Source: SC23-2045-0 EZ12QMST.BOO
AIX PS/2: DOS Merge User's and Administrator's Guide
DOS Merge User's and Administrator's Guide
2.7 Chapter 7. Installing and De-Installing AIX PS/2 DOS Merge
2.7.2 About This Chapter
2.7.3 Introduction
2.7.4 Hardware and Software Requirements
2.7.5 Planning for Installation DOS Partitions Before You Install
2.7.6 Installing DOS Merge Run the installp Program Run the dosinstall Program If Your
System Hangs During Installation AIX Path Considerations
2.7.7 DOS Merge Files for DOS Internal Commands Internal Commands Executable
from the AIX Shell Internal Commands Not Enabled
for Use from the AIX Shell
2.7.8 De-Installing DOS Merge What the uninst Program
Removes What the uninst Program
Does Not Remove Precautions Backing Up Files Before You De-Install DOS
Merge De-Installing DOS Merge
2.7.9 Reinstalling DOS Merge
2.7.2 About This Chapter
This chapter shows you how to install the AIX PS/2 DOS
Merge system. It also helps you plan for installation by telling
you what hardware and software you need to run DOS Merge and how to set
up the fixed disk. You are also shown how to remove DOS Merge from
the fixed disk.
2.7.3 Introduction
This chapter shows you how to install the AIX PS/2 DOS
Merge (hereafter called DOS Merge) software. It tells you what you
need to know to plan for installation and to start to use DOS Merge features
and services.
2.7.4 Hardware and Software
The following hardware and software are required to install
DOS Merge and
support all its functions:
A PS/2 computer with the AIX PS/2 Operating System
A minimum of 3 megabytes of 32-bit memory. We
strongly recommend that
you have more than the minimum required memory,
especially if you
intend to support multiple, simultaneous DOS
A fixed-disk capacity that is sufficient to accommodate
the AIX PS/2
Operating System plus the following additional
space for the DOS Merge
- 2500 1K blocks
in the root (/) file system
- 1890 1K blocks
in the /local file system
If you want to support DOS running on terminals or
if you want to use
applications that use communication ports, you
need serial ports.
(For example, one serial port is standard on
a PS/2 Model 80.)
The AIX PS/2 operating system.
The AIX PS/2 DOS Merge software (a 3.5-inch, 1.44MB
The DOS 3.30 Startup/Operating diskette (a 3.5-inch,
720KB diskette).
(Ed. AIX
1.3.0 needs the 5.0 Startup/Operating diskette)
The IBM PS/2 Reference Diskette. The Reference
diskette is not
required during the initial installation of
DOS Merge, but you may
need it to make optional adapter cards usable
by DOS Merge. (Refer to
"Installing or Removing Plug-in Cards" in topic
2.7.5 Planning for Installation
Before you install DOS Merge, you need to decide whether
to create a physical DOS partition on the fixed disk for the DOS Merge
system. The information in this section helps you make that decision
by describing the advantages of having a physical DOS partition for DOS
Just prior to installation, you need to observe certain
special requirements. Those requirements are listed under "Before
You Install." DOS Partitions
To support full DOS Merge functionality, you should have
a physical DOS partition available that can be accessed under DOS Merge
as DOS drive E. Having a physical DOS partition offers you several advantages:
Some copy-protected DOS application programs cannot
be installed on
DOS Merge drives C or D using normal procedures.
However, if you have
a DOS partition, you can install such applications
on this partition
and run them from DOS Merge drive E and under
native DOS.
Files should be installed on the physical DOS partition with
because they are not part of the AIX file system and
be backed up separately using DOS procedures.
If you have a physical DOS partition, you can boot
it under native DOS
(either from a diskette or, if the DOS partition
is bootable, from the
partition itself) and access any DOS files or
applications installed
on the DOS partition.
To take advantage of these features, you should create
a physical DOS partition before proceeding with system installation.
If you decide to create a DOS partition, you must create it before installing
the DOS Merge system.
Note: If possible,
create a DOS partition, install AIX PS/2, then install the DOS Merge system.
If you have a primary DOS partition, that partition is
the first physical partition on the fixed disk and is accessed as DOS drive
E. Any additional (extended) partitions are accessed as DOS drives
F, G, H, I, and so forth. For additional information on DOS partitions,
see "Diskette and Fixed Disk Drives" in topic 1.2.13 and "Administering
DOS Partitions" in topic 2.8.8. You can also refer to your Disk Operating
System, Version 3.30 Reference for detailed information on primary and
extended DOS partitions.
If your fixed disk is already partitioned and formatted
with an operating system other than DOS as the first partition, you must
back up the files currently on the partition and do a low-level format
of the fixed disk before reassigning the first partition to DOS.
Contact the customer support organization for your computer hardware if
you need help with doing a low-level format.
