AIX X-Windows User's Guide - Appendix A. Installing AIX X-Windows
This appendix contains the installation instructions for
both the AIX RT X-Windows, Version 2.1 licensed program,
see "Installing AIX RT X-Windows, Version 2.1" in topic A.1, and the AIX
PS/2 X-Windows licensed program, "Installing AIX PS/2 X-Windows, Version
1.1" in topic A.5.
A.1 Installing AIX RT X-Windows, Version 2.1
A.2 Operating from the AIX Shell or Usability Services
A.3 Installing X-Windows from the AIX Shell
A.3.1 More Detailed Information
A.3.2 Installing X-Windows
A.3.3 Installing Fonts
A.3.4 Installing All of the X-Windows
A.3.5 Installing Example X-Windows
A.4 RT Installation Requirements for Remote Usage
A.5 Installing AIX PS/2 X-Windows, Version 1.1
A.5.1 More Detailed Information
A.5.2 Installing Sample X-Windows
A.6 PS/2 Installation Requirements for Remote Usage
A.1 Installing AIX RT X-Windows,
Version 2.1
Before you install X-Windows on the RT, the following tasks must be
Install the AIX Operating System. See Installing
and Customizing the AIX Operating System.
Install the Extended Programming Support from the Extended
Services diskette.
(Make sure that /usr/lib/libdbm.a
is installed.)
Install the Advanced Display Graphics Support Library
from Multi-User Services.
Before you can use AIX RT X-Windows, Version 2.1, you must
create a number of pty devices using the devices
command. Add a pty device for each aixterm window you plan to use.
The procedure to add pty devices is contained in Installing and Customizing
the AIX Operating System.
Make sure that no one else is using the system and that
no user programs are running before you install the X-Windows licensed
program. If other users are working on the system, installation may
A.2 Operating from the AIX
Shell or Usability Services
You must be in the AIX Shell or Usability Services to install
the X-Windows licensed program. If you are now using the AIX Shell,
go to "Installing X-Windows from the AIX Shell" in topic A.3.
If you are using Usability Services, (the Usability Services
licensed program must be installed), you have two choices:
Turn to the customization install and devices commands,
described in Usability Services Reference. You can select the install
and devices commands and follow the prompts.
Go to the WINDOWS window and select AIX
from the Window Types pane. Select OPEN from
the command bar. Enter the installp and the devices commands and
follow the prompts.
A.3 Installing X-Windows
from the AIX Shell
To install the AIX RT X-Windows, Version 2.1 licensed program
from the AIX Shell, follow these steps. If you receive an error message
during the procedure, see Messages Reference for details.
+--- To Install X-Windows ----------------------------------------------+
¦ 1. Log in as su (superuser)
or root.
¦ 2. Add pty devices using the devices command.
¦ 3. Make sure no one else is using the system and
that no user ¦
¦ programs are running.
¦ 4. Type installp. Follow the prompts to insert
the X-Windows ¦
¦ licensed program diskettes and
install the program.
A.3.1 More Detailed Information
1. Log on the system as su (superuser)
or root. After logging in, you see
the AIX Operating System #
IBM AIX Operating
(C) Copyright
IBM CORP. 1985, 1988
login: su
See Using the AIX Operating System if you require
more information.
2. Run the devices command. For step-by-step information
about running
devices, see Installing and Customizing the
AIX Operating System. For
more information about the devices command,
see AIX Operating System
Commands Reference.
For aixterm windows, ae and logger should be false. For other
use the default.
3. Repeat the devices command for each terminal window you
want to open.
Four windows is a suggested number to get started.
When you have
completed adding all pty devices, press F3.
Devices session
# _
You are now ready to install the X-Windows licensed
4. Locate the X-Windows licensed program diskettes in the
licensed program diskette binder. You
should have both X-Windows
licensed program diskettes and X-Windows example
diskettes. Do not
put a diskette in the diskette drive until you
are prompted to do so.
5. Type installp. Then
press Enter.
# installp
You see the following prompt:
000-123 Before you continue, you
must make sure there is no other
activity on the system. You should have just restarted
the system, and no other terminals should be enabled. Refer
to your messages reference book for more information.
Do you want to continue this command (y or n):
See the discussion of message 000-123 in Messages
Reference if you
require more information.
Make sure that you are the only user on your system while you
are installing the X-Windows licensed program.
You should not be
running programs or have files open during the
installation process.
Use the who command
to display a list of users on the system.
6. To continue, type y.
Then press Enter.
You see the following prompt:
Please mount volume 1 on /dev/rfd0
... and press Enter to continue
7. Insert the first X-Windows licensed program diskette into
the diskette
drive, close the diskette drive, and press Enter.
