Subsystem Control Block (SCB)

An Architecture for Micro Channel Bus Masters

Source: Personal Systems Magazine, 1989 Issue 4 (G325-5004-00) (page 70 phys.)
Authors: Frank Bonevento; Ernie Mandese, Joe McGovern and Gene Thomas

The Subsystem Control Block (SCB) architecture was developed by IBM to standardize the engineering task of designing Micro Channel bus master programming interfaces as well as the programming task of supporting them. This article provides an introduction to the architecture, discusses some of its underlying concepts, and describes its delivery service facilities.

The Micro Channel bus master facility provides a structure for the independent execution of work in a system. Independent execution of work by bus masters frees a system unit, for example, to perform other tasks. Doing more work in parallel typically improves the response time and throughput of the system as perceived by the end user. The SCB architecture builds on the Micro Channel bus master capabilities by defining the services and conventions needed to design, implement, and use bus masters effectively.

The SCB architecture supports many functions found in larger IBM systems designed to facilitate multiprocessing. Command chaining, data chaining, signaling masters, and a free-running duplex control block delivery service have been provided. Finally, the ability to support user-defined control blocks provides a means for dealing with the requirements of existing, current, and future applications.


The SCB architecture provides a programming model for the Micro Channel and a definition of the logical protocols used to transfer commands, data, and status information between bus master feature adapters. The SCB architecture employs Micro Channel architecture as its underlying physical transport mechanism. The term "control block" in the architecture name refers to the organization of the control information (commands) into areas that are separate from the data areas. The separation of control and data is used to increase performance, raise the level of functional capability, and provide the implementation independence required by today's applications.

The SCB architecture defines a control block structure for use between entities in a system unit and entities in feature adapters that have Micro Channel bus master capabilities. "Entity" in this context is a collective term referring to both device drivers and/or resource support found in a system unit, as well as device interfaces and/or resources found in feature adapters. The architecture also defines how control block delivery is provided between entities in a system unit and a feature adapter, as well as between entities in feature adapters on the Micro Channel.

The contents of the control blocks have been defined so that they offer a great deal of functional capability while, at the same time, providing implementation independence between the entities in the system unit and the entities in the feature adapter. This allows entities in a system unit to offload or distribute work to entities in feature adapters, thereby freeing them to perform other tasks. It also allows entities in a feature adapter to optimize their implementations without concern for entity interactions or internal implementation details.

The level of interaction between entities of the architecture is at a logical protocol level in order to insulate users from the details of, and interactions with, the underlying implementations. This means that applications written to adhere to the architecture and the underlying implementations that conform to it will remain viable even as technology advances.

Thus, as a feature adapter or system unit is enhanced to take advantage of new technology (higher data rates on the Micro Channel, the existence of data and/or address parity checking, and so on), it will be possible to continue to use existing applications with little or no change.


The SCB architecture has been designed to have broad application and be used in a variety of areas, including the following:

Traditional I/O Protocols: Traditional I/O protocols typically have a single system unit that requests a feature adapter to perform work on its behalf. This type of feature adapter might be found in an intelligent file subsystem on a personal system or a workstation.

For the traditional I/O systems, application of the architecture would probably mean use of the Locate mode form of control block delivery. In Locate mode, only the address of the control block is delivered to the subsystem. The subsystem uses this address to locate the control block and to fetch it into its own private storage area for execution. In these I/O systems, a close synchronization is usually maintained between the request and the response to the request.

Peer-to-Peer Protocols: In peer-to-peer protocols, requests flow not only from the system unit to feature adapters, but also from feature adapter to feature adapter without direct involvement of the system unit. This might be found in feature adapters that serve as local area network (LAN) bridges or gateways, providing routing for file servers on LANs. Peer-to-peer protocols may also be found in loosely coupled multiprocessing systems.

Communications Protocols: Communications protocols may require routing to network servers within a feature adapter and the handling of replies that arrive out of sequence and are interspersed with requests. They may also require the ability to handle the movement of large amounts of data at very high speeds.

Response-Time-Critical Applications: Response-time-critical applications require fast response time. The architecture defines a full-duplex, free-running delivery capability to support multiple work requests and replies. The amount of data transferred as well as the speed of the data transfer are critical in this environment.

