.

  • Both 16- and 32-bit streaming data transfers must start on four-byte address boundaries.

  • A 64-bit streaming data transfer must be aligned on an eight-byte address boundary.

Data is validated by using CD CHRDY to indicate ready or not ready, so that the slave has the ability to pace the data transfer for 16- or 32-bit transfers. Either the master or slave can terminate the cycle at any time.

Implementing and using streaming data transfer is optional to masters.
Implementing and indicating streaming data transfer capabilities is optional to slaves.

Streaming Data Procedure (16- or 32-Bit)

A 16- or 32-bit streaming data transfer cycle is initiated as either a 16- or 32-bit
basic data transfer cycle, and all rules associated with those procedures apply. The
following is an example of a 16- or 32-bit streaming data write cycle. The signals
appear in the following sequence:

  1. The master drives the address bus, MADE 24, M/-10, -APAREN, and APAR(0-3) valid
    to begin the cycle.

  2. In response to an unlatched decode of address, MADE 24, and M/-IO, the selected
    slave returns:

    • -CD SFDBK
    • -CD DS 16 (if the addressed data port is capable of 16-bit operations)
    • -CD DS 16 and -CD DS 32 (if the addressed data port is capable of 32-bit operations)

  3. The master drives -S0 active (-S1 inactive).

  4. In response to an unlatched decode of address, MADE 24, M/-IO, and status, the
    selected slave drives CD CHRDY inactive, if the cycle is to be extended.

  5. A 32-bit master (or the central translator logic for a 16-bit master in a 32-bit system) drives the byte enable signals. -BE(0-3) is driven to binary 0011 by the central translator logic, or -BE(0-3) is driven to binary 0000 by a 32-bit master.

    Note: Because 32-bit operations are aligned on four-byte boundaries, A0, A1, and -SBHE equal a binary 000.

  6. The master drives -ADL valid. A slave can latch decodes of address, status, and
    M/-IO at the leading or trailing edge of -ADL.

  7. The slave drives -SDR(0,1) active.

    Note: When the slave does not drive -SDR(0,1) active (indicating that it is defaulting to basic transfer procedures), the controlling master will drive -S(0,1) inactive after the hold time specified by timing parameter T7 and T10 (see Figure 1-24 on page 1-34).

  8. The master drives the write data onto the bus and, if supported, drives -DPAREN active and DPAR(0-3) valid.

  9. The master drives -CMD active and -ADL inactive. A slave must latch the decodes of address, status, and M/-IO with the leading edge of -CMD if they were not latched with -ADL.

  10. If CD CHRDY has been driven inactive, the cycle is extended until CD CHRDY is driven active. CD CHRDY must not be held inactive longer than specified.

  11. The controlling master indicates the ability to perform streaming data by starting -SD STROBE.

    Note: If CHRDYRTN is active, -SD STROBE can be activated concurrently with -CMD. -SD STROBE is used by both the controlling master and slave to transfer data, with data being clocked on and off the bus on the falling clock edge and clocked off the bus on the next falling clock edge. The operation proceeds with new data being placed on the bus every time -SD STROBE makes a high-to-low transition.

  12. The master drives status inactive.

  13. The slave drives -SDR(0,1) inactive.

  14. The address bus can change in preparation for the next cycle.

  15. In response to an address change, the slave updates the state of:

    • -CD SFDBK
    • -CD DS 16
    • -CD DS 32.

  16. The status signals and M/-IO can become valid in preparation for the next cycle.

  17. The master stops driving -SD STROBE.

  18. On the last transfer, the controlling master drives -CMD inactive, and the selected slave gates the data off the bus. The transfer cycle is complete.

Streaming Data Procedure (64-Bit)

A 64-bit streaming data transfer cycle is initiated as a 32-bit basic transfer cycle, and all the rules associated with this procedure apply. The following is an example of a 64-bit streaming data write cycle. The signals appear in the following sequence:

  1. The master drives the address bus, MADE24, M/-IO, -APAREN, and APAR(0-3) valid to begin the cycle.

  2. In response to an unlatched decode of address, MADE24, and M/-10, the selected slave returns:

    • -CD SFDBK
    • -CD DS 16
    • -CD DS 32

  3. The master drives -S0 active (-S1 inactive).

  4. In response to an unlatched decode of address, MADE24, M/-IO, and status, the selected slave drives CD CHRDY inactive, if the cycle is to be extended.

