@EF7F.ADF IBM Display Adapter 8514/A (does not require Description Program)
@EF7F.ADF IBM Display Adapter 8514/A (requires Description Program)
CEF7F.ADF Init file for @EF7F.ADF
187-054 The IBM PS/2 Display Adapter, PS/2 Display
Adapter 8514/A and The PS/2 8514 Memory Expansion Kit
8514/A Registers Source: "Harnessing the 8514/A," MIPS, January 1990, page 88 and 91
88514/A Adapter Experience (solving 8570 video bottleneck)
IBM Forges on with 8514/A Standard: But Who Wants It? (Computer Design article)
8514/A Adapter
8514/A Video Memory Card
Memory Enable Jumper
Additional Card-edge Pads
What Was 8514/A For?
8514/A Capabilities
Only 16 Colors with Memory Expansion
Memory enable/disable jumper on the 8514-card.
Error Code / Adapter RAM-Module replacement
8514/A Monitor
Horizontal and Vertical Frequencies used by 8514/A Monitor
Adjust Focus For Use With XGA-2 Card
Power Supply Components
Results of Rapid Mode Switching
8514/A Adapter FCC ID ANO4AR1887972, P/N 75X9013 / 75X9014 (old)

J1-4 44-pin headers for memory board
J5 HD15 video connector
U1 44.9 MHz osc
U17 25.17500 MHz osc
U19 1888554(ESD)
U24 1888589(ESD)
U32 75X8070 video BIOS ROM
There are additional card-edge pads located close to the adapter slot cover.
More information HERE.
8514/A Video Memory Card

All memory devices are NEC
µPD41264C-12 dual-ported 64Kx4 DRAM.
This entire segment is from snide comments uttered by Peter Wendt on the
PS/2 newsgroup.
Memory Enable/Disable Jumper
This is one of the rare jumpers on a MCA card: it sits between the two cards
on the 8514-daughter card. If you pull out the card from your computer and look
at it from the underside (where the MCA connector is). Turn it so the blue
'handle' at the left and the video-connector to the right side. Then look
between the two cards.
On the left there's a blue connector (one of 4) between the two cards. To
the right is a small silver square - the crystal oscillator. Just right to this
oscillator is the jumper visible. It consists out of three pins. To activate
the additional memory it must cover the middle pin and the left (to the
oscillator). The right pin must be free and visible. Ed. Memory installed, jumper pins towards J1, memory not
installed, jumper pins towards J2.
If it is set this way and if diagnostic doesn't give any error... hmm... it
is probably not supported from the board. To change the setting of this jumper
you will have to separate the daughter-board from the 8514A-base card. Not
easy, watch out not to damage the connectors.
Additional Card-edge Pads
There are additional card-edge pads located beyond the AVE portion of the
MCA card-edge section, close to the adapter slot cover.
These (20) connections carry the 8-bit RAMDAC pixel address, pixel clock,
blanking signal and the analog vertical and horizontal sync. signals.
Pin | Signal | | Pin | Signal |
T01 | Hor. Sync (HSYNC) [VGA p13] | S01 | Pixel Addr. 0 (P0) [U14 p5] |
T02 | Vert. Sync (VSYNC) [VGA p14] | S02 | Pixel Addr. 1 (P1) [U14 p6] |
T03 | GND | S03 | Pixel Addr. 2 (P2) [U14 p7] |
T04 | GND | S04 | Pixel Addr. 3 (P3) [U14 p8] |
T05 | GND | S05 | Pixel Addr. 4 (P4) [U14 p9] |
T06 | GND | S06 | Pixel Addr. 5 (P5) [U14 p10] |
T07 | GND | S07 | Pixel Addr. 6 (P6) [U14 p11] |
T08 | GND | S08 | Pixel Addr. 7 (P7) [U14 p12] |
T09 | GND | S09 | Pixel Clock (PCLK) [U14 p13] |
T10 | GND | S10 | Blank (-BLANK) [U14 p16] |
It's currently unknown how was this connector used (if at all). None of the
known planars feature a matching card-edge connector. Pads of the same
physical proportions can be found on the 4216
Personal Pageprinter Adapter/A.
What Was 8514/A For?
"8514" was originally a video standard introduced by IBM for host-based
graphic systems. It is a *vectorized* standard - and the only "native
bit-mapped mode" of this card is 1024 x 768 / 256 colors, which requires 1MB
The disadvantage is the low vertical refresh rate of 43.5Hz (which IBM
euphemistically called "88Hz Interlaced Mode"). Very flickery.
"8514" standard includes a particular API (Application Programming
Interface), which loads with the operating systems and enables application to
use the cards graphic processor. This now supports line-draw, fill-patterns,
polygons etc. - whatever vectorized graphic needs... like for example
You *might* use the card - but if you are used to XGA- or XGA-2 or SVGA you
will find it rather limited and causing pain in the eyes on the longer run.
BTW: it has no native text- or low-resolution graphics mode. It is a AVE
card - means: it uses the Auxiliary Video Extension on the MCA bus and
"vampirizes" the Base Video system (VGA or XGA) to display text and 640x480
graphics. It is not a "stand-alone" video-card, it always needs a base-video to
co-exist with.