In the last three categories, application of the architecture would probably mean the use of the Move mode form of control block delivery. In Move mode, control blocks are moved from the requesting, or client, entity to the providing, or server, entity using a shared storage area. This shared storage area behaves like the named pipe function found in several of today's operating systems. Delivery using pipes is free-flowing and defined so that separate pipes exist for both inbound and outbound flows to and from the server (full duplex operation). This form of delivery is commonly used by controllers that have very high arrival rates of work requests and/or run in an asynchronous manner.

The SCB architecture is intended for use by both IBM and non-IBM developers designing bus master feature adapters for the Micro Channel.

Architecture Overview

The following sets forth some basic concepts used in developing the SCB architecture, its hardware context, system context, and its service structure.

In the personal systems and workstation environments, there is a need to establish a higher-level, control block-oriented interface between support operating in a system unit (system-side entities) and support operating in a feature adapter (adapter-side entities). There is also a need for the same higher-level interface between support operating in two different feature adapters.

The nature of this interface is such that the control block information and the data can be considered as two separate parts of the communication between two cooperating entities. Control block delivery service is used by each entity to communicate control information. Based upon this control information, there may also be data to be communicated between the two entities. This is referred to as "data delivery."

Additionally, there may be information required during system initialization to tailor the delivery support to a particular configuration. This is configuration information. Figure 1 gives an overview of the control block, data, and configuration delivery support.

Figure 1. Overview of Delivery Support

Understanding the SCB architecture starts with understanding the requirements that are common to designers of Micro Channel bus master hardware and engineering software. From these requirements, the capabilities of a bus master feature adapter can be identified. The following are some of the most commonly requested capabilities.

Provide a Programming Model for the Micro Channel:

  • Provide flexibility
  • Support function distribution
  • Support signaling among all bus masters and their users
  • Provide a higher functional level of interface
    • Support command chaining
    • Support data chaining
  • Provide request / reply protocol between users
    • Provide means of correlating requests to replies
    • Provide source and destination identification
    • Allow multiple outstanding requests
    • Allow unsolicited operations
  • Allow data to be carried within control blocks

Support Bus Masters on the Micro Channel:

  • Provide a processor-independent architecture
  • Provide full duplex operation
  • Support feature adapter-to-feature adapter operation (peer-to-peer)
  • Support asynchronous operations

Improve Performance and Throughput:

  • Reduce interrupt overhead
  • Support expedited requests

Hardware Context
To better understand the structure of control blocks and the overall structure of the control block delivery service, it may be helpful to provide an example of the hardware within which the delivery service is expected to operate.

Figure 2. Hardware Environment

Figure 2 is an example of a hardware configuration that would benefit from using control blocks and the control block delivery service. This example shows several types of bus master feature adapters present on the Micro Channel, each using the bus master capabilities of the Micro Channel, and each providing support for one or more resources or devices. The example shows that there are multiple types of I/O system support within the system unit, each providing access to and support for resources and/or devices associated with a particular subsystem and feature adapter.

The functions available on bus master feature adapters are also used to establish peer-to-peer relationships between feature adapters, as well as between system units and feature adapters.

System Context
It is helpful to have an example that shows where control blocks and control block delivery fit relative to a system unit or feature adapter operating environment. This can easily be done for a system unit, but is much more difficult to do for the many different types of feature adapters. This is due to the nature of feature adapter implementations. At the low end, the operating environment may consist of nothing more than hardware logic and state machines. At the high end, it may consist of a powerful microprocessor with paged memory and a multitasking kernel or operating system.

Figure 3. Example of System Unit Operating Environment

Figure 3 is an example of how the delivery service maps into a system unit in a DOS or OS/2 type of operating environment.

Service Structure 
The control block delivery service may be viewed as supporting communications between client entities located in the system unit and server entities located in a feature adapter. The delivery service itself is distributed between the system unit and the feature adapter. The portion of the delivery service local to each is the local delivery agent. Delivery agents communicate with each other using the services provided by the Micro Channel. Micro Channel services include memory and I/O space that is shared between the system unit and the feature adapter. This view of the delivery service is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Generic Delivery Service

The delivery service supports the delivery of control blocks between pairs of entities (a client and a server). These entities build and interpret the control blocks. The actual control blocks, their content, and their sequence determines the specific entity-to-entity protocol being used between a client and server.

Both the control block delivery protocol and the entity-to-entity protocol(s) may use the shared memory to physically pass control information and data between the system unit and feature adapters.

