85/95 and 3511 Common Devices

Operator/Indicator Panel

Opening and Closing the Case
Ventilation Requirements

Installing Memory
Mounting Hardware for Disk Drives
Install Floppy Drive
Remove Rail Guide from Storage Trail
Inserting Rail Guides
5.25" Drive Rail Dimensions
3.5" Hard Drive Mounting Tray
Tubular Lock Manufacturer

Installing Memory

1. Tilt out the power supply:

Caution! When you tilt out power supply, do not let it drop. Personal injury or damage to the server might result.
Note: Be sure the AC power cord is removed from the server before you try to tilt out the power supply.)

   a. Disconnect the drive power cables from the power supply.
   b. Unscrew the blue spring-loaded retaining knob until it releases.
   c. Place one hand on top of the server to support it.
   d. Tilt out the power supply with the other hand.

2. Locate the SIMM connectors. SIMMs must be matched pairs (size, speed, and type) in most cases (see machine-specific info).
Note: You can use mixed speeds in the same pair, but the memory will be accessed at the slowest speed. All memory must be the same type (parity or ECC). Install SIMMs in the following order: A1-B1, A2-B2, A3-B3, A4-B4.

Layout of SIMM slots and banks:

A and B Bank Layouts

Example: Matched SIMM pair installed in slots A1 & B1:

A and B Bank Example

3. Touch any unpainted metal surface on the server. This equalizes the voltage potential between you and the system. Then remove the SIMM from anti-static package (if applicable) and do a visual inspection to make sure the module isn't physically damaged.

4. Install the SIMM modules:
   a. Turn the SIMM so the notched end faces the top of the server.
   b. Insert the SIMM into the connector.
   c. Pivot it to the right until it snaps into place.
   d. Repeat these steps for each SIMM you install.

SIMM Orientation

5. Reinstall the power supply:

   a. Move all the internal power and SCSI cables out of the way.
Note: If you have a SCSI CD-ROM with an external terminator on it in the single 5.25" bay, this is referred to as a "guillotine"! Push the CD-ROM drive forward, then hold the SCSI cable towards the front of the case while rotating the power supply back in. Or you WILL be sorry...
   b. Tilt the power supply into the server.
   c. Press in the retaining knob and turn it to the right until it's tight.
Note: Do NOT tighten the blue knob more than finger tight! Otherwise the e-clip will be deformed and it will fall off... More details HERE.
   d. Reconnect the drive power cables to the power supply.

Mounting Hardware for Disk Drives

Drives come in a variety of heights. You can install half-high drives that are less than 41.3 mm (1.6 in.) high in any of the bays. Drives that are greater than 41.3 mm (1.6 in.) high (full-high) can be installed in bay C or bay D. Bays C and D can each hold two half-high drives or one full-high drive.

Slide - Mount floppy drive sized devices in Bays A and B (floppy, tape, or PCMCIA)
Tray - Mount 3.5" drives in the 5.25" drive bays.
   Note: You will need Rail Guides in the DASD Support Structure!
Rails - Mount 5.25" drives (floppy, CD, HD)

   Cover plates (sometimes called bezels) cover the front of each installed drive. If you install a drive that uses removable media (diskette, tape, optical disc, or CD), you will need to change the cover plate.

Tape Drive Bezel 34F2721 34F2719

Installing Floppy Drives

Install the diskette drive in bay A or B:
Note: The figures that accompany these steps show the installation occurring in bay A. These instructions also apply to bay B.
   a. If a flat cable is folded inside bay A, unfold it and route it along the back of the bays.
   b. Position the drive so the connector is facing the rear of the server.
   c. Align the drive with the guides on the bottom of the bay.
   d. Slide the drive into the bay until it stops.

3. Locate the connector on the flat cable directly behind the bay you are using (A or B), and connect it to the back of the drive.
Note: For bay A, use the middle connector (labeled "P2-1"). For bay B, use the bottom connector (labeled "P2-0"). FWIW, P2-2 is for a floppy tape backup OR for a 5.25" floppy.

64F01563.5" Floppy Drive Slide
64F41021.2MB 5.25" Floppy
85F00405.25" Floppy Drive Slide
85F00415.25" Floppy Rail Kit (Use 5.25" Drive Rail)
64F41035.25" Floppy Bezel

Remove Rail Guide From Storage Tray

Pull up on the tab (1) on the back of the tray and pull out the rail guides stored on the bottom of the tray.

84F8075Storage Tray
60G9827Rail Guide

Inserting Rail Guides

Press a rail guide into each side of the DASD support structure. The left and right guide rails are the same.

5.25" Drive Rail Dimensions

I measured this from a single RAID bay.

HD Mounting Tray

85 P/N 85F0013
95 P/N 64F0141

Ed: My 9595s are stamped 10G4769.

Note: The drive may be installed in the tray with the mounting screw flange pointed down (as pictured) or pointed up. This is helpful if you have a mix of 1.6" and 1" drives to install.

The 3510, 56, 57, 76, 77, 85, and 95 all use the same HD Mounting Tray.

Hard Drives can be mounted with the mounting screw frame on the lower side, or the mounting screw frame above the rails.

Tubular Lock Manufacturer (from Al Brandt)

The manufacturer of the lock cylinders for the Model 85/95 is:

Rexnord Camloc
601 Route 46 West
Hasbrouck Heights, NJ 07604

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

Ardent Tool of Capitalism is maintained by Tomáš Slavotínek.
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