mach32 Drivers and Utilities

Windows 98

The mach32 drivers bundled with Windows 98 are the most current available.  

Windows 95

The mach32 drivers bundled with Windows 95 are the most current available.  
Windows 95 mach32 DPMS patch for all GRAPHIC ULTRA PRO, GRAPHICS ULTRA+, GRAPHICS WONDER and other mach32 based products. Please see 32W95DPM.TXT for more details. Note: This is a patch for the existing Windows 95 mach32 driver.
Size:19KB Date:03-18-96
Instructions for 32W95DPM.ZIP 32W95DPM.TXT

Windows 3.1X

Version 2.6 Windows 3.1/3.11 display and Multimedia Video Acceleration drivers for all GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO, GRAPHICS ULTRA +, GRAPHICS WONDER, and other mach32 products.
NOTE: You may require your original Microsoft Windows diskettes to install this driver.
* Requires LOADER.ZIP to install *
Size:1.2MB Date:08-11-95
Contents list and instructions for 32WIN260.ZIP. Includes fixed issues list. 32WIN260.TXT

Windows NT

The mach32 drivers bundled with Windows NT are the most current available.  


OS/2 2.1x and OS/2 3.0 Warp display drivers for all GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO, GRAPHICS ULTRA+, GRAPHICS WONDER, and other mach32 products.
* Requires LOADER.ZIP to install *
Size:893KB Date:08-01-96
Contents list and instructions for 32OS2260.ZIP. 32OS2260.TXT


TurboDLD Display List Driver for all GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO, GRAPHICS ULTRA +, GRAPHICS WONDER, and other mach32 products. Supports AutoCAD for DOS release 10-386, 11, 12, and 13; 3D Studio release 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0; and AutoShade with Renderman 2.0.
* Requires LOADER.ZIP to install *
Size:243KB Date:06-08-95
Contents list and instructions for 32CAD260.ZIP 32CAD260.TXT
panaStation Display Driver for all GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO, GRAPHICS ULTRA +, GRAPHICS WONDER, and other mach32 products. Supports Microstation releases 4.0 and 5.0.
* Requires LOADER.ZIP to install *
Size:141KB Date:06-08-95
Contents list and instructions for 32UST260.ZIP 32UST260.TXT


Installation and configuration utilities (INSTALL.EXE v2.3) for the GRAPHICS ULTRA+, GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO and OEM mach32 products - EISA and MCA config files, DPMS, VVESA, VDIF, VGRAF and DOS mouse drivers included.
Size:359KB Date:05-18-94
Contents list and Instructions for M32UTL.ZIP M32UTL.TXT
mach32 and mach8: HDILOAD v2.1a - ATI Turbo Adapter Interface for DOS - for GRAPHICS ULTRA+, GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO, Graphics ULTRA, Graphics VANTAGE, 8514-ULTRA and other mach32 or mach8 products.
Size:42KB Date:09-20-93
VESA SuperVGA BIOS Extension implementation 2.22 for all ATI VGA, mach8 and mach32 products except the 8514-ULTRA.
Size:19KB Date:02-07-94
Contents list for VV222.ZIP VV222.TXT
Driver Module Loader for ATI mach32 and mach8 drivers (GRAPHICS ULTRA+ GRAPHICS ULTRA PRO, Graphics ULTRA, Graphics VANTAGE, 8514-ULTRA and other mach8/mach32 products).
This is REQUIRED to install mach8/mach32 drivers.
Size:67KB Date:11-24-93
Information on the LOADER driver module format and LOADER.ZIP LOADER.TXT

UNIX Environments

Information for Metrolink, NeXT, QNX, SCO, Solaris, Xfree86 and Xi Graphics operating environments. UNIX
Not available yet

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 12 Feb 2025 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact