7552 Extended Memory Adapter

188-183 IBM 7552 Industrial Computer/Extended Memory (0-16MB)

Extended Memory Adapter

DS1 Run / Check
DS2 Memory Check
S1 Bank 1 ECC SIMM
S2-5 SIMMs
S6 Bank 2 ECC SIMM
S7-10 SIMMs
U47 SDT 49C460BJ
P1,2 Backplane connectors

IDT 49C460 EDC 32-Bit CMOS Error Detection and Correction Unit
Error correction ICs for 64-bit word sizes
   This IC [1] is a 32-bit error detection (all single and double errors and some multiple bit errors) and correction (single errors) that uses a modified Hamming Code. Seven checkbits are used in 32-bit implementations. Two ICs can be cascaded for a 64-bit data implementation (in this case, eight checkbits are used).
   The time taken to detect and correct errors is, in the fastest version -and still preliminary- 14
ns. This time is 23 ns in 64-bit implementations (the syndrome output from the first IC is cascaded to the second one). The IC uses the same lines for both data input and output. It takes 7 ns max. to enable/disable the output buffers. The minimum cycle time is then 30 ns (estimated from the data shhet), allowing a 33 MHz operation.

IBM 7552 0-16MB EXTENDED MEMORY ADAPTER (#6345):  This extends the memory capacity of the 7552 from 2Mb to 16Mb.  The 0-16Mb Extended Memory Adapter is a full-length memory expansion option with Error Checking and Correction capability (standard with 0Mb of memory installed).  Up to ten (two of which are required for the Error Checking and Correction feature) 2Mb Memory Module Kits -- 85 ns (#5213) can be added to the card to provide up to 16Mb of memory.  No switch setting is required.

2MB 85 ns (#5213) (6450604):  Mine are 68X6127, OKI MSC2321-85YS18A

PREREQUISITES:  If the serial number of the 7552 Industrial Computer is below 25000, RPQ PF1076 is required to be installed on the processor card prior to the installation of the IBM 7552 0-16Mb Extended Memory Adapter (#6345).  If the serial number of the 7552 Industrial Computer is above 25000, RPQ PF1076 is not required.  RPQ PF1076 contains a BIOS chip set, removal tool, insertion tool, diagnostic diskette and installation instructions.

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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