When your fixed disk is ready to be partitioned, take the
following steps. (See your Disk Operation System, Version 3.30 Reference
manual for further information on these procedures.)
Note: DOS Merge also allows
you to create a virtual partition, which can
be formatted under DOS and
used for DOS files. If you want to
create a virtual DOS partition,
see "Virtual DOS Partitions and
Diskettes" in topic 2.8.9.
1. Use the DOS FDISK command to create a primary DOS partition.
recommend that you make this partition at least
2.5 megabytes in size.
(Some DOS copy-protection schemes cannot be
installed on a partition
smaller than 2.5 megabytes.)
2. Use the DOS SELECT or FORMAT /S command to format a DOS
partition and
install DOS system files. Before You Install
Before beginning the installation procedures, review the
previous sections on hardware and software requirements. Then, observe
the following additional requirements:
The system must be quiescent during the entire installation
This means that there must be no users other
than the root (the person
who is installing DOS Merge) logged in, and
there must be no user
processes executing. If you are installing
DOS Merge in an AIX
cluster, the entire cluster must be quiescent.
You must have 2500 1K blocks of free disk space in
the /local file
system and 1890 1K blocks of free disk space
in the root (/) file
system to accommodate DOS Merge. If you
are installing DOS Merge in
an AIX cluster that already has DOS Merge sites,
no additional space
is required in the root file system because
all necessary root files
already exist.
You should have the DOS Merge system diskette and
the DOS
Startup/Operating diskette at hand before beginning
You must be logged in as root during the installation
2.7.6 Installing DOS Merge
Installing DOS Merge is a fairly simple procedure.
You accomplish most of the DOS Merge installation procedure by running
installation scripts that transfer the DOS Merge files from the diskette
to your fixed disk, transfer the standard DOS files from the DOS Startup/Operating
Diskette to your fixed disk, and configure your system to operate properly
as a combined DOS/AIX system. Run the installp
1. Log into a PS/2 system as root.
You can be in single-user or multi-user mode, but all
processes should be quiescent.
2. Insert the DOS Merge system diskette into the diskette
drive and make
sure it locks in place.
3. At the AIX prompt (#), enter:
The system responds:
000-123 Before you continue, you must make sure
there is not other
activity on the system.
You should have
just restarted the system and no
other terminals
should be enabled. Refer to your messages
reference book
for more information.
Do you want to
continue with this command? (y or n)
4. Type y and press Enter.
The system prompts:
Please mount volume
1 on /dev/rfd0
5. Make sure that the diskette is in the diskette drive.
Then press Enter.
The system responds:
files restored: 1
The program "AIX PS/2 DOS MERGE"
will be installed
Do you want to do this? (y/n)
6. Type y to install DOS Merge.
The system responds:
files restored: 1
Copyright _ 1988 IBM Corporation
Copyright _ 1987 Locus Computing Corporation
All Rights Reserved
7. Make sure that the DOS Merge system diskette is in the
diskette drive.
Then, press Enter.
The system displays the names of the DOS Merge
files as they are
copied from the DOS Merge system diskette.
When all the files are
copied, you see this message:
Program "AIX PS/2 DOS MERGE" is now installed
Next, run dosinstall with
the procedures in the next section. Run the dosinstall
You run the dosinstall
program to install the DOS distribution files. To install these files:
1. Make sure you are logged in as root.
2. At the AIX prompt (#),
sh /usr/lib/merge/dosinstall
The system responds:
Please insert your DOS 3.3 System Disk into Drive A:
and hit return to continue.
Your system may appear to be hung either immediately after you
Enter or some time later after one or more files have
copied. If you experience no diskette activity for a
of two minutes or more, your DOS diskette may be
To correct this problem, follow the procedures
"If Your System Hangs During Installation" in
3. Insert the DOS System diskette into diskette drive A and
lock it in
place. Press Enter.
The dosinstall program script installs all the
DOS Merge files. As
each file is installed, its name is displayed
along with the following
Making DOS image...
Copy in progress...
Do not remove
the DOS disk.
When the system finishes copying the distribution
files, the following
message is displayed:
Installing the DOS system files from the DOS disk...
Installing the DOS utilities under DOS Merge
The system then installs the
DOS image files. As these files are installed the following
message is displayed:
IBM Personal Computer
DOS Version 3.30
When the dosinstall program
is finished, you see this message:
DOS installation is complete.
Remove the DOS disk now. If Your System
Hangs During Installation
Note: Use this
only if you have had no diskette activity
for at least two minutes while running the dosinstall
If your system hangs while you are running the dosinstall
procedure, do the following:
1. Press the Alt-Action keys
to return to the login shell.
(Ed. Action
key is the right Ctrl key. IBM shipped
a new keycap with
the word "Action" on it with the
AIX package)
2. Enter the ps -el command.
The system displays a listing of active
3. Scan the list for any processes labelled dos.
Then, using the PID
(not PPID), issue a kill
command for each dos process until no such
processes remain.
