@8099.adf ADF for #9GX
@809a.adf ADF for #9GXi
GX.zip Files for GX
GXi.zip Files for GXi
Pepper.zip Files for Pepper
Pro1280.zip Files for Pro1280
TIGA.zip TIGA files
If you have other files, please
Let Us Know.
Apologies, but there is shared confusion over levels and models.
Number Nine Pepper SGT (#9GX?)

CN1 HD15 video connector
D11 LED for ???
E1-8 KM44C256BZ-7
F1,2 Fuseable link?
JM1 SOG (Sync On Green)
JM3 MDA (Monochrome Diisplay Adapter)
JM9 Pedestal
JM11 Solder pads, Unk
JM12 Solder Pads, Unk
U12 Number Nine NN9092
U13 Bt478KPJ80 256 color RAMDAC
U19 TI TMS 34010FNH-60
U26 Number Nine NN9091
U27-41 D42274V-10
U43 Bt459KPF135 Hi color RAMDAC
U46 BIOS ver 3.17
Y1 80.00000 MHz osc
Y2 44.90000 MHz osc
Y3 64.000000 MHz osc
Y5 60.00000 MHz osc
Y6 107.000000 MHz osc
Thanks to Tim Knight for sending me the board. Further
thanks to the Wizard of Oz for
further #9 information.
Two RAMDAC on board, linked to a TIGA. Might this be the
Bt459 for hi-color, and the Bt478 for MDA?
F1 and F2 are odd. They are two what looks to be solder pads
that touch. Dunno, the idea of an exposed fusible link that
might leak a little dot of solder onto the systemboard is
Number Nine Computer Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts
(company later became Number Nine Visual Technologies,
Lexington, Massachusetts and then became part part of
SonicBlue, Inc. - formerly S3, Inc.)
NNIOS, Number Nine's Intelligent Operating System
Number Nine created our own graphics
operating system called NNios™ (Number
Nine Intelligent Operating System). NNios was
resolution, color and even processor independent.
NNios was a unique innovation in graphics display
programming, and offered developers assurance that a
single driver would support multiple boards.
MDA uses the memory range B000-B7FF while the graphics mode
display uses A000-AFFF for it's color plane buffer
The Number Nine Graphics Card and
Windows 3.1 (This may not apply to the
Pepper SGT)
If you use a Number Nine Graphics Card Model GX with Win
3.1, you should have the TIGA display driver installed.
Number Nine tech support recommends using the
Windows TIGA display driver. You may also want to add an
EMMExclude statement in the [386Enh] section of the
SYSTEM.INI file. This line should read as follows:
NOTE: You may need to upgrade your Number Nine Graphics card
if problems occur when you run Windows version 3.1.
Antinomy wrote:
Before S3 chips there were two generation, #9GX and #9GXi.
#9GX generation are based on NN9091, NN9092 and
TMS34010FNL-50 chips
They consisted of the following models:
1) The one on your drawing with PCB PC007000-1
2) Another version with PCB PC007200-2
3) Another version with PCB PC007208 X1
4) #9GX MCA with PCB PC007700-3
#9GXi generation are based on RITAB, TINA, FREDD and
#9GXi generation consisted of the following models:
1) #9GXi
"Level 25", co-pro, two video ports, full length
2) #9GXi Lite
"Level 20", no co-pro, one video port, 2/3rd length ISA?
3) #9GXi HC
"Level 29", co-pro, two video ports, full length ISA?
4) #9GXi MCA
"Level 25", co-pro, one video port, full length MCA
Note: I am unsure if the GXi are duplicates...
Research - Number
Nine GXiTC from retronn.de
TMS34082 graphics FPU
Acumos VGA RAM 256Kx4 DRAM: MCM514256AP80 20-pin
DIP [300 mil]
Instruction RAM 256Kx4 DRAM: MCM514256AZ80 20-pin
Framebuffer RAM 1MBit Dual-Port VRAM: M5M442256AL-8 28-pin
Note: MCM514256A
has three different packages, the "P" [20 pin DIP], "J" [20
pin SOJ], and the "Z" [20 pin ZIP].
Note: The #9GXi for MCA
has an AVE [?] extension. But it might supply Base Video
[like the ATI GUP]
Back to Antinomy...