  5. A 32-bit master drives -BE(0-3) to binary 0000 (64-bit streaming data transfers are not performed by 16-bit masters).

    Note: Because 64-bit operations are aligned on an eight-byte boundary, A0, A1, and -SBHE equal binary 000.

  6. The master drives -ADL active. A slave can latch decodes of address, status, and M/-IO at the leading or trailing edge of -ADL.

  7. The slave drives -SDR(0,1) to indicate its transfer speed capability and drives -MSDR active to indicate 64-bit capability.

    Note: When the slave does not drive -SDR(0,1), and -MSDR active (indicating that it is defaulting to a basic transfer procedure), the controlling master drives -S(0,1) inactive after the hold time specified by timing parameters T7 and T10, and prior to driving -CMD active. (See Figure 1-24 on page 1-34.)

  8. The master drives the write data onto the data bus and, if supported, drives -DPAREN active and DPAR(0-3) valid.

  9. The master drives -CMD active and -ADL inactive. A slave must latch the decodes of address, status, and M/-IO with the leading edge of -CMD if they were not latched with -ADL.

  10. If CD CHRDY has been driven inactive, the cycle is extended until CD CHRDY is driven active. CD CHRDY must not be held inactive longer than specified.

  11. The controlling master indicates the ability to perform streaming data transfers by activating -SD STROBE. The 64-bit streaming data transfer capability is indicated by driving -BE(0-3) inactive, driving the four most significant bytes of the eight byte transfer on the address bus, and, if -DPAREN is active, driving APAR(0-3) valid. -APAREN is driven inactive.

    Note: -SD STROBE is used by both the controlling master and the slave to transfer data; data is clocked on and off the address bus and the data bus on the falling clock edge and clocked off the address bus and the data bus on the next falling clock edge. The operation proceeds with the new data being placed on the address bus and the data bus each time -SD
    STROBE makes a high-to-low transition.

  12. Both the address bus and data bus are used for transferring data for the remainder of the cycle.

  13. The status signals are driven inactive on the last high to low transition of -SD STROBE. The slave drives -SDR(0,1) inactive.

  14. In response to data on the address bus, other slaves can drive -CD SFDBK, -CD DS 16, -CD DS 32, and CD CHRDY valid during the data transfer. The master should not monitor the state of these signals during the data transfer.

  15. On the last transfer, the controlling master drives -CMD inactive and the slave gates the data off the address bus and the data bus. The cycle is complete.

Streaming Data Transfer Rates

The amount of data transferred per -SD STROBE period is constant during streaming data transfer. The number of bytes transferred in one transfer cycle are listed below.

Figure 1-33. Streaming Data Transfer Rates

Note: When a slave requests a streaming data transfer, it must be prepared to support a minimum of two transfers. When a master initiates a streaming data transfer, it must be prepared to support a minimum of one transfer.

Address Bus Management: During streaming data transfers, the address on the address bus is neither incremented nor decremented. The controlling master and the slave must provide memory-address-space address management and I/O-address-space address management as follows:

  • Memory address space addresses

    The controlling master must keep a count of the number of bytes transferred, so that if early termination of the block transfer occurs, the master can assert the correct address (original address plus the number of bytes transferred) at the start of the next data transfer procedure. The slave must manage the address, to ensure that the data being clocked off the bus is gated into the correct memory addresses.

  • I/O address space addresses

    If early termination of the block transfer occurs, the master must present the same (original) address on the address bus, when restarting the streaming data procedure.

    The slave must accommodate the streaming data transfer to the same I/O address.

During 64-bit streaming data transfers (after the address is removed from the address bus), the controlling master must ignore CHRDYRTN, -DS 16 RTN, -DS 32 RTN, and -SFDBKRTN. Slaves (except the selected slave) are decoding the address bus and responding as if selected.

