PCI/Micro Channel White Paper

PCI (and ISA) for Desktop Systems
PCI (and Micro Channel) for Server Systems
Differences Between PCI and Micro Channel at the Card Connector
Similar Features Supported by PCI and MicroChannel
PCI Strengths
Micro Channel Strengths

Copyright © International Business Machines Corporation 1995.

First edition (April 1995)

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PCI/Micro Channel White Paper

A group of companies led by Compaq, Digital, Intel, IBM and NCR developed the PCI Local Bus. The goal was to provide a common system board bus that could be used in personal computers from laptops to servers. It was envisioned as a local system board bus that would serve as a common design point, supporting different system processors as the various processors evolved over time. This is much like operating systems, which have defined Application Program Interfaces (APIs) so that applications need not change with each generation of the operating system. The PCI Local Bus would serve as a common hardware interface that would not change with different versions of microprocessors.

The group defined PCI to support the high-performance basic system I/O devices such as a graphics adapter, hardfile controller, and/or LAN adapter. In the original definition these would be mounted on the planar, and communicate through the PCI bus. Current I/O buses (ISA, EISA, and Micro Channel) would be used to attach pluggable features to configure the system for the desired use. The first release of the PCI specification was made available in June of 1992.

The PCI Special Interest Group (SIG) soon realized that the PCI bus needed the capability of supporting connectors. For example, display controller evolution doesn't necessarily match planar development, so providing for an upgrade of the display controller became a requirement. The next release of the PCI specification (revision 2.0 in April of 1993) included upgrade capability through expansion connectors. The expansion board design, drawing heavily on Micro Channel technology, was a size that would be least disruptive to the physical package of systems containing ISA, EISA, or Micro Channel I/O boards.

The PCI Bus operates on 32 or 64 bits of data at a clock speed of 33 MHz. This yields a local bus performance of 132MB per second for 4-byte transfers and 264MB per second for 8-byte transfers.

The PCI bus has been widely accepted in the PC industry in the three years since its first release. There are now over 300 companies in the PCI SIG that produce over 300 products as either direct connections or expansion cards for the PCI bus.

In contrast, IBM developed the Micro Channel in the mid 80's as a technology revolution from the ISA bus. Limited performance, lack of bus-master capability, rows of jumpers and switches for setup, and poor electrical characteristics all made an alternative to the ISA bus necessary. IBM announced the Personal System/2 machines using Micro Channel technology in April of 1987. The first release of Micro Channel technology supported basic 8-, 16-, and 32-bit data transfers operating at 10 MHz . This yielded a 20MB-per-second throughput for 4-byte transfers. In addition, the data transfers could be initiated by the system processor or by bus-master I/O devices that offload work from the system processor. IBM added data streaming to the Micro Channel architecture when higher data rates were required. With performance of up to 80MB per second, Micro Channel technology is more than just a viable alternative to ISA. There are instances where it is the only alternative capable of doing the job.

PCI (and ISA) for Desktop Systems

With the wide acceptance of the PCI bus, we anticipate that the majority of PCI desktop systems shipped in 1995 will use PCI as their local bus and ISA or MC as the I/O expansion bus. A typical desktop system can benefit from a PCI local bus, particularly when compared to an ISA system. PCI offers improved display performance by completing a 4-byte write in two bus clocks (when the bus is parked at the host bridge). With both the display controller and the hardfile controller attached to the PCI bus, the remaining I/O bus traffic can be supported on an ISA bus. A wide selection of inexpensive ISA I/O cards are available. There will be exceptions, but PCI and ISA can handle the majority of desktop system I/O requirements.

PCI (and Micro Channel) for Server Systems

Most servers will support the PCI bus because of its performance and wide industry acceptance. In addition, most servers will support an existing bus (ISA, EISA, or Micro Channel). The bandwidth of 40MB-per-second streaming Micro Channel cards has been a valuable asset in existing PC servers. It's desirable to continue support of this capability in addition to the PCI bus. As an example, a server may need to connect to a number of local area networks. Each adapter will require high bandwidth, but the limited expansion capability of PCI means that an alternative high-performance bus -- the Micro Channel bus -- is required. The combination of PCI and Micro Channel is a natural fit in systems that require not only high processor performance but also extensive I/O efficiency.

