Alan wrote:
Actually (ahem!) it was my company, Locus Computing Corp. that was
developing AIX/386 ("Stetson"), which because AIX/PS/2 and AIX/370 and created
TCF (transparent computing facility, which was LOcally Cooperative Unix
Systems, or LOCUS) before IBM renamed it.
AIX/386 with DOS Merge and PC/X was one alternative to OS/2 and Windows that
was destroyed by IBM by its restrictions (must run in 2 MB of DRAM ... uh huh
... right.) and its internecine warfare (AIX 2.2.1 for ROMP-C RTPC was
developed in Austin and no one at IBM Austin wanted to deal with Locus very
much 'cause they were working on RIOS, which became RS-6000, and it was all
very hush-hush). Locus was developing its AIX in Santa Monica and Inglewood, CA
and dealing with Palo Alto (compilers), Kingston (VM and 370's, and those
Kingston people HATED the Poughkeepsie MVS people!), and Boca (hardware,