Address Boundary Alignment: If the starting address is not a four-byte address boundary and a 16- or 32-bit streaming data procedure is going to be used, then the basic transfer procedure must be used to transfer data until the address has the correct boundary alignment. The controlling master must execute the basic transfer procedure to obtain address boundary alignment.

A slave can indicate streaming data capability, by driving -SDR(0,1) active, without checking address boundary alignment. Then the controlling master and the slave can use the streaming data procedure. The basic transfer procedure might also be required to complete the data transfer, even if the initial data address was a four-byte address boundary.

If the starting address is not on an eight-byte address boundary and a 64-bit streaming transfer procedure is going to be used basic transfer cycles are used to transfer data until the address has a correct boundary alignment. The basic transfer procedure might also be needed to complete the data transfer, even if the initial data address was a eight-byte address boundary.

The following is an example of a basic transfer procedure occurring before and after a 16- or 32-bit streaming data procedure. The controlling master should drive -BURST active to indicate that one or more consecutive data transfer cycles will occur. Figure 1-34 shows the data block to be transferred.

Figure 1-34. Data Block Example

In the above example, the data transfer procedures used to achieve address boundary alignment between a controlling master and the selected slave are:

  • Byte 1 (B1) is transferred using a basic transfer procedure.

  • Bytes 2 (B2) and 3 (B3) are transferred using a basic transfer procedure.

The data address is now on a 32-bit boundary.

  • Bytes B4 through B(n-1) are transferred using the streaming data procedure. Each period of -SD STROBE transfers two or four bytes of data. The streaming data procedure continues until all data, except byte Bn, is transferred.

  • The streaming data procedure is terminated.

  • Byte Bn, the last byte is transferred using a basic transfer procedure.

  • The session between the controlling master and the slave is terminated.

Streaming Data Cycles

A master can perform streaming data transfers at 10 MHz when -SDR(0,1) is a binary 00, 01, or 10, and can perform the transfer at less than the requested width. -SDR(l) is reserved and slaves should not activate it. The valid streaming data signal combinations from the selected slave are shown in the following table.

Figure 1-35. Streaming Data Signal Combinations

Both 16- and 32-bit masters can use streaming data procedures with either 16- or 32-bit slaves. However, because the central translator logic does not perform data steering during a streaming data transfer, a 32-bit slave must perform the steering when streaming with a 16-bit master. (The 32-bit master does the steering for all data transfers with slaves having a smaller data port.)

"Streaming Data Procedure (16- or 32-Bit)" on page 1-44 and "Streaming Data Procedure (64-Bit)" on page 1-46 contain the general signal sequence overview.

The following describes how:

  • Masters and slaves select streaming data or basic transfer procedures, and the number of bits in each transfer.

  • Deferred cycles are performed.

  • Data is paced during streaming data procedures.

  • Streaming data can be terminated by either the master or the slave.

Figure 1-36. 16- and 32-Bit Streaming Data Cycle Overview

64-Bit Streaming Data Cycles

The 64-bit streaming data transfer can only be used between 64-bit streaming masters and 64-bit streaming slaves. An example of a 64-bit cycle is shown in Figure 1-37 on page 1-51. The 64-bit streaming transfer is similar to the streaming data transfer shown in Figure 1-36, but uses both the data bus and the address bus to achieve the 64-bit data transfer width.

Figure 1-37. 64-Bit Streaming Data Cycle Overview

The 64-bit cycle begins as a 32-bit basic transfer cycle. The selected slave responds by driving -CD DS 16, -CD DS 32, -SDR(0,1) and -MSDR valid to indicate that it supports 64-bit streaming operations. -BE(0-3) are driven inactive by the master to indicate a 64-bit streaming-data procedure will be used. During a transfer to the slave, the master starts -SD STROBE and gates the data onto the data and address buses. During a transfer to the master, the master tri-states the address bus after driving -CMD active, and, after the trailing edge of -BE(0-3), the slave gates the data onto the data and address buses. (The least significant byte is D(0-7) and the most significant byte is A(24-31).)

