Radius MultiView XGA (ISA)

Thanks to Unal Z. for the original scan, chip IDs, and a copy of the user's manual (switch and jumper settings).

Radius MultiView XGA [P] (photo source)

J1 VGA Passthrough
JP1 2x3-pin jumper (?)
JP2 2-pin jumper (?)
JP5 2x5-pin IRQ selection jumper
Q1 4.000 MHz xtal
U1-4 MT42C8255DJ-8 256Kx8 DRAM
U19 28.322000 MHz osc
U20 IMSG200X-40S XGA controller
U28 MT5C2568DJ-45 32Kx8 SRAM
U29 IMSG010JA ISA/MCA array?

JP5 2x5-pin IRQ selection jumper - from left to right IRQ14, 13, 12, 11, 10
U16 PhoenixVIEW VGA-Compatible BIOS, 1985-1991, A 11055

The adapter uses the MCA-only G200 XGA controller rather than the MCA/ISA G201 variant. The IMSG010JA array is likely used to interface the MCA chip to the ISA bus.


  1. Driver equivalent with the MCA variant.
  2. Responds to MCA ID & settings polling.
  3. OS/2 2.0 could not identify it, XGARING0.SYS has been fixed later.
  4. May require a DOS driver in CONFIG.SYS to assure DMA channel.
  5. Aperture disabled by default.

SW1 and SW2 Settings

(View the card upside down with the video port to the LEFT)

Note: SW1 and SW2 were made by different manufacturers. UP, OPEN, and OFF are used interchangeably.

SW1 Settings

1 Pivot   Reserved, must be UP

2 FPP     Reserved, must be UP

3-4 RSx  x=0,1 ROM Base address
           3  4
C0000h     D  D *
C8000h     D  U
D0000h     U  D
D8000h     U  U

SW2 Settings

1 MEM    UP 16 or 8 bit memory cycles *
         DN 8 bit memory cycles

2 ROM    UP ROM Enabled
         DN ROM Disabled *

3 IOS    UP 8 or 16 bit I/O cycles *
         DN 8 bit I/O cycles only

4-6 INSTx  x=2,1,0 (XGA Instance)
           4  5  6
Inst0      D  D  D
Inst1      D  D  U
Inst2      D  U  P
Inst3      D  U  U
Inst4      U  D  D
Inst5      U  D  U
Inst6      U  U  D *
Inst7      U  U  U

7-8 DMAx  x=1,0
           7  8
No DMA     D  D
DMA 6      D  U
DMA 7      U  U *

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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