Differences Between PCI and Micro Channel at the Card Connector

Item PCI Micro Channel
Address/Data multiplexed separate buses
Address size 32- & 64-bit 32-bit
Data size 32- & 64-bit 32-bit for basic cycle
64-bit data streaming
Interrupts 4 (one per device) 11
Arbitration central (Req/Gnt) distributed (assignable lvl)
Bus signals 47 for a target
49 for a master
117 for a slave
124 for a master
Pluggable boards per bus 4 (at 33 MHz) 8 max.
Extendible to identical bus yes no
Synchronous/asynchronous synchronous asynchronous for basic x-fer
synchronous for streaming
Voltages +5, +3.3, +12, -12 +5, +12, -12
Maximum data rate 132 MB (32-bit)
264 MB (64-bit)
80 MB (32-bit streaming)
160 MB (64-bit streaming)
Retry termination yes no
DMA slave support no yes
Lock support yes no
Caching of bus memory yes no
Multiple arb. levels per device no yes

Similar Features Supported by PCI and Micro Channel

Parity: PCI has a single parity bit that covers the address/data bus plus the command or byte enables. Micro Channel has parity per byte on both the address and data bus.

Multiple masters: PCI supports bus masters with a REQ/GNT signal pair for each master and expansion connector. The number of masters supported is system-arbiter-dependent. Micro Channel architecture supports 16 arbitration levels with distributed arbitration.

Bus-master preemption: PCI masters have a latency timer that limits their bus ownership time when another master is requesting bus usage. The latency timer is set when the device is configured. Micro Channel allows the master to use the bus for up to 7.8 microseconds after another device requests use of the bus.

Auto-initialization of devices: PCI supports auto-configuring of devices through a 256-byte configuration address space. Micro Channel supports auto-configuration through the Programmable Option Select (POS) registers. The base POS registers support 4 bytes. The extension supports up to 128KB of device-specific space.

Block data transfers: Both buses support the transfer of a contiguous block of data following an address. This improves the data-transfer rate for the buses.

PCI Strengths

A bus master requires only 49 signals, which supports implementations on small logic chips. The multiplexed address/data bus is a significant contributor to the low number of signals.

The PCI connector supports 3.3-volt power to the card, making the migration to higher-density and lower-power technologies easier.

The high data rate and low latency are a benefit to display updates. A 4-byte write can be completed in two clock periods when the bus is parked at the host bridge. Fast processors can make use of Byte Merging and Combining of consecutive write operations also.

The maximum number of pluggable boards on a PCI bus is limited to four when the bus is running at 33 MHz. If the number of pluggable boards is more important than bus data rate, the bus clock frequency can be reduced to increase the number of pluggable boards. The 33-MHz clock period of 30 nanoseconds is divided into four parts (signal valid time - 11 ns, signal setup time - 7 ns, clock skew - 2 ns, and signal propagation time - 10 ns). When the clock frequency is reduced to 25 MHz the clock period increases from 30 ns to 40 ns. The 10-ns clock period increase can be added to the propagation delay to provide a total propagation delay of 20 ns, which can be used to support more pluggable boards. When lowering the clock frequency is unacceptable, additional pluggable boards can be supported by adding a PCI-to-PCI bridge. The second PCI bus can support four additional pluggable boards.

Most buses limit the signal loading on the board to one circuit (driver, receiver, or transceiver). The same is true for PCI. If there is a need for multiple devices on a board, a PCI-to-PCI bridge can be put on the board to support multiple devices.

Micro Channel Strengths

Eleven interrupts are available to the I/O device. Micro Channel setup can select the interrupt to be used by the device (devices usually support selection from a group of four interrupts). The device has the option of using more than one interrupt.

DMA slaves are supported. The centralized DMA controller function supports reduced-cost I/O cards (DMA slaves), which reduce the load on the system processor.

Distributed arbitration allows the device to access the bus on more than one arbitration priority level. DMA slave devices have used this to support multiple devices on a card.

A bus master can retain use of the bus (with BURST) to transfer data to multiple targets or multiple transfers to the same target.

Micro Channel supports up to eight pluggable cards on the bus.

Low-cost simple I/O devices are supported. A simple 1-byte-wide device using only I/O address space can be implemented using 32 of the Micro Channel bus signals.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

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