The 64-bit streaming transfer then proceeds like a 32-bit streaming data transfer.

If -DPAREN has been driven active, the parity bits for data bytes zero through three are contained in DPAR(0-3), the parity bits for data bytes four through seven are contained in APAR(0-3).

Deferred start of the 64-bit streaming transfer is supported, but data pacing is not
available during 64-bit data streaming transfers.

Starting the Cycle: Streaming masters can drive -SD STROBE active at the same time as -CMD to minimize the overhead in starting the streaming data cycle. The T70 time plus propagation delay for the signals to and from the slave can delay the sample point of -SDR(0,1) and -MSDR until after -CMD and -SD STROBE have been activated. Therefore, if a slave indicates it is capable of performing a streaming data transfer, the master must perform at least one streaming data transfer. Requiring one streaming data transfer prevents the slave from confusing a 32-bit basic transfer with a 64-bit streaming data transfer.

Deferring the Start of the Cycle: During a streaming data transfer, the slave may need more time at the start of the cycle to prepare for the transfer. The slave can defer the start of the transfer by driving CD CHRDY inactive. The controlling master delays the start of -SD STROBE until after CHRDYRTN goes active.

If -SDR(0,1) is not active within the time specified (T70A), the controlling master continues the cycle using basic transfer procedures. All specifications for the basic transfer procedure apply.

If -SDR(0,1) is active, after CHRDYRTN becomes active, the streaming data procedure
can be invoked as shown in Figure 1-38.

Figure 1-38. Streaming Data Deferred Start Overview

Pacing the Data: After a 16- or 32-bit streaming data cycle is started, CD CHRDY and CHRDYRTN pace the data transfer, allowing slaves to introduce momentary pauses in the data transfer. CD CHRDY is clocked simultaneously with data and makes state transitions following the high-to-low transition of -SD STROBE On each falling edge, the controlling master must inspect the state of CHRDYRTN. When CHRDYRTN is inactive during a read operation, it indicates that the slave did not have valid data in this clock period and that the transfer must be repeated. When CHRDYRTN is inactive during a write operation, it indicates the slave did not accept the data and that the transfer must be repeated.

Note: Data pacing by the slave is not supported during 64-bit streaming data cycles.

An example of data pacing using CD CHRDY is shown in Figure 1-39. The example shows two idle (CD CHRDY inactive) clock periods, one in the middle of the data transfer, and one at the end. If the slave has driven CD CHRDY inactive, it must not deactivate -SDR(0,1).

When -MSDR is active, the slave cannot pace the transfer. The slave can use CD CHRDY only to delay the initiation of 64-bit transfers. Slaves that cannot meet the timing specifications for the 64-bit transfer must terminate the streaming data cycle. After -SD STROBE is being driven, the master ignores CHRDYRTN.

In this example, as the controlling source of CD CHRDY, the slave internally clocks its bus interface registers with the inversion of -SD STROBE. At the end of the cycle, the bus interface registers are clocked when -CMD goes high. The internal interface clock of the controlling master is conditional on CHRDYRTN being active.

Figure 1-39. CD CHRDY and Data Pacing

To perform data transfer pacing, streaming masters can introduce momentary pauses in the data transfer by extending-SD STROBE. Data is transferred on the falling edge of -SD STROBE. The strobe period can be extended at either the high or low level, or both. This is done asynchronously to the edges of -SD STROBE.

Whenever the slave is not-ready (CD CHRDY inactive), the master must continue to pulse -SD STROBE. The actual data transfer will occur on the falling edge of -SD STROBE once the slave becomes ready by driving CD CHRDY active.

Terminating the Cycle: Either the controlling master or the slave can terminate the streaming data procedure. If -PREEMPT has become active, the controlling master terminates the streaming data procedure within 7.8 microseconds and releases the channel at EOT. If the fairness feature is active, the preempted master enters the inactive state. See "Fairness Feature and the Inactive State" on page 1-26 for more information.

Figure 1-40 shows streaming data cycle termination by the controlling master.
Figure 1-41 on page 1-55 shows streaming data cycle termination by the controlling master when the slave is not ready. Figure 1-42 on page 1-55 shows streaming data cycle termination by a streaming slave.