You see the following prompt:
The program "X-Windows" will be installed.
Do you want to do this? (y/n)
8. To continue the installation, type y and press Enter.
Follow the prompts until all the program diskettes
are loaded. (The
following is only an example of the licensed
program diskette label,
it may not be complete or accurate.)
IBM AIX/RT X-Windows Licensed Program
Version 2.1 (C) Copyright International
Business Machines Corp. 1988
Licensed Material-Program Property of
IBM-All Rights Reserved
AIX is a trademark of International Business
Machines Corp.
Copyright (C) Massachusetts Institute
of Technology 1985, 1988
Copyright (C) Donald E. Knuth 1985
9. The next screen allows you to choose the items to be installed:
Choose one or more of the following items
to be installed.
1 X-Windows
- base X system
2 Fonts
- font tools and other fonts
3 All of the above
To cancel the "installp" command, enter
To install one
or more items, type the ID numbers
separated by spaces
(for example: 1 3). Then press Enter.
---> _
To choose an item from the menu, type the ID
number for the item you
want. Then press Enter.
a. 1 X-Windows
contains the base X-Windows programs.
b. 2 Fonts includes
font tools and additional fonts.
c. 3 All of the
above includes both items 1 and 2.
10. To proceed with the installation of the X-Windows licensed program,
see the pages listed below:
To install 1 X-Windows, see "Installing X-Windows"
in topic A.3.2.
To install 2 Fonts, see "Installing Fonts"
in topic A.3.3.
To install 3 All of the above, see "Installing
All of the X-Windows Programs" in topic A.3.4.
To cancel the installp command,
type quit and press Enter.
A.3.2 Installing X-Windows
If you chose X-Windows installation option 1, X-Windows.
1. After choosing option 1 and pressing Enter, you see the
following :
From the list below, choose the language(s)
for keyboard mapping.
1 Austrian/German
9 Italian
2 Belgian
10 Japanese English
3 Canadian ( French)
11 Norwegian
4 Danish
12 Portuguese
5 English (UK)
13 Spanish
6 English (US)
14 Swiss ( French )
7 Finnish / Swedish
15 Swiss ( German )
8 French (AZERTY)
To cancel the "installp" command,
enter "quit".
To install one or more languages,
type the group ID numbers
separated by spaces (for example:
1 3). Then press Enter.
The first number will be the default
language used.
---> 6 3_
Type the number corresponding to the language
you want to use. If you
want to use more than one language, type more
than one number.
Separate numbers with a space. The first
number you type is the
default language.
2. After you have chosen the language you will use, the following
appears. No action is required at this
045-001 Installation of "IBM
AIX/RT X-Windows" is in progress.
Installation will take several minutes.
Time = 01:35
3. The following prompt appears; no action is required.
045-009 Linking X with GSL.
This will take a few moments.
Time = 01:35
Follow the prompts until all the
program diskettes are loaded.
4. Installation of X-Windows licensed program is complete
when you see
the following message.
Program "X-Windows"
is now installed.
A.3.3 Installing Fonts
If you chose X-Windows licensed program installation option
2, Installing Fonts.
1. After choosing option 2 and pressing Enter, you see the
menu. Choose the font group you wish to
"Fonts" are divided into several
groups, each of
which can be separately installed.
The groups and
their ID numbers are:
1 VT100 Fonts
- vtsingle, vtbold, nil2, ...
2 Character Fonts
- 6x10, 8x13, ...
3 Miscellaneous Fonts
- math5, ...
4 Font Tools
- font compiler, source, ...
5 All of the above
To cancel the "installp" command,
enter "quit".
To install one or more groups, type
the group ID numbers
separated by spaces (for example:
1 3). Then press Enter.
---> _
2. After you have chosen the font set you will use, the following
appears. No action is required at this
045-001 Installation of "IBM AIX X-Windows" is
in progress.
Installation will take several minutes.
Time = 01:35
Follow the prompts until all
the program diskettes are loaded.
3. The following appears after X-Windows Fonts installation
is complete.
Program "X-Windows"
is now installed.
A.3.4 Installing All of
the X-Windows Programs
If you chose X-Windows licensed program installation option
3, Installing All of the X-Windows Programs.
1. After choosing option 3 and pressing Enter, you see the
From the list below, choose the language(s)
for keyboard mapping.
1 Austrian/German
9 Italian
2 Belgian
10 Japanese English
3 Canadian ( French)
11 Norwegian
4 Danish
12 Portuguese
5 English (UK)
13 Spanish
6 English (US)
14 Swiss ( French )
7 Finnish / Swedish
15 Swiss ( German )
8 French (AZERTY)
To cancel the "installp" command,
enter "quit".