8514/A Capabilities
8514 is a video standard, 1024 x 768, 43.5 Hz, interlaced.
If your 8514 card has the memory filled on the daughtercard, it has 1.5 MB
of memory and will run 256 colours, if those memory sockets are empty it has
0.5 MB and will run 16 colours at that specification.
All early PS/2s have VGA on the motherboard. Accordingly, when that card is
installed and you're running VGA, it's generated on the MB and the card is just
passing it through to the monitor. It would seem that the card is capable of
Obviously you can run a third party monitor that'll run 43.5Hz with an 8514
card. The thing to do, though, is get an IBM 8514 monitor and run it with that
card. They're running at from $5 or $15, that's for a very nice 16" monitor
running 1024 x 768, now they're giving away 16" 1024 x 768 monitors, can you
imagine. 8514 being a standard, every OS has drivers, I think. I've run 8514
with an IBM 8514 monitor for 10 years now. It runs very well indeed.
I dunno, I've never run anything else except VGA, 8514 is 1987 technology
and it might be slow for some things or something, but I haven't seen anything
like that at all. I've seen it said that 43.5 Hz is slow enough, that some
individuals' eyes are fine enough, that they see the refresh, perhaps under
fluorescent lights, bothering them intolerably. I'm talking about home use, not
a professional multimedia movie shop here, the latter knows to use a hot Turtle
Beach card and never mind this baloney.
I do know that, um, third party interests badmouthed 8514 to promote SVGA, a
horrid non-standard, and sell a hundred million SVGA adapters and monitors
That's when that came about. That's called electronic publishing.
An IBM 8514 monitor also runs XGA and XGA-2, both newer 1024 x 768 video
standards. OK then, 8514/A adapters are capable of 8514, a slightly older 1024
X 768 standard that works very well indeed.
Only 16 Colors with Memory Expansion
I've a problem with a 8514/a card and memory expansion installed in it.I use
8512-002 monitor and my machine is 8580-071 with onboard VGA-controller.
When I connect the monitor to onboard VGA I can get 640x480 in 16 colors
which is O.K with 256kB display memory.If I connect the monitor with 8514/a
card I get again only 16 colors.1 MB display memory should get me at least 256
colors on 640x480.The jumper on 8514/a card is correctly set.The ADF file of
8514/a is installed.
The IBM 8514 adapter does not generate VGA. It does generate 1024
x 768 8514, and that's all. The memory on that adapter, which totals 1.5 MB
incidentally, applies strictly to the generation of 8514. With the original
512K memory you'd get 16 colours of 8514, and it's the 256colours of 8514 that
you'd get with the 1.5 MB.
Every (early) PS/2 generates 16 colour VGA using 256K on the _planar. When
you connect your monitor to the 8514 adapter and run VGA, that VGA is generated
on the planar and the 8514 adapter simply passes that through to the monitor.
That's why you're getting only VGA with 16 colours no matter what you do with
the 8514 adapter.
I don't know the 8512 monitor and assume it's VGA.
Offhand, you can do one of two things. First, you could run VGA. Then you
might as well take out the 8514 adapter because it isn't doing anything, and
connect the monitor to the planar.
Second and best, you could get an 8514 monitor, install the 8514 drivers and
run the system on the 8514 adapter with 1024 x 768, 256 colours.
Explanation of 8514/A Functionality
(original HERE)
The 8514/A card simply provides a high resolution of 1024 x 768 with 16 or
256 colors in this mode, depending on the amount of memory installed on the
card. This card works on any Micro Channel system unit that has an adapter slot
with the video extension connector. The 8514/A card only functions in that slot
because it only has a high resolution processor and not a VGA compatible
When the system is running applications in VGA mode (or lesser resolutions)
the 8514/A card simply passes the VGA information from the motherboard VGA
controller through the Auxiliary Video Extension (AVE). When applications
require high resolution, a TSR program called HDILOAD (provided with the
adapter) installs the 8514/A Adapter Interface (AI) code. The 8514/A AI is
basically a gateway to the 8514/A adapter. Since IBM never published the
hardware register information for the 8514/A, all applications had to write to
the AI, which in turn writes directly to the hardware on the card. The 8514/A
can not function unless it has a video system to supply VGA mode (and lower)
video signals.