Figure 1-40. Master-Terminated Streaming Data Cycle

Figure 1-41. Master-Terminated Streaming Data Cycle (Slave Not Ready)

Figure 1-42 shows how a streaming data cycle can be terminated by a slave. However, if the master has not transferred all of its data, the master can immediately initiate an additional data transfer procedure.

Figure 1-42. Slave-Terminated Streaming Data Cycle

The slave can terminate a streaming data cycle by driving -SDR(0,1) inactive following
the last desired high-to-low transition of the -SD STROBE. The slave must not drive -SDR(0,1) inactive while CD CHRDY is inactive. The controlling master stops -SD STROBE and deactivates -S0, -S1 and -CMD at the point where the next -SD STROBE would have been.

A slave that does not drive CD CHRDY inactive (in response to slave selection) must not drive -SDR(0,1) or -MSDR inactive with the intention of executing a slave-terminated single-cycle operation. This ensures that the master has adequate time to sample the state of -SDR(0,1) before it is deactivated. The slave must be able to execute two or more data transfers with the master. The slave can sample TR32 to determine if two or four bytes will be transferred with each -SD STROBE. A master can perform a single streaming-data cycle operation. A master that performs a single streaming-data cycle must make sure that it meets the basic timing requirements (T10) as well as all master-terminated streaming-data requirements, including T71A.

When -CMD is driven inactive, the slave tri-states -SDR(0,l), -MSDR and, if performing a read operation, the data bus. The termination sequence results in restoring the streaming data signals to their inactive state prior to their being tri-stated, eliminating uncertainties about the state of these signals in succeeding channel cycles.

Streaming Data Timing

Figure 1-43. Streaming Data Cycle

Figure 1-44. Streaming Data Cycle - Deferred Start

Note: CD CHRDY is not supported during 64-bit streaming data transfers after the address has been removed.

Figure 1-45. Streaming Data Transfer Timing Specifications


  1. Streaming masters can increase T71A and T80 by the amount that the -SD STROBE clock period exceeds T74 minimum.

  2. For streaming data cycles that default to the basic transfer cycles, the rules for deactivation of -S0, -S1 apply, as specified by the basic transfer procedure.

  3. -SD STROBE can be driven active concurrently or after -CMD active, and can become active just before -CMD active due to driver skew and loading.

  4. -S0, -S1 are deactivated concurrently with the negative transition of -SD STROBE. Normal skew from circuits and net loading can result in -S0, -S1 being deactivated prior to the negative transition of -SD STROBE in order to meet the T71A timing requirement.

  5. This timing applies only to the 64-bit streaming data transfer.

  6. The master must signal termination of the streaming data transfer within 7.8 microseconds from -CMD active. However, if -PREEMPT goes active, the master can continue to hold the channel for 7.8 microseconds from-PREEMPT.

  7. A valid address decode must be completed before driving these signals.

Figure 1-46. Streaming Data Clocking (16- and 32-Bit)

Figure 1-47. Streaming Data Transfer Timing Specifications (16- and 32-Bit)


  1. Streaming masters can increase T76 by the amount that the -SD STROBE clock period exceeds T74 minimum.

  2. To perform data transfer pacing, streaming masters can introduce momentary pauses in the data transfer by extending the active or inactive levels of the streaming data strobe.

  3. Send Data refers to write data at the connector for the master and read data at the connector for the slave. Receive Data refers to read data at the connector for the master and write data at the connector for the slave.

  4. The value of (T74 minus T76 minus T78) represents system timing margins to accommodate bus skew, propagation delays, and other signal transmission delays.

Figure 1-48. Streaming Data Clocking (64-Bit)

Figure 1-49. Streaming Data Transfer Timing Specifications (64-Bit)


  1. This timing applies only to a master during a read operation.

  2. This timing applies only to a slave during a read operation.

  3. During write operations, the master must meet the setup and hold times for the 16- and 32-bit streaming data transfer.

  4. Streaming masters can increase T84 by the amount that the -SD STROBE clock period exceeds T74 minimum.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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