To install one or more languages,
type the group ID numbers
separated by spaces (for example:
1 3). Then press Enter.
The first number will be the default
language used.
---> 6 3_
Type the number corresponding to the language
you want to use. If you
want to use more than one language, type more
than one number.
Separate numbers with a space. The first
number you type is the
default language.
2. After choosing the language you will use, the following
information is
displayed. Choose the font group you wish
to install.
"Fonts" are divided into several groups,
each of
which can be separately installed.
The groups and their ID
numbers are:
1 VT100 Fonts
- vtsingle, vtbold, nil2, ...
2 Character Fonts
- 6x10, 8x13, ...
3 Miscellaneous Fonts
- math5, ...
4 Font Tools
- font compiler, source, ...
5 All of the above
To cancel the "installp" command, enter
To install one or more groups, type the
group ID numbers
separated by spaces (for example: 1 3).
Then press Enter.
---> _
3. After you have chosen the fonts you will use, the following
appears. No action is required at this time.
045-001 Installation of "IBM AIX X-Windows"
is in progress.
Installation will take several minutes.
Time = 01:35
Follow the prompts until all the program diskettes
are loaded.
4. The following message appears; no action is required.
045-009 Linking X with GSL. This
will take a few moments.
Time = 01:35
5. Installation of X-Windows licensed program is complete
when you see:
Program "X-Windows"
is now installed.
A.3.5 Installing Example
X-Windows Programs
Continue with the following procedure if you want to install
the X-Windows example programs.
1. Type installp. Then
press Enter.
# installp
You see the following prompt:
000-123 Before you continue, you must make sure there
is no other
on the system. You should have just restarted
system, and no other terminals should be enabled. Refer
your messages reference book for more information.
you want to continue this command (y or n):
See the discussion of message 000-123 in Messages
Reference if you
require more information.
Make sure that you are the only user on your system while you
are installing the X-Windows licensed program.
You should not be
running programs or have files open during the
installation process.
Use the who
command to display a list of users on the system.
2. To continue, type y. Then press Enter.
You see the following prompt:
Please mount volume
1 on /dev/rfd0
... and press
Enter to continue
3. Insert the first X-Windows Example program diskette into
the diskette
drive, close the diskette drive, and press Enter.
You see the following prompt:
The program "X-Windows
will be installed.
Do you want to
do this? (y/n)
4. To continue the installation, type y and press Enter.
Follow the prompts until all the diskettes are
loaded. (The following
is only an example of the X-Windows example
program diskette label, it
may not be complete or accurate.)
IBM AIX X-Windows Example Program
Version 2.1 (C) Copyright International Business Machines
Corp. 1988
Licensed Material-Program Property of IBM-All Rights
AIX is a trademark of International Business Machines
Copyright (C) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1985, 1986
Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corp., Massachusetts
1985, 1986, 1987
5. When you see the following, installation of
the X-Windows example program is complete.
Program "X-Windows
is now installed.
A.4 RT Installation Requirements
for Remote Usage
Before the X-Windows licensed program can be used remotely,
certain components in addition to X-Windows must be installed and running
on both the host and remote systems. For example, the components
required for remote use of X-Windows may be:
The VRM Baseband Adapter Device Driver and IBM
RT Baseband Adapter
VRM Token-Ring Device Driver and IBM Token-Ring
Network RT Adapter
TCP/IP is highly recommended for using network facilities.
Refer to the installation procedures packaged with each
licensed program for more information.
For information on using X-Windows remotely, see "Using
AIX X-Windows on a Remote System" in topic 3.8.
For use with Japanese language character sets, see the MBCS Handbook.
A.5 Installing AIX PS/2 X-Windows,
Version 1.1
On the PS/2 (*), you must install the AIX Operating System
before you can install X-Windows. See Installing and Customizing
the AIX Operating System.
Before you can use AIX PS/2 X-Windows, you must create
a number of pty devices using the devices command. Add a pty device
for each aixterm window you plan to use. The procedure to add pty
devices is contained in Installing and Customizing the AIX Operating System.
Make sure no one else is using the system and no user programs
are running before you install the X-Windows licensed program. If
other users are working on the system, installation may fail.
You must be in the AIX Shell to install the X-Windows licensed
program. If you receive an error message during this procedure, see Messages
Reference for details.
+--- To Install X-Windows ----------------------------------------------+
¦ 1. Log in as root.
¦ 2. Add pty devices using the devices
¦ 3. Make sure no one else is using the system and
that no user ¦
¦ programs are running.
¦ 4. Type installp.
Follow the prompts to insert the X-Windows
¦ licensed program diskettes and
install the program.
(*) PS/2 or PS/55 or model 5570.