The internal operation and distribution of the delivery service is logically structured into a delivery layer and a physical layer. The delivery layer supports the delivery of control blocks between "entity" pairs. The physical layer supports the delivery protocols used between "unit" pairs (delivery agents). The definition for the delivery protocol is based upon a Micro Channel form of physical connectivity between system units and/or feature adapters.

Users of the delivery service (entities representing clients and/or servers) are the next higher layer of service. Understanding the overall operation of the entity-to-entity layer services was key to defining the services to be provided by the underlying delivery service and the protocols needed to support the distribution of these services among the system units and feature adapters.

This layered structure for delivery services is shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. Delivery Service Structure

This layering of delivery services allows the various entity-to-entity protocols to share a common delivery service. The delivery protocol can be full-duplex and free-running while individual entity-to-entity protocols may be half-duplex and of the master/ slave form . The delivery protocol allows the delivery support to be mapped onto the different forms of the physical level protocols that must be used with different unit-to-unit pairings; that is, system unit-to-feature adapter, feature adapter-to-system unit, and feature adapter-to-feature adapter.

Delivery Service Facilities

The delivery service facility provides two operational modes: Locate mode and Move mode. The following describes the services, functions, and protocols provided by each and a brief description of the underlying control structures.

Locate Mode Support
The Locate mode form of control block delivery supports a control structure that has a relatively fixed control block structure. The control blocks are delivered to the server one control block at a time. The Locate mode control block delivery structure is shown in Figure 6. Locate mode control block delivery provides:

Multiple Devices per Adapter:
Subsystems will generally provide support for multiple devices and/or resources. These may be small computer system interface (SCSI) devices, LAN connections, X.25 virtual circuits, integrated-services digital network (ISDN) channels, communications lines, or processes. The delivery mechanism supports the delivery of requests to specific devices and/or resources through the use of device identification numbers (for example, Device 1, Device 2, Device n).

Subsystem Management: There is a requirement to deliver subsystem management information as well as control information to the subsystem. The subsystem manager is assigned Device identification number 0 and receives all subsystem management information.

Requests to Devices: To use a device or resource, a program (the client) sends requests in the form of control blocks to a specific device or resource (the server) and receives replies from the device or resource for those requests. A single program or multiple programs operating in a system unit can be using a device or resource in a subsystem. These programs may be using the same or different devices or resources in the subsystem.

Command and Data Chaining and Detailed Status: The control structure defined for Locate mode provides for an immediate request, a request made up of multiple control blocks chained in a specific order and treated as one logical request, or using an Indirect List for chaining multiple buffers associated with a given control block.

Figure 6. Locate Mode Control Block Delivery Structure

Figure 6 shows a sample control request structure that consists of two control blocks (command chaining). The first control block uses an Indirect List to reference multiple buffers (data chaining). The other has a single buffer. The commands and parameters are contained within the individual control blocks.

The structure also provides for handling status information in case of exceptions during the processing of a request. The status is placed in a Termination Status Block. In order to handle termination at any point in a chain, a Termination Status Block is associated with each control block in the chain.

Use of Direct Memory Access (DMA): The Locate mode form of delivery defines the interfaces to support the case where both the control structure for a request and the data associated with a control block are transferred between the system unit and the feature adapter using DMA operations managed from the subsystem.

Interrupts: The delivery service allows the builder of a request structure to define when and under what conditions interrupts should be generated. Generally there will be one interrupt per request. This will occur at the end of the request for exception-free operation. Additional interrupts may be requested in any control block in order to synchronize activities. Explicit commands are used to reset device interrupts.

The flow of the interrupt processing is from the hardware to the operating system kernel to the device driver (interrupt portion) and, when ABIOS is used, to the Advanced Basic Input/ Output System (ABIOS) interrupt entry point. The interrupt processing uses information provided as part of the request/reply interface to determine which of the devices or resources in the subsystem caused the interrupt.

Locate Mode Control Areas 
The architecture identifies the specific control areas in I/O space to be used, as well as the protocols for initializing and using a feature adapter in Locate mode.

Because multiple feature adapters of the same, or different types may be used in the system, the base address for the I/O space of each feature adapter must be defined during setup. The I/O control areas used by a feature adapter are shown in Figure 7 as offsets from the I/O base address.

