ActionMedia/2 Error Codes

If a hardware failure occurs, an error beginning with "0109" is displayed.

Format: 0109EESN

  0109 Identifies the ActionMedia II board
  EE   2-digit test category/subsystem code
  S    1-digit slot number (1 to 8) (S is "0" in list, easier to read)
  N    1-digit nature of failure or portion of test that failed.

Example: 01090270 (Installed in Slot 7 of a Model 95)

  0109 ActionMedia II board
  02   Delivery Board base I/O address and POST address are not the same
  7    Slot 7 (AVE connector)
  0    MCA Slot # not found

Note: AM2 means Delivery Board (base adapter), CS means Capture Module.

Codes Possible Cause Corrective Action
01090100 VRAM might not be accessible to Expanded/ Extended Memory (EMS) Replace AM2
01090200 – 01090201
0200; MCA Slot # not found
0201; AT I/O base fail
0201; AT POST addr fail
AM2 base I/O address and POST address not same, potential problem with mechanism that reads addresses. Replace AM2
01090300 – 01090302
0300; failed ROM page 0
0301; failed ROM page 1
0302; failed ROM page 2
Checksum values in ROM incorrect, memory might be unreliable. Replace AM2
01090400 Reserved Replace AM2
01090500 – 01090509
0500 PAR 0 fail walking 1 test
0501 PAR 1 fail walking 1 test
0502 PAR 2 fail walking 1 test
0503 PAR 3 fail walking 1 test
0504 PAR pattrn 1 (0xffff) test
0505 PAR pattrn 2 (0xaaah) test
0506 PAR pattrn 3 (0x5555) test
0507 PAR pattrn 4 (0x33cc) test
0508 PAR pattrn 5 (oxcc33) test
0509 PAR pattrn 6 (ox0f0f) test
Page Address Register (PAR) test failed, paging mechanism to VRAM is unreliable. Replace AM2
01090600 – 01090609
0600 write FIFO32 [0], read FIFO32 [0]
0601 read FIFO16 [0]
0602 read EMS [0] (PAR0-PAR3)
0603 write FIFO16 [0], EMS read [0] (PAR3)
0604 write FIFO32 [0xffffc], read FIFO32 [0xffffc]
0605 read FIFO16 [0xffffc]
0606 read EMS [0xffffc] (PAR0-PAR3)
0607 write FIFO16 [0xffffc], EMS read [0xffffc] (PAR3)
0608 write FIFO16 [PB:10], read FIFO16 [PB:10]
0609 read EMS [PB:10] (PAR0-PAR3)
FIFO Register test failed, problem with memory access mechanism. Replace AM2
01090700 – 01090703
0700 Video Capture Registers (test value 0x00)
0701 Video Capture Registers (test value 0xff)
0702 Video Capture Registers (test value 0xaa)
0703 Video Capture Registers (test value 0x55)
Video Capture Register test failed, in Video SCSI Capture (VSC) gate array. Replace AM2 (ISA)
01090800 – 01090807
0800 PB write using QAR, fail read using PAR1
0801 memory under QAR failed (changed)
0802 PB write using PAR, fail read using QAR
0803 memory under QAR failed (changed)
0804 KAGA write using QAR, fail read using PAR1
0805 memory under QAR failed (changed)
0806 KAGA write using PAR, fail read using QAR
0807 memory under QAR failed (changed)
Quick Access Register (QAR) test failed, access mechanism in host gate array is unreliable. Replace AM2
1090900 – 01090904
0900 write system palette
0901 read system palette
0902 read DS2 palette
0903 write/verify DS2 palette (0xaa,0x55,0xaa)
0904 write/verify DS2 palette (0xf0,0x0f,0xf0)
Palette test failed, VGA Feature Connector Cable (VFCC) improperly installed or problem with base VGA system. 1. Turn off system.
2. Pin 1 (red stripe) of VFCC to pin 1 of VGA header on VGA board / MB. (Cable usually untwisted).
3. Power up monitor.

