IBM 7592 Diskette Images


The 7592-001 was based upon the IBM Thinkpad 755CE.
The 7592-P01 and 7592-RM1 are based upon the IBM Thinkpad 760ED.

The latest drivers for the IBM Thinkpad can be gotten from the IBM PC company site by clicking here (or on "support" on the top bar of any main page) and following this set of links:

  1. in left blue bar (select a brand) - select "Notebook & PDA" in quick path
  2. under "additional information" blue bar select "device driver file matrix"
  3. select line that includes 760ED or 755CE

The resulting page is matrix for that system. Scan down and find areas that you are interested in like PCMCIA and Video features.

7592-RM1 Diskette Images

(This system is compatible with the IBM Thinkpad 755CE)


03L4344.EXE Flash Update
(842,214 Bytes, 05-11-98)
76H5140.EXE Utility Support DOS, Windows, OS/2 Version 3.31
(353721 bytes, 02-18-97)
UTIL4NT.EXE Utility Support Windows NT 4.0 Version 0.0
(726724 bytes, 10-23-97)

Video Drivers

vftpkw31.exe DOS and Windows 3.1x Version 1.23
(617046 bytes, 10-23-97)
vftpkw31.txt Associated read me file
vftpgw95.exe Windows 95 Version 2.01
(86801 bytes, 11-07-97)
vftpgw95.txt Associated read me file
vftp4wnt.exe Windows NT Version 1.04
(3555 bytes, 06-30-97)
vftp4wnt.txt Associated read me file
vftpgos2.exe OS/2 Version 1.16
(1105332 bytes, 10-24-97)
vftpgos2.txt Associated read me file

PCMCIA Support and Card Director

pctpgw31.exe DOS & Windows 3.1x Version 4.07
(714411 bytes, 11-17-97
pctpgw31.txt Associated read me file
pctpgw95.exe Windows 95 and OS/2 Version 4.07
(736162 bytes, 11-17-97
pctpgw95.txt Associated read me file
pctp4wnt.exe Windows NT 4.0 Version 1.02
(117947 bytes, 11-17-97
pctp4wnt.txt Associated read me file
pctpgos2.exe OS/2 Version 4.08
(11235 bytes, 11-10-97
pctpgos2.txt Associated read me file

Mwave DSP Support

mww224-1.exe DOS & Windows 3.1x Version 2.24
(1294754 bytes, 6-10-97)
(1371084 bytes)
(1150266 bytes)
mww224-x.txt Associated read me file
mw95225a.exe OS/2 and Windows 95 Version 2.25
(1410416 bytes, 11-07-97)
(1322120 bytes)
(1270462 bytes)
mw95225x.txt Associated read me file
mwavent1.exe Windows nt 4.0 Version 2.20
(893396 bytes, 5-23-97)
(11608 bytes)
mwaventx.txt Associated read me file
mwo224-1.exe OS/2 Version 2.24
(1257849 bytes, 05-22-97
(1245446 bytes)
mwo224-x.txt Associated read me file
(190316 bytes)
mwave224.txt Associated read me file

Mwave MIDI Sample files

mwmidiw1.exe Disk 1- DOS & Windows 3.1x Version 2.30
(1381470 bytes, 10-17-97)
mwmidiw1.txt Associated read me file
mwmidio1.exe Disk 1- OS/2 Version 2.30
(1331687 bytes, 10-17-96
mwmidio1.txt Associated read me file
mwmidi-2.exe Disks 2-6- DOS, Windows,OS/2
(560187 bytes)
(408140 bytes)
(1533 bytes)
(355852 bytes)
(1745 bytes)

Video Capture Driver

vctpgw31.exe Windows 3.1x Version 1.13
(413578 bytes, 5-13-97)
vctpgw31.txt Associated read me file
vctpgw95.exe Windows 95 Version 1.13
(220586 bytes, 05-16-97)
vctpgw95.txt Associated read me file
vctp4wnt.exe Windows NT 4.0 Version 1.00
(144417 bytes, 06-30-97)
vctp4wnt.txt Associated read me file
vctpgos2.exe OS/2 Version 1.10
(150104 bytes, 05-16-96)
vctpgos2.txt Associated read me file

MPEG Device Driver

mptpgw95.exe Windows 95 Version 1.12
(240375 bytes, 08-20-97)
mptpgw95.txt Associated read me file
mptp4wnt.exe Windows NT 4.0 Version 1.00
(214515 bytes, 05-20-97)
mptp4wnt.txt Associated read me file
mptpgos2.exe OS/2 Version 1.20
(1412192 bytes, 05-16-97)
mptpgos2.txt Associated read me file

Video CD Player

mptpgcd1.exe Windows 3.1x and Windows 95 Version 1.20
(348046 bytes, 05-16-97
mptpgcd1.txt Associated read me file

7592-P01 Diskette Images


03L4344.EXE Flash Update
(842,214 Bytes, 05-11-98)
76H5140.EXE Utility Support Version 3.31
(353721 bytes, 02-18-97)
UTIL4NT.EXE Utility Support Windows NT 4.0 Version 0.0
(726724 bytes, 10-23-97)

Video Drivers

76h5343.EXE Windows 3.1 Version 1.04
(546568 bytes, 02-18-97)
76H5749.EXE OS/2 Warp Version 1.03
(1101821 bytes, 02-18-97)
76H5747.EXE OS/2 Warp Fix Version 1.02
(787597 bytes, 02-18-97)
76H5345.EXE Windows 95 Version 1.02
(1205146 bytes, 02-18-97)
videont.EXE Windows NT 3.51 Version 1.03
(1098713 bytes, 02-18-97)
vftp4wnt.exe Windows NT Version 1.04
(3555 bytes, 06-30-97)
vftp4wnt.txt Associated read me file


76H5346.EXE DOS & Windows 3.x Version 3.02
(761428 bytes, 02-18-97)
76H5751.EXE OS/2 Warp 3.0 Version 3.02
(1114512 bytes, 02-18-97)

PCMCIA Support and Card Director

pctpgw31.exe DOS & Windows 3.1x Version 4.07
(714411 bytes, 11-17-97
pctpgw31.txt Associated read me file
pctpgw95.exe Windows 95 and OS/2 Version 4.07
(736162 bytes, 11-17-97
pctpgw95.txt Associated read me file
pctp4wnt.exe Windows NT 4.0 Version 1.02
(117947 bytes, 11-17-97
pctp4wnt.txt Associated read me file
pctpgos2.exe OS/2 Version 4.08
(11235 bytes, 11-10-97
pctpgos2.txt Associated read me file

7592-001/E01/E02 Diskette Images

83H5651.EXE Flash Update Level 83H5651A
(645,808 Bytes, 05-11-98)
69H7037.EXE Utility Support Version 1.20
(236225 bytes, 03-22-96)
75H7236.EXE Video Support for OS/2 V2.11 Version 1.0
(631911 bytes, 03-22-96)
75H7234.EXE PCMCIA Support Version 1.30
(523285 bytes, 03-22-96)
75H7235.EXE Video Support for Windows Version 1.21
(543733 bytes, 03-22-96)

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 09 Dec 2024 - Changelog | About | Legal & Contact