Figure 7. I/O Control Areas

In the following descriptions, the term "port" refers to a byte or set of contiguous bytes in the system.

Request Ports: There are four types of request ports associated with sending requests to a resource or device in Locate mode. The first, the Command Interface Port, is used to pass either the 32-bit address of a control block or the first control block in a chain to a subsystem in a feature adapter. It is also used to pass immediate commands. These immediate commands are typically device-directed and control-oriented.

The second is the Attention Port. It contains an attention code and a device identifier. The attention code is used to inform the subsystem in the feature adapter that the Command Interface Port contains either the address of a control block or an immediate command. The device identifier indicates which device or resource on the subsystem the request is directed to.

The sequence of sending a request involves writing to the Command and Attention Ports in that order.

The third, the Interrupt Status Port, is used when the subsystem has completed processing a request or immediate command. It provides information needed by the system unit to associate a Micro Channel interrupt with a specific device on the subsystem. In addition to identifying the interrupting device, it also indicates whether or not an exception condition exists.

The fourth is the Command Busy/Status Port. It is used by the subsystem in a feature adapter to serialize access to the shared logic of the control block delivery service, the subsystem, or the device/resource. The port contains the following indicators:

  • Busy - indicates that the subsystem is busy (using the shared logic). Commands submitted while Busy are ignored by the subsystem in the feature adapter.
  • Interrupt Valid - indicates that the contents of the Interrupt Status Port are valid and that the subsystem has requested an interrupt on behalf of one of its devices or resources.
  • Reject - indicates that the subsystem has rejected a request (a Reset is needed to clear a Reject and allow the subsystem to resume accepting requests).
  • Status - indicates the reason for the rejection.

Subsystem Control Port: The Subsystem Control Port is used to pass control indicators directly to a subsystem that cannot be easily handled by requests to subsystem management. The port contains the following control indicators:

  • Enable Interrupts - indicates that interrupts should be enabled or disabled for all devices attached to the subsystem in the feature adapter.
  • Enable DMA - indicates that DMA operations should be enabled or disabled.
  • Reset Reject - indicates that a reset of the reject state of the subsystem should be performed.
  • Reset - indicates that a reset of the subsystem and all devices in the subsystem should be performed.

Device Interrupt Identifier Ports:
Interrupt status for all devices and resources associated with a subsystem are reported to the system unit through the Interrupt Status Port. However, when the optional Device Interrupt Identifier Port(s) are used, only the interrupt status for immediate commands will be reported through the Interrupt Status Port. All other interrupts will be reported using the Device Interrupt Status Port(s). When a device or resource completes processing a control block, it sets the bit in the Device Interrupt Identifier Port corresponding to its device or resource identifier, and then interrupts the system unit.

By using these optional ports, an interrupt handling program can process multiple control block interrupts on a single Micro Channel physical interrupt. This is accomplished by reading the Device Interrupt Identifier Port(s), and using the special immediate command, Reset Subsystem Control Block Interrupts, to clear the interrupt requests for the device.

Before issuing requests, the system unit software must ensure that the subsystem is enabled to accept new requests, that is, not Busy or in the Reject state. If virtual memory is being used, the system-unit software must ensure that all control blocks, Termination Status Blocks, Indirect Lists, and data areas associated with a request are locked into memory.

Control Blocks
The structure and content of a typical control block is shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Control Block Format

There are two formats for the control block: basic and extended. Both forms share all of the fields shown in solid lines. The remaining fields (shown in dashed lines) are present only in the Extended Format. The Device Dependent Area is also present in both forms. However, the actual location of the area within the control block is dependent upon whether the basic or the extended form is used.

The physical address of the control block must be placed in the Command Interface Port and the device address and attention code in the Attention Port, in that order.

Indirect Lists
An Indirect List is a variable-length list consisting of address-count pairs used to support data chaining. Both the address and the count are four bytes. The length of the list is contained in the control block that points to the list. The format of the Indirect List is shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Indirect List Format

Termination Status Blocks
In addition to the exception/no exception indication in the Interrupt Status Port, the SCB architecture provides for detail status information to be reported for each command. The status information is reported in the Termination Status Block (TSB). Each control block includes a TSB address to which a subsystem writes completion or termination status for that control block. The format of the basic TSB is shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10. Termination Status Block Format

Move Mode Support 
The Move mode form of the control block delivery supports a control structure designed to allow a variable-length list of control-element primitives to be used to deliver control information to a server. This variable-length list may contain requests, replies, error, or event notifications for a specific device or resource in a subsystem, or for different devices or resources in the same subsystem.