Same code shown?
  a. Pull VFCC from VGA board / planar.
  b. Twist cable once, connect to VGA board / MB (header is reversed).
  c. Close system and power on.
01091000 – 01091009
1000 SCSI register test #1
1001 SCSI register test #2
1002 SCSI register test #3
1003 SCSI register test #4
1004 SCSI register test #5 (walking 1's)
1005 SCSI DMA timeout
1006 SCSI DMA block 1 failure
1007 SCSI DMA block 2 failure
1008 SCSI DMA block 3 failure
1009 SCSI DMA failure
SCSI test failed, potential problem with Video SCSI Capture (VSC) gate array. Replace AM2 (ISA)
01091100 – 01091400
1100 VRAM bank 0, 1st MB
1200 VRAM bank 1, 2nd MB
1300 VRAM bank 2, 3rd MB
1400 VRAM bank 3, 4th MB
Host memory test failed, potential problem with VRAM bank (1st - 4th MB). Replace AM2
01091500 – 01091509
1500 25MHZ < MIN
1501 25MHZ > MAX
1502 VCO 45MHZ < MIN
1503 VCO 45MHZ > MAX
1504 VCO/2 22.5MHZ < MIN
1505 VCO/2 22.5MHZ > MAX
1506 Audio 16.9344MHZ < MIN
1507 Audio 16.9344MHZ > MAX
1508 VCO 22.5MHZ < MIN
1509 VCO 22.5MHZ > MAX
82750DB Display Processor clock not in sync with other internal clock mechanisms. Replace AM2
01091600 82750PB Pixel Processor memory test TimeOut Error, memory test or Pixel Processor not functioning reliably. Replace AM2
01091700 – 01091709
1700 DSP message to host failed load/execute
1701 DSP message to host returned improper value
1702 DSP message to host/dsp test failed
1703 DSP/KAGA DAC loopback test fail load/execute
1704 DSP/KAGA DAC loopback return improper val
1705 DSP playback/cap int test failed load/execute
1706 DSP playback/capt int test return improper value
1707 CS2 failed set audio wrap, DSP failed load
1708 DSP/audio wrap quiet test (|offset| > 0x1000, |noise| > 0x1000)
1709 DSP/audio wrap sine test ( MAX < 0x3000, MAX > 0x5000)
Digital Signal Processor (DSP) audio test failed:
1. internal problem w/ DSP
2. Output device connected to AM2 lacks correct audio impedance.
Speakers / audio amp input impedance level of 10K +.
Plug headphones into audio amp, not into AM2 bracket.
AM2 works normally w/ any of these codes.
01091800 Reserved Replace AM2
01091900 – 01091903
1900 all channels black? fail for any channel > ref
1901 all channels white? fail for any channel < ref
1902 fail unless 0,1,3 channels loaded (no monitor, mono, color)
1903 fail if VGA DAC results not equal DB DAC results
Monitor test failed, difference between all-black or all-white on VGA and AM2 boards. Improper monitor connection or setup. Check:
1. Monitor pins straight
2. Monitor cable securely connected to AM2 board external monitor connector.
3. For VFC Cable, attach Terminator Plug to VGA card.
Some VGA boards (8514 emulators) always display this error with digital keying, even when corrective action is taken.

Improper cable connections Check:
1. Monitor pins straight?
2. Cable config correct and snug.
01091900 – 01091903 cont'd RGB Overlay Cable Male connector at short end of RGB Overlay Cable is connected to top connector on AM2 bracket.
01092000 Reserved Replace AM2
01092100 – 01092400
2100 bnk0,1MB,0=pattn/addr, 1-8=nibble #
2200 bnk1,2MB,0=pattn/addr, 1-8=nibble #
2300 bnk2,3MB,0=pattn/addr, 1-8=nibble #
2400 bnk3,4MB,0=pattn/addr, 1-8=nibble #
82750PB Pixel Processor mem test failed, potential problem w/ VRAM bank (first - fourth MBs). Replace AM2
01094100 – 01094109
4100 (Horizontal Start)
4101 (Horizontal Stop Y)
4102 (Horizontal Offset Y)
4103 (Horizontal Offset VU)
4104 (Horizontal Total)
4105 (Vertical Start)
4106 (Vertical Stop)
4107 (Vertical Scale)
4107 (SMPTE Offset)
4108 (YVU Control)
4109 (Horizontal Stop VU)
VICTOR Registers test failed Replace CS
01094200 – 01094209
4200 (Blue Gain Offset)
4201 (Blue DC Offset)
4202 (Red Gain Offset)
4203 (Red DC Offset)
4204 (Contrast)
4205 (Hue)
4206 (Brilliance)
4207 (Saturation Main)
4208 (Saturation Balance.)

4209 (MC44010 Direct Access)
CHROMA Registers test failed Replace CS
01094300 – 01094302
4301 6805 sub-test 1
4302 6805 sub-test 2
Microcontroller test failed Replace CS
01094400 – 01094402
4400 CS2 Cntrl regstr sub-test 0
4401 CS2 Cntrl regstr sub-test 1
4402 CS2 Cntrl regstr sub-test 2
Control Register test failed Replace CS
01094500 CHROMA test not running Replace CS

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 20 Jan 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact