XGA-2 Setup under DOS and Windows

Table 1

Remarks: The following table shows only the key-resolutions which are included in the most drivers and which are mainly used by the applications. The XGA-2 however is (relatively) free programmable for all resolutions / refresh-rates, which do not exceed the maximum bandwidth of the adapter.

There is no such "top resolution" - it is only limited through

  • number of vertical and horizontal pixels
  • rate of vertical refresh
  • colour depth
A resolution of 1300 x 1024 is possible - but uses a refresh of only maximal 43Hz interlaced, which is not ISO-compliant.

The maximum ISO-compliant resolution is 1024 x 768 at 75Hz non-interlaced. Though: some DMQS-files allow resolutions over 1024 x 768 - but with non-ISO compliant refresh rates and only with 16 colours (4 bit / pixel).

The XGA-2 is capable to handle a color-depth of 16 bit / pixel, which is 65536 colours, commonly called 64K- or Hi-Color mode.

XGA-2 Resolutions Supported

ResolutionsScan FrequencyNI / IColours /
Grey Shades
Vert. (Hz)Horiz. (KHz)
640 x 4806031.5NI64K / 256
640 x 4807237.8NI64K / 256VS
640 x 4807539.4NI64K / 256
800 x 6005635.2NI64K / 256VG
800 x 6006037.9NI64K / 256VG
800 x 6007248.1NI64K / 256VS
800 x 6007550.0NI256 / 256
1024 x 76843.535.5I256 / 256
1024 x 7686048.4NI256 / 256VG
1024 x 7687056.5NI256 / 256VS
1024 x 7687258.1NI256 / 256
1024 x 7687561.1NI256 / 256
1280 x 10244548.8I16 / 16

I = Interlaced
NI = Non Interlaced
VS = Video Electronic Standards Association (VESA) Standard
VG = Video Electronic Standards Association (VESA) Guideline

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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