The Move mode control block delivery structure in Figure 11 shows the interface to the delivery support and the various memory spaces related to control element delivery.

Figure 11. Move Mode Control Block Delivery Structure

The Move mode facility has an overall structure similar to that of the Locate mode facility; that is, clients build requests, requests are delivered to server, server builds replies, and replies are delivered to client. There are a number of additional capabilities that have been defined for the Move mode delivery facility.

The following are the additional Move mode capabilities.

Request/Reply Extensions: Request/reply extensions define support for error and event control elements in addition to request and reply control elements and the ability to have multiple outstanding requests between entity pairs. The flow of control elements is independent of the physical layer protocols. The two parties in a specific entity pair have been defined as the client and the server. In general, the client sends requests to a server and the server sends replies back to that client. Events may flow in either direction. The delivery mechanism supports the delivery of these requests, replies, errors, and events among source and destinations having multiple client server pair relationships.

Shared Memory: Shared memory allows for the use of memory in feature adapters as well as memory in the system unit. This allows the control structure used to convey control elements to be located in either the system unit or the feature adapter. It also allows for various options when determining how the control structure is built and moved to the destination entity. (The server is the destination entity for requests and the client is the destination entity for replies.)

Figure 4 depicts the fact that memory is shared between the units and feature adapters. How this memory is shared and accessed will be different for different system environments (move/copy, DMA, and so on). The definition of the Move mode control structure provides for the fact that different forms of memory addressing will be needed.

Variable-Length Requests and Replies: The Move mode support provides a control structure that allows a request to be made up of a set of variable-length control elements. At the entity interface, these elements are contiguous. This allows for chaining of control elements within a request to be done with a minimum of address manipulation. It also allows for a minimum-size control block for passing simple requests and replies.

Variable-length control elements addresses the need to have smaller control structures, to be able to pass a variable number of request parameters and to have a simple way to support a number of different subsets. Some client/ server entity pairs may choose to use complex combinations of primitives while others use a simple set. They are all implemented from the same set of primitives using the same delivery services.

Lists of Requests and Replies:
Figure 11 shows a sample set of control elements flowing from a client to a server and another flowing from a server to a client; both flow on the shared memory delivery service pipes.

The delivery pipes defined for the Move mode control element delivery service have the following attributes:

  • Full duplex

    A pipe for each direction of delivery between units. This allows for the delivery of control elements in one direction independent of the delivery of control elements in the other direction.

    The control structure provides correlation between requests and replies.

  • Multiplexing of entity pairs

    Each pipe may have control elements for multiple entity pairs in the same pipe. The control structure provides for source and destination identification in the control elements to allow a set of control elements for different entity pairs to be delivered in the same pipe.

  • Intermixing of requests and replies

    The control structure supports a mixture of request and reply as well as other control element types in the same pipe.

  • Continuously running

    The control structure permits the delivery of control elements in a continuous flow. Mechanisms are defined to provide a common way for entities to suspend the delivery of control elements at the entity-to-entity level, to notify the destination entity that a control element(s) is available and to provide for synchronization between the entities in the source and the destination.

Move Mode Control Areas
The architecture identifies the specific control areas in I/O space to be used as well as the protocols for initializing and using a feature adapter in Move mode. The control areas are essentially the same as those used for Locate mode, except the Command Interface Port, Interrupt Status Port, and Device Interrupt Identifier Ports are not used.

Because multiple feature adapters of the same or different types may be used in the system, the base address for the I/O space of each feature adapter must be defined during setup. The I/O control areas used by a feature adapter are shown in Figure 7 as offsets from the I/O base address.

Control Elements
Control elements are like control blocks. They are used to exchange control information between a client and a server. However, control elements differ from control blocks in the following ways:

  • Control elements are variable in length.
  • Control elements are self-describing.
  • Control elements provide a means of specifying the destination, identifying the source, and indicating the type and urgency of the control information they contain.
  • Control elements may optionally contain data as well as control information.
  • Control elements contain information for correlating requests with replies.
  • Control elements may be processed asynchronously.

