Systems with EEPROM
EEPROM Devices
Programming Interface (Pads)
External Programming
Further Reading

Disclaimer: Tinkering with the serial EEPROM and its contents may render the entire planar unusable if the user is unable to correct their actions! The author is in no way responsible for any damage caused by the use of the presented information.

Content by Tomáš Slavotínek. Last update: 19 Nov 2023


Most late PS/2 machines come with a small (1 kbit) EEPROM storage located on the planar. The EEPROM is used to store the following information:

  • Privileged-Access Password (PAP)
  • Vital Product Data (VPD)
  • Selectable Boot (IPL) sequence?
  • possibly more

All EEPROM-equipped PS/2s use the 10G4672 I/O Controller to interface with the EEPROM. Later PC Series and PC Server machines use a different control logic.

Limited access to the EEPROM's contents is provided via the Int 15h AH=D2h BIOS interface.

Systems with EEPROM

PS/2 Line

PC and PC Server

EEPROM Devices

The following EEPROM devices can be found on various PS/2 and other IBM planars:

Note: It's unknown whether the larger 2 kbit EEPROM device is used to its full capacity or if it was selected for other reasons (e.g. supply chain).

These so-called "Microwire" EEPROMs use an early iteration of what we know today as the Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). See the "External Programming" section for information on how to program these devices.

Programming Interface (Pads)

All EEPROM-equipped PS/2 planars have a programming interface on the solder side of the PCB. It consists of six tinned pads with two adjacent holes. The pads are likely intended to meet with a set of pogo pins/test needles. The holes would be needed to hold the probe assembly in place and keep the pins under pressure to achieve a reliable connection.

9585 "X" planar EEPROM prog. interface
Component side - retention holes

9585 "X" planar EEPROM prog. interface
Solder side - row of contact pads (J17)

Interface Pinout

PinSignal NameDescription
1EEPROM_CS, CS, SChip Select Input; EEPROM pin 1, 10G4672 pin 32
2SERIAL_CLK, SK, CSerial Clock; EEPROM pin 2, 10G4672 pin 58
3SERIAL_DATA_IN, DI, DSerial Data Input; EEPROM pin 3, 10G4672 pin 114
4SERIAL_DATA_OUT, DO, QSerial Data Output; EEPROM pin 4, 10G4672 pin 116
5GND, VssGround; EEPROM pin 5; common ground
6?Support logic high-Z input? 10G4672 pin 133


  • The signal names are taken from the various EEPROM datasheets and IBM TDB. See the EEPROM Devices section for links.
  • The pin 1 pad is square-shaped, while all the other pads are round.
  • Pin 6 - Possibly used to put the support logic (I/O controller) EEPROM interface to high-impedance mode so it doesn't interfere with the programming process. (Needs confirmation.)

The programming interface doesn't provide a means of powering the EEPROM device. Therefore, the entire planar must be powered using the main PSU connector during the programming process (at the very least, the 5 V supply must be present).

External Programming

The interface together with some external equipment can be used to recover a planar that has been bricked by setting the Privileged-Access Password (PAP).

Probably the easiest way of reading/writing/erasing these devices is to use an EEPROM programmer with support for serial devices. Cheap USB programmers can be bought online. Make sure it supports the 93Cxx EEPROM series. (search terms: "BIOS programmer", "serial EEPROM programmer", "CH341", "CH341B", "CH341B", etc.)

Further Reading

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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