@805B.ADF ELSA XHR Gemini Graphic Subsystem
all_xhr.zip DOS/Win3.x drivers for ELSA XHR cards including TIGA (CAD only?)
ELSA XHR Gemini/2
Windows Drivers
Photos and info provided by Christian Holzapfel. Thanks!
ELSA XHR Gemini/2
Some of the reference designators are obstructed - all Ux and Yx designators
are made up.

Source: Unal Z's CSIPH post
512KB up to 4.5MB
1024x768 up to 1600x1280
16/256 colors out of 4096/262,144/16,800,000
Supported interfaces: EGOS, TIGA 340, DGIS (optional)
Windows Drivers
Source: elsa.de website (translated from German, edited)
Applies to all graphics cards of the XHR series, such as XHR, XXHR, Orion,
Alpha, Spectra, Omega, Gemini:
These graphics cards are subsystem cards that are unusable
for new 32-bit operating systems. None of the older graphics cards have
their own BIOS and therefore cannot be recognized when booting. An additional
VGA card is required for booting. These cards were only addressed by the driver
integrated in the CAD application. There are no drivers for Windows 95 or 98 or
Windows NT 3.5x, 4.0 and 2000.
As the chipsets of these cards accelerate the processing of vectors, they
are not suitable for setting up the Windows desktop. For these graphics chips,
the desktop would consist of an infinite number of pixels, the number of which
- e.g. at a resolution of 1280 x 1024 - exceeds the million mark. This would
slow down the processing speed infinitely.