To draw an analogy, a control element is like an envelope with a see-through window, while a control block is more like a post card. Both have a purpose and a use.

Delivery services use information in the window to deliver control elements, without knowing or understanding what is contained within the body of the control element.

Clients and servers use information in the window to specify the destination, identify the source, indicate the type and urgency of the control information, and correlate replies with previous requests.

Figure 12 shows the format of a typical control element.

Figure 12. Control Element Format

The type, length, source, destination, and correlation fields are used by the delivery service as well as the client and server. They constitute the information visible through the window in the envelope. The remaining variable-length field, the value field, represents the contents of the envelope (that is, the control information). The structure, content, and length of this field is determined by the particular protocol being used between a client and server and is meaningful only to them.

Queueing Control Elements 
With the use of delivery pipes in Move mode (which are implemented as circular queues), there is a tendency to want to mix the queuing capability defined to support the delivery of control elements between units and the queuing of control elements to a specific server. Figure 13 shows a request flow example of a delivery pipe as defined by SCB architecture. The delivery protocols support a freeflowing pipe between entities. Each entity pair is responsible for ensuring that there is a pending receive for elements sent so that one entity cannot block others from using the pipe. If there is no pending receive, the delivery service can discard the element and notify the source entity (sender of the element).

Figure 13. Handling Control Elements in Move Mode

Entity-to-Entity Relationships

For the Move mode form of control block delivery, the generic configuration shown in Figure 4 must to be expanded to include both system unit-to-feature adapter and feature adapter-to-feature adapter delivery. The feature adapter-to-feature adapter operations are referred to as "peer-to-peer."

Peer-to-Peer Relationships
From a delivery point of view, the term "peer-to-peer" implies that there are no restrictions about where clients and servers may be located. It does not say anything about the relationship between the various client and server entities (which may be operating in a non-peer relationship). It also refers to the fact that control elements may be delivered directly between any two system unit and/or feature adapter that are physically connected by the Micro Channel.

In order to operate in a peer-to-peer relationship, the delivery support must allow requests and replies to flow in either direction and to be mixed on the same delivery-level flow. In the Move mode form of control element delivery, this is supported by having independent delivery of control elements in either direction and by allowing clients in system units or feature adapters and servers in feature adapters or system units. Peer-to-peer also requires support in both system and feature adapters to resolve contention when two or more system units or feature adapters attempt to deliver control elements to the same destination at the same time.

The term "peer-to-peer" must be qualified by the level of support being discussed and not used as a unit-to-unit term without qualification.

Peer-to-peer delivery support has a pair of delivery pipes for each unit-to-unit pair with entities that communicate with each other. An example of this is shown in Figure 14. The labels R1, R2, and so on, on the client/ server entities indicate the entity pairings. The dotted areas indicate the delivery support portion in each unit.

Figure 14. Peer-to-Peer Delivery Model

Figure 14 shows each delivery pipe as being distributed to both the source and destination. The definitions for the Move mode form of control block delivery are for cases where the actual physical queues implementing the pipes are in either the source or the destination, but not both.

Management Services
In addition to the peer-to-peer control element support, there is also a requirement to have a management structure to allow for the handling of various management services related to the operation of the delivery services.

The SCB architecture requires an entity in each system unit or feature adapter to be used for management support. This management entity, which is shared by all the other entities, has an entity identifier of zero. The management entity structure is shown in Figure 15.

Figure 15. Delivery Management Services

These management entities may use the delivery services to send control elements to or receive control elements from a system-level management entity. The system management entity, which does not have an entity ID of zero, provides system-wide management services (Figure 16).

Figure 16. System Management Services Structure

This management structure may support management services of various types and is not unique to the delivery service. This means that it could be used for entity layer reporting and testing as well as delivery layer(s) management.

The management structure represents a unique form of client server support. The management services for a system are hierarchical even though the delivery support for clients and servers is peer-to-peer. This is an example of the fact that the basic delivery relationship is separate from the entity-to-entity relationship.


The SCB architecture was developed to standardize the programming task of supporting Micro Channel bus master feature adapters, as well as the engineering task of designing the bus master programming interface. It gives the adapter designer the freedom to define the meaning and content of the protocols that the feature adapter supports, while at the same time providing the programs using these feature adapters with standards for important interfaces.

See also SCB Architecture (pdf)

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

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