4. Your DOS diskette may be marginally defective. Examine
the diskette.
It should be an original, 3.5-inch low density
(1.0MB) DOS 3.3
Startup/Operating diskette. If your diskette
fails and fits this
description, it is likely that it is marginally
defective. To
determine whether the diskette (or diskette
drive) is defective, try
the options listed below in the order given.
In all cases where a
defective DOS Startup/Operating diskette or
PS/2 diskette drive is
suspected, contact your place of purchase.
a. Try the dosinstall procedure using a
different original DOS 3.3
Startup/Operating diskette.
b. If an original DOS Startup/Operating
diskette is not usable for
some reason, use the
DISKCOPY command to copy to another 3.5"
low-density diskette.
Then, try the dosinstall procedure.
If this option fails
and only one original DOS Startup/Operating
diskette was used, it
is probably defective; otherwise, the drive
is probably defective.
c. If the DISKCOPY
command fails, use the FORMAT command to format
3.5", low-density diskette
under DOS with the /S, /N:9, /T:80
options. Then,
use the XCOPY command to copy all files from
original to the new
diskette. (For information on the FORMAT
commands, see your Disk Operating System Version 3.30
Reference.) Then,
run the dosinstall program. AIX Path Considerations
During DOS Merge installation, the /etc/profile
file is updated to append the /usr/dbin directory
to the PATH used for the Bourne shell (sh).
If you are using the C shell (csh), you must
manually update your .cshrc or login
files. If you are installing DOS applications with the dosadmin
program, you should manually add the /usr/ldbin
directory to these files. For more information, see "Using the AIX Search
Path" in topic 1.3.12 and "Changing the AIX Search Path" in topic
2.7.7 DOS Merge Files for
DOS Internal Commands
The following lists contain the files that identify DOS
internal commands installed on the fixed disk during the dosinstall procedure.
These files are used by the DOS Merge system when you run a DOS internal
command from the AIX shell. On a conventional DOS system, these files
do not exist because they are built into the DOS command interpreter,
Like the standard DOS files with AIX links, these files are owned by bin,
belong to the sys group, and have 755 (-rwxr-xr-x)
Standard DOS Merge files often created after the system
is in use include /usr/lib/merg/ps_xbios.rmg,
and users' home directory files sdfile,
autoexec.bat, config.sys, dosapp.def,
and dosenv.def. These files,
as well as home directory .profile
files, are not listed in the following tables because they are not created
at the time DOS Merge is installed. Internal Commands
Executable from the AIX Shell
The following files contain data that identify the corresponding
DOS internal commands as executable from the AIX shell. They also
contain a record of the DOS options used when the internal commands are
executed from the AIX shell. Except for the COPY command, which has
a different DOS option record, these files are identical and are, therefore,
all linked. The assigned DOS options are:
+b +dc -e +l +ms -p +s15 -x. The DOS options assigned
to the COPY command are: +b +dc -e +l +mn
-p +s15 - x. All files are in the directory /usr/dbin.
FOR Internal Commands
Not Enabled for Use from the AIX Shell
Several DOS commands have no known use from the AIX prompt.
DOS commands twith the same function as AIX commands with
the same name.
¦ SET (csh SET)
¦ PATH (csh PATH) ¦
DOS commands that are not enabled (by links to the dos
command) because they are not useful from the AIX prompt.
¦ This list also includes most DOS batch commands (for example,
¦ SHIFT, and REM.)
Note the following regarding these commands:
Most of these DOS commands are not meaningful from
the AIX prompt
because they affect a DOS environment that does
not exist when you use
the AIX shell. For example, the PROMPT
command, if issued from the
AIX shell, would redefine the DOS prompt in
a DOS environment that
lasts only for the duration of the PROMPT command
itself. (To change
your AIX prompt, you would use the Bourne shell
PS1= command.)
Most DOS batch commands--including GOTO, IF, PAUSE,
REM, and
SHIFT--are intended to be used in DOS batch
files and are generally
not useful from either the DOS prompt or the
AIX prompt. On the DOS
Merge system, you can include these commands
within DOS batch files
and execute these files from either the DOS
environment or the AIX
shell. The FOR command, however, does
work from the AIX prompt.
If you find that you need to use a DOS command that is
not enabled for use from the AIX prompt, refer to Chapter 6, "Installing
and Removing DOS Applications."
As in the DOS environment, the following restrictions apply
to DOS commands:
You cannot use the DOS FDISK or SHIP commands (or
any other DOS
command for parking the fixed disk head) on
the DOS Merge system.
You cannot use CHKDSK, FORMAT, or SYS on the shared
DOS/AIX file
system. You can, however, use these commands
on a diskette drive or
on a DOS partition as you would on any conventional
DOS system.
