Assembly Routine
Content by David L. Beem (original HERE) and Tomáš Slavotínek.
Last update: 03 Mar 2022 (more code corrections)
In many of the PS/2 routines you may need to check if the system is a Micro
Channel computer. This routine does that check, setting the Carry flag if the
system does not have the Micro Channel bus. If it is a Micro Channel system,
the Carry flag is clear and the AL register holds the number of Micro Channel
'slots'. Be aware that some of the system planar resources may be identified as
a 'slot'.
This routine becomes harder in BASIC or QB (the version included with
MS-DOS) with the lack of the CALL INTERRUPT statement. IBM moved the "Get
Configuration" table on some of the PS/2s (it started at F000:E6F5h on older
IBM systems), otherwise a PEEK at the the particular bit in BIOS could be used.
One possible way around this is to POKE an Assembly routine into memory and
then execute it.
Assembly Routine
; CheckMCA Assembly routine
; This routine checks whether the system has a
; Micro Channel (MCA) bus.
; Returns:
; CF clear if Micro Channel bus
; AL = Number of MCA slots (0 for 7552)
; CF set on failure or if not Micro Channel bus
; AL = 0
; Destroys AX,BX,ES,FLAGS
CheckMCA proc near
; Check for MCA system
mov AH, C0h
int 15h
mov AL, 0 ; default to 0 slots
jc Failure ; Leave if call unsupported
test byte ptr ES:[BX+5], 2 ; MCA flag bit?
jz Failure ; Leave if not MCA system
; Detect 7552 (non-standard MCA)
cmp byte ptr ES:[BX+2], FCh ; IBM 286?
jne Slots
cmp byte ptr ES:[BX+3], 6 ; 7552 Gearbox?
je Success ; Report MCA w/ zero slots on 7552
; Get slot count
cli ; mask interrupts
mov AL, 1
out 75h, AL ; NVRAM index high
out 4Fh, AL ; delay (dummy I/O op.)
mov AL, 8Eh
out 74h, AL ; NVRAM index high
out 4Fh, AL ; delay (dummy I/O op.)
in AL, 76h ; NVRAM data from index 18Eh
sti ; allow interrupts
cmp AL, 8 ; # of slots must be <= 8
jbe Success
mov AL, 4 ; default to 4 slots
CheckMCA endp
- The PS/2 Model 50, 50Z, and 55SX, as well as the Industrial Models
7541/7542 (because both are based on a Model 50Z planar) lack the 2 KB
Extended CMOS RAM ("NVRAM") that is used for a Micro Channel configuration of
more than four adapters.
- The IBM 7552 "Gearbox" (BIOS
Model FCh, Submodel 06h) has Micro Channel adapter interposers that can be
installed, but implements the Micro Channel configuration by a different method
from later designs, therefore it is excluded by this detection routine.