Error Code / Adapter RAM-Module Replacement
Error Code |
Module No. |
Error Code |
Module No. |
007440XX |
31 |
007460XX |
16 |
007441XX |
30 |
007461XX |
27 |
007442XX |
29 |
007462XX |
26 |
007443XX |
28 |
007463XX |
25 |
007444XX |
22 |
007464XX |
24 |
007445XX |
21 |
007465XX |
23 |
007446XX |
18 |
007466XX |
20 |
007447XX |
17 |
007467XX |
19 |
007448XX |
32 |
007468XX |
15 |
007449XX |
14 |
007469XX |
11 |
007450XX |
13 |
007470XX |
10 |
007451XX |
12 |
007471XX |
9 |
007452XX |
6 |
007472XX |
8 |
007453XX |
5 |
007473XX |
7 |
007454XX |
2 |
007474XX |
4 |
007455XX |
1 |
007475XX |
3 |
8514/A Monitor
From Peter:
The 8514 does not have the sync circuitry to do horizontal
deflection at 35khz. Although it may be fudged a bit, if you're willing. It's
happy only at 31.5khz/60hz/70hz (VGA/XGA), and 38khz/43.5hz interlaced
Both XGA and XGA-2 adapters run an IBM 8514 monitor very nicely at 1024 x
768 at 43.5Hz (I) - according to the 8514-specs and according to the values
passed in XGA$DMQS for the XGA-2. The 8514 monitor will fall out of sync at
800 x 600. It is not specified for this resolution. I tried that .. and the
monitor made a fuzzy picture (coloured lines) for about 20 seconds before the
power supply shut down. Takes him about 2 minutes to recover before it could be
used at normal modes again.
Horizontal and Vertical Frequencies used by the 8514/A Monitor
From Don Hills (hang on!)
Horizontal and vertical frequencies are as follows:
640x350 640x400 640x480 720x350 720x400 1024x760
70/31.5 70/31.5 60/31.5 70/31.5 70/31.5 43.5/35.5
Maximum recommended pel (dot clock) rate: 46.5 MHz. The mode to be used
is selected by altering the polarity of the horizontal and vertical sync
V+ H+ = 350 line mode
V+ H- = 400 line mode
V- H- = 480 line mode
V+ H- = 768 line mode
Going back the other way, there are 4 ID lines from the monitor to the video
card. Monitor type is signaled by various combinations of signals on these
lines: 0 (ground), 1 (5V), H (Horizontal sync) and V (Vertical sync).
8514 = ID bits 1010
If you wish, I can go into detail on the exact timing specs for sync and
video signals- blanking, sync width, front / back porch etc.
If you installed and used the 8514/A adapter before adding the memory
expansion option, you will have to run the adapter interface installation
program again in order to use the additional memory. In addition, there were
several revisions to the 8514/A adapter. The original version of the 8514/A
adapter used 16K of system ROM. The revised 8514/A adapter used 8K of system
ROM, and is identified with an assembly number of 07F2519 on the adapter. The
memory daughter card for the revised 8514/A adapter is identified with a part
number of 38F4042. Both versions of the 8514/A adapter share the same FRU P/N
pf 1887971. The memory daughter cards of the 8514/A adapter are not
Individual modules from a daughter card can be interchanged. It is possible
to configure the revised 8514/A adapter with the older version of the option
diskette. If this occurs, the revised 8514/A adapter will continue to use 16K
of system ROM.
Adjust Focus For Use With XGA-2 Card
>I'm trying to get an 8514 to work on my 8595 with xga2 but it seems to
be out of focus. Is there an internal adjustment to sort this out?
From Mike McKean Sr.:
There is an adjustment for focus on the flyback transformer. Look
at the picture tube and find the red wire attached to the suction cup and
follow it down to the place where it comes from. That will be the flyback
transformer. Located on the side of the flyback transformer are two
adjustments. the upper one is for focus and the lower one is for adjusting
screen voltage. Adjust the upper one for clearest picture.
Caution! That red wire carries over 25,000 volts
to drive the picture tube! Stay AWAY from the suction cup on the picture tube!
If you are not experienced in working on video monitors with cathode ray tubes
(picture tube) then DON'T open the monitor..take it to someone who is qualified
to service it!
Power Supply Components
Warning! High Voltages exist within monitors! I
take NO responsibility for ANY of your actions if YOU open the case! For the
cost of an 8514 monitor, throw it away and get another.
The following is for educational purposes only! If you do not know how to
safely work on high voltage devices, this IS NOT the place to start! High
voltages are not tolerant of mistakes. They do not "understand" that you are
curious, or that you'd never do THAT again...
From Peter:
Uigh... ! Yeah - they were easy to kill off. The power supply was pretty
C825 47uF 16V
C810 22uF 35V
C832 22uF 25V (or 100uF 10V, running change)
C864 470uF 6.3V
C865 10uF 50V
Replace all those in the power supply, and you'll almost never have another
problem with an 8514. The power supplies were the weakest part of them.
Results of Rapid Mode Switching
From Peter:
One of my team mates killed his 8514 by switching between DOS
fullscreen and 1024 Win 3.1 resolution during editing a text file... [switch]
clickety-click - DOS [switch] clickety-clack-whirrr - Windows [switch]
clickety-click - DOS [switch] WHACK... flash on the screen... Power LED went
dark - monitor gone.
Comes over to my desk and asked me what went wrong. We disassembled the
monitor (early models with security TORX) and found the main switching
transistor in the power supply blown. Took us about 2 hours to get it fixed -
and the monitor never was the same again it was before. Showed tendencies to
start "oscillating" when the background changes from white to black and back
again. Took the monitor about 10 seconds until the picture came to rest