The DOS TIME and DATE commands can be used from the
AIX shell to
display the time or date, but cannot be used
to alter the DOS Merge
system clock. Note that the AIX system
also includes time and date
commands, so if you use the DOS TIME or DATE
command, refer to
"DOS/AIX Program Name Conflicts" in topic 1.3.13.
2.7.8 De-Installing DOS
To de-install the DOS Merge software, use the uninst
program. When you run this program, it removes DOS Merge files, constructs
a new AIX kernel that does not support DOS Merge, and reboots the system
to activate the restored kernel.
Before you run the uninst
program, read this section in its entirety so that you know what the uninst
program removes, what it does not remove, and what precautions you should
take before de-installing DOS Merge. What the uninst
Program Removes
When you run the uninst
program, it removes the following:
All DOS Merge files that were installed when the DOS
Merge software
was installed. However, before the uninst
program removes the
/local/merge/autoexec.bat, and
files, it backs them up in respective files named:
/local is the standard directory that contains
local files on
AIX site. Its name is typically the same as the name of
AIX site. If you do not know what the local site name is,
can find out by entering the sitelocal command at your
All symbolic links to files in /local/merge
as well as the entire
contents of that directory except for the three
backup files listed
The symbolic link to the physical DOS partition, if
one exists.
The directory /usr/ldbin,
only if it is empty. (If you have installed
DOS applications in this directory, the uninst
program does not remove
them or the directory.) What the uninst
Program Does Not Remove
When you run the uninst
program, it does not remove:
DOS applications or DOS data files that you added
after DOS Merge was
installed. It also does not remove or
restore AIX files that have
been configured since DOS Merge was installed.
For example, the
uninst program does not remove any personal
DOS applications that
users may have stored in their home directories
or subordinate
Any virtual DOS floppies in your AIX file system.
Any files in any DOS partitions, either physical or
virtual, or the
partitions themselves. Precautions
Before you run uninst
program, consider the following:
When installing DOS applications, users or the dosadmin
program may
have modified the /etc/profile
or home directory .profile files to add
directories containing DOS programs to the AIX
search path. When you
de-install DOS Merge, you might want to remove
DOS applications and
change path definitions so DOS directories are
no longer searched.
When you de-install DOS Merge, virtual floppies and
partitions become
meaningless AIX files. When you remove
DOS Merge, you can access
files in a physical DOS partition only in one
of the following ways:
- By shutting down the AIX system,
changing your active partition to
a DOS partition, and
booting DOS from the partition.
- By shutting down the AIX system,
booting DOS from a diskette, and
accessing a DOS partition
as drive C.
For these reasons, you should back up all DOS
files, directories,
virtual floppies, and virtual partitions in
the shared DOS/AIX file
system that you want to save before de-installing
DOS Merge. If you
intend to reinstall DOS Merge in the future,
you can back up these DOS
records just like ordinary AIX files and directories
and later
reinstall them. If you intend to use these
DOS records with a
conventional DOS system, independent of the
DOS Merge system, you
should use DOS commands (such as COPY) to copy
them to DOS-compatible
media, such as diskettes.
Some copy-protected DOS applications require a special
procedure. If you do not follow the required
procedure, you may not
be able to reinstall the application at a future
time. Refer to the
instructions for your DOS applications for specific
information. Backing Up Files
As described previously, the uninst
program automatically copies the system autoexec.bat,
and dosdev files to files with names ending
in "OLD" before it removes them. These saved copies can be useful
when you reinstall DOS Merge. If you have modified the /etc/dosenv.def
or /etc/dosapp.def file since you
installed DOS Merge, you should also back them up before running the uninst
program. Back up these files by entering the following command at
the AIX prompt (#):
cp /etc/dosenv.def
cp /etc/dosapp.def
/etc/dosapp.OLD Before You De-Install
DOS Merge
Before you run the uninst
program, observe the following requirements:
Before removing DOS Merge, make sure you have the
diskette containing
the DOS Merge software so you can reinstall
the system, if necessary.
Since the de-installation procedure requires a completely
system, de-install DOS Merge when system users
will not be affected.
You must be logged in as root to run the uninst program. De-Installing
DOS Merge
To de-install DOS Merge, enter the following command at
the AIX prompt (#):
/etc/lpp/uninst Merge
The uninst program script then removes the DOS Merge files
(with the exceptions noted above), constructs a new AIX kernel that does
not support DOS Merge, and reboots the system to activate the restored
2.7.9 Reinstalling DOS
If you have removed the DOS Merge software from your AIX
system, you can reinstall it at any time using the procedures described
in "Installing DOS Merge" in topic 2.7.6.
Note: Do not
try to reinstall the DOS Merge software unless you have first removed it
according to the instructions in the previous section.