@627C.ADF 3Com 3C529 Network Adapter (AUI / BNC)
@627D.ADF 3Com 3C529-TP Network Adapter (AUI / TP)
3C5X9X.EXE V4.3 EtherDisk
for 3C579 /3C529 Etherlink III NIC
5X9C32.EXE ODI-32 driver
for EtherLink III 3C5x9 adapters
5X9UW.EXE Unsupported Unixware
drivers for the 3C5X9 Ad
5X9NW.EXE EtherLink III 3C5x9 NW
2.x server drivers, IPX.COM workstation shell driver, with
LANPATCH utility.
3C5-TriROM supports NetWare boot, RPL, and BootP network
boot protocols
BootWare/3Com-TRIROM Utility Disk v2.50 NW, RPL,
3 sizes - 8K (Boot Ware), 16KB (Boot Ware Plus) and 32KB (Boot Ware w/ ROMSHIELD)
EtherDisk 6.1 for 3C529
3c509x1.exe EtherDisk #1 NDIS3
and 4 miniport drivers for Win95/98 and NT 3.51/ 4.0.
3c509x2.exe EtherDisk #2 NW
3.X / 4.X, various DOS NOS, IBM OS/2, and packet driver
The 3C529 Micro Channel NICs are partially
supported. In Windows 95 and Windows NT, the NIC driver
can be installed and removed, but the windows diagnostic
program and tray icon are not loaded. To make
configuration changes or test a 3C529, use the DOS
diagnostic on diskette #2.
3C529-TP/COAX Adapter Guide
Etherlink III Parallel Tasking Adapter Drivers
Technical Reference
3C529 / 3C529-TP
with Motorola SB4100 Cable Modem
ADF Sections
(Common ADF, differs only in Transceivers)
3C529 Etherlink III
3C529-TP Etherlink III
3C529-TP w/SB4100 Cable Modem
Works just fine under NT 4. Using the included 3com Etherlink III MCA
adapter drivers from the NT install CD. Just run a TP cable from the 3C529-TP
to the SB4100 and voila, cable modem speeds.
All I installed was TCP/IP, and of course, ZoneAlarm. You will need SP3 or greater for
the updated network files (LDSYS?)
I installed the drivers from EtherDisk 6.1, and I am getting about 384/120
depending on where I'm surfing to.
AdapterId 627C 3Com 3C529 Network Adapter
AdapterId 627D
3Com 3C529-TP Network Adapter
Enable/Disable Adapter
Use 'disabled' if you are not using the
adapter and enabling it causes a conflict
<" adapter
enabled ">, adapter disabled
I/O Address Range
The chosen addresses cannot be used by
another installed device.
200h to 20Fh ">, 600-60F, A00-A0F, E00-E0F,
1200-120F, 1600-160F, 1A00-1A0F, 1E00-1E0F, 2200-220F,
2600-260F, 2A00-2A0F, 2E00-2E0F, 3200-320F, 3600-360F,
3A00-3A0F, 3E00-3E0F, 4200-420F, 4600-460F, 4A00-4A0F,
Interrupt Request Level
This can be shared. Performance may
improve by using a non-shared Interrupt.
<" level 3
" >, 5 , 7 , 9, 10, 11, 12, 15
Boot ROM Address Range
Addresses used by boot PROM cannot be
shared. The selected size must match the size of
the boot ROM. Select 'disabled' if no boot ROM is
<" disabled
(8K) C200-C3FF,
C400-C5FF, C600C7FF, C800-C9FF, CA00-CBFF, CC00-CDFF,
CE00-CFFF, D000-D1FF, D200-D3FF, D400-D5FF, D600-D7FF,
(16K) C000-C3FF,
C400-C7FF, C800-CBFF, CC00-CFFF, D000-D3FF, D400-D7FF,
(32K) C000-C7FF,
C800-CFFF, D000-D7FFF, D800-DFFF
Transceiver Type (@627C/529)
Transceiver in use. For BNC, select
'on-board'. For AUI connector, select 'external'
<" on-board
(BNC) ">, external (AUI)
Transceiver Type
Transceiver in use. For RJ-45, select
'on-board'. For AUI connector, select 'external'.
< "
on-board (RJ45) ">, external (AUI)