A.5.1 More Detailed Information
Warning! Make sure
you are the only user on your system during the
installation process. (Use the who command to
check the system.)
1. Log on the system as root.
After logging in, you see the AIX Operating System # prompt.
IBM AIX PS/2 Operating
(C) Copyright
IBM CORP. 1985, 1988
login: root
See Using the AIX Operating
System if you require more information.
2. Run the devices command.
For step-by-step information about running
devices, see Installing and Customizing the
AIX Operating System. For
more information about the devices command,
see AIX Operating System
Commands Reference.
Note: For
aixterm windows, ae and logger
should be false. For other
use the default.
3. Repeat the devices command for each terminal window you
want to open.
Four windows is a suggested number to get started.
When you have
completed adding all pty devices, press F3.
Devices session
# _
You are now ready to install
the X-Windows licensed program.
4. Locate the X-Windows licensed program diskettes in the
licensed program diskette binder. You
should have both X-Windows
licensed program diskettes and X-Windows sample
diskettes. Do not put
a diskette in the diskette drive until you are
prompted to do so.
5. Type installp. Then
press Enter.
# installp
You see the following prompt:
000-123 Before you continue, you
must make sure there is no other
activity on the system. You should have just restarted
the system, and no other terminals should be enabled. Refer
to your messages reference book for more information.
Do you want to continue this command (y or n):
See the discussion of message 000-123 in Messages
Reference if you
require more information.
Make sure that you are the only user on your system while you
are installing the X-Windows licensed program.
You should not have
programs running or files open during the installation
Use the who command
to display a list of users on the system.
6. To continue, type y. Then press Enter.
You see the following prompt:
Please mount volume
1 on /dev/rfd0
... and press
Enter to continue
7. Insert the first X-Windows licensed program diskette into
the diskette
drive, close the diskette drive, and press Enter.
You see the following prompt:
The program for
AIX PS/2 X-Windows will be installed.
Do you want to
do this? (y/n)
8. To continue the installation, type y and press Enter.
Follow the prompts until all the program diskettes
are loaded. (The
following is only an example of the licensed
program diskette label,
it may not be complete or accurate.)
IBM AIX PS/2 X-Windows Licensed Program
Version 1.1 (C) Copyright International Business
Machines Corp. 1989
Licensed Material-Program Property of IBM-All
Rights Reserved
Copyright (C) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1985, 1988
9. The system will build a new kernel now. Then, it
will re-boot.
A.5.2 Installing Sample
X-Windows Programs
Continue with the following procedure if you want to install
the X-Windows sample programs.
1. Type installp. Then
press Enter.
# installp
You see the following prompt:
000-123 Before you continue, you
must make sure there is no other
activity on the system. You should have just restarted
the system, and no other terminals should be enabled. Refer
to your messages reference book for more information.
Do you want to continue this command (y or n):
See the discussion of message
000-123 in Messages Reference if you
require more information.
Make sure that you are the only user on your system while you
are installing the X-Windows licensed program.
You should not be
running programs or have files open during the
installation process.
Use the who command
to display a list of users on the system.
2. To continue, type y. Then press Enter.
You see the following prompt:
Please mount volume 1 on /dev/rfd0
... and press Enter to continue
3. Insert the first X-Windows sample program diskette into
the diskette
drive, close the diskette drive, and press Enter.
You see the following prompt:
The program AIX PS/2 X11 Sample Programs
will be installed.
Do you want to do this? (y/n)
4. To continue the installation, type y and press Enter.
Follow the prompts until all the diskettes are
loaded. (The following
is only an example of the X-Windows sample program
diskette label, it
may not be complete or accurate.)
IBM AIX X-Windows Sample Program
Version 1.1 (C) Copyright International Business
Machines Corp. 1988
Licensed Material-Program Property of IBM-All
Rights Reserved
Copyright (C) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1985, 1986
Copyright (C) Digital Equipment Corp., Massachusetts
1985, 1986, 1987
5. When you see the following, installation of the X-Windows
programs is complete.
Program "AIX PS/2
X11 Sample Programs"
is now installed.
A.6 PS/2 Installation Requirements
for Remote Usage
Before you can use X-Windows remotely, certain components,
in addition to X-Windows, must be installed and running on both the host
and remote systems. For example, the components required for remote
use of X-Windows with the PS/2 (*) may be:
PS/2 Baseband Adapter
IBM Token-Ring Network PS/2 adapter
TCP/IP is highly recommended for using network facilities.
Refer to the installation procedures packaged with each
licensed program for more information.
For information on using X-Windows remotely, see "Using
AIX X-Windows on a Remote System" in topic 3.8. For use with Japanese
language character sets, see the MBCS Handbook.
(*) PS/2 system or PS/55 model 5570.