Matrox MG-108-M

@80E8.ADF Matrox MG-104/108-M Adapter Windows 3.1x driver v2.20 Disk 1/2 Windows 3.1x driver v2.20 Disk 2/2 DOS CAD and Microstation 4.0 drivers, v1.64 Drivers for Windows NT 3.1 (v1.21) and OS/2 PM 2.1 (v1.20) Drivers for Windows NT 3.5 (v2.10) and OS/2 PM 2.1 (v2.00) Windows 95 driver v2.0 Win 3.1 "Gray Scale" Driver ver 1.0B (NOT compatible w/ PowerDesk 2.0 yet)
   Note: Do these files really support the MG-108-M? The Readme mentions Ultima/Impression.

MG-104/108 Adapter
ADF Sections

Matrox MG-108-M Adapter

A7-A10 HM534251ZP-10
A15-A18 HM534251ZP-10
A19 WD95C01-LR Pixel Data Manager
A44 "685.1" video BIOS ROM
A45 WD95C00-VR Pixel Address Manager
J1 HDD15 video connector
X1 10.0000 MHz osc
X2 74.1600 MHz osc
X4 44.900 MHz osc
X6 60.000 MHz osc

This adapter uses the WD9500 chipset.

AdapterId 080E8h Matrox MG-104/108-M Adapter

MG Series-M Model
     This indicates the number of VRAM chips that are installed on your board. A MG-104-M contains 4 VRAM chips, and can display 16 simultaneous colors. A MG-108-M or a MG-104-M with color upgrade kit contains 8 VRAM chips, and can display 256 simultaneous colors. 
     <MG-104-M>, MG-108-M, MG-104-M + color kit 

Monitor type
   This indicates what monitor type is actually connected to the MG-104/108-M board. The IBM 85xx choice includes the 8503, 8512, 8513 and 8514 monitors or compatible. For 60 Hz and 70 hz, you can have composite sync on Green (and TTL Composite sync on HSYNC line) or separate TTL HSYNC & VSYNC. Note: The 70 Hz  monitors are NOT supported on all boards. 
     <IBM 85XX monitor>, 60 Hz + composite sync, 60 Hz + separate sync, 70 Hz + composite sync, 70 Hz + separate sync 

Host-DSP I/O Base address
   This selects the I/O base address of the host-DSP interface. If you select any address other than the default (0x0350), set the MGBASE environment variable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT 
   <MGBase = 0x0350>, MGBase = 0x0370, MGBase = 0x0250, MGBase = 0x0290 

BIOS address
   This is where the MG-104/108-M BIOS will be decoded It is NOT alterable. If a memory conflict occurs with this adapter,  you will have to modify the memory location of other adapters until the conflict is solved. 
   <BIOS segment at C680h>

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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