After that Number Nine started using S3 (#9GXE and #9GXE64)
and then the Imagine 128 came out which is more or less
known. But all these cards are neither Pepper nor Pepper SGT
although I've seen some #9GX referenced to like that.
The answer is in the PC
Mag 12 May 1987, page 44-45.
As you can see around May, 12 in 1987, Number Nine announced
SGT which is powered by a TI 34010 and an Intel 82786
chips. - this is the real Pepper SGT referenced to as
Pepper there. I've found some old ads (around 1989) selling
"Pepper SGT Plus" - no idea if it's the SGT or an updated
The Pepper Pro 1024 appears in an article in April, 1990 so
it's a later generation than Pepper SGT but earlier than the
That's all my progress on pre-S3 Number Nine cards for now.

GXi cards use a Texas Instruments TMS-34020 graphics
Wizard of Oz spoke thusly:
From looking at this pic, I think it is a GXi in MCA, not a
GX (it's even labeled GXI (should be GXi,
methinks)). (I think your line drawing is either
a Pepper or a GX, but I'm 99% it is NOT a GXi.)
I have a GXi in ISA, and it is similar to this pic.
Both are different from your line drawing. The empty
processor socket is for a TMS-340x2 (?, forgot exact number)
floating point co-processor. I think the extra DIP
sockets are for another 512K of DRAM (Ed.
Instruction memory, I think). As is, the card in the
pic appears to have 1M DRAM + 2M VRAM, like my ISA version,
though layout is a little different. Your line drawing
doesn't have a socket for the floating point co-processor.
What is interesting about this pic is it is an MCA
card. This appears to confirm that the GXi was
available in MCA (assuming it is, indeed, a GXi).
However, the card in the pic only has 1 VGA output; my ISA
version has 2. One is for low res VGA, the other for
Hi-res VGA. Back in the day, a lot of graphics (CAD,
etc) used one monitor for text input commands and text
output, and another (the hi resolution one) for Graphics
output. So there was a form of dual monitors back in
the day, but not like we have now.
I have never plugged mine in, so I can't be sure what the
boot message says, so I guess that is my next project. But I
believe the Pepper cards are different from the GX and GXi
cards, based on driver files that were on Number Nine's
site, et seq. That article link I sent calls the cards
in it the Pepper Pro 1024, and they do NOT have a socket for
the floating point co-processor. Also, that article is
from 1989, and my GXi models have silk screened dates of
1991 and 1992. The GX may be a descendant of the
Peppers, but I don't think it was a Pepper. The GXi's
I'm 99% sure are not Peppers. I think we are talking 3
different generations of cards here, like the later GXE64
and Motions, and the time frame fits in with typical
generational advancements.
I have the GXi family manual, and there is no reference to
the cards being called "Pepper." As to levels, you
might be partially right, but I think there is much
more. According to the GXi family manual, the GXi Lite
is a "Level 20," the GXi is a "Level 25," and the GXiTC is a
"Level 29." I think part of it is board revisions,
which may include memory, but that is not all. The
Level 25 and 29 are socketed for the floating point
co-processor; the Level 20 (GXi Lite) is not. Also,
there are 2 VGA outputs on the Level 25 (GXi) and Level 29
(GXiTC) boards, but only 1 on the Level 20 (GXi Lite)
board. And, the 25 and 29 are full length cards, while
the 20 is about 2/3 length. (The GXE went through a
number of "Levels," but they were still GXEs). I think
the Pepper Pro 1024 and Pro 1280 are different submodels of
Pepper, and the number is the max resolution rate at
whatever color depth they were pushing (probably true
color). I'm not sure where Pepper SGT and Pepper fit
in. More digging is needed.
I was wondering if you got that pic somewhere else, or is it
your card? It doesn't match your line drawing.
But I'm glad you sent the pic, because it shows what is
apparently a GXi in MCA, so I can add that tidbit to the
To summarize, at this point, I think the Pepper, GX, and GXi
are all DIFFERENT cards (3 different generations), there are
3 models of GXi, maybe 3-4 models of Pepper, and at least 1
model of GX. (This is not counting ISA/MCA as
different models; I'm counting different functional product
So the technological archaeological dig goes on...
Pepper Pro 1024
