Third-party add-in card vendors design and market additional types of EXM
modules including motion controllers, SERIPLEX and SERCOS controllers, and
LonWorks interfaces.
I have manuals for everything BUT the EXM-15/15A SERCOS controller. All
files are in this directory. Not every file is linked.
Note: Due to what turned out to be a happy
coincidence, we have the User documentation and C files for the Automated
Production Controls (APC) SERIPLEX card, part number SPX-EXM-INTF -AND- the
EXM-15 Runtime. -LFO
Some manuals date from 1992 (maybe 1990 on a few). So, they might be a bit
outdated for modules made in the mid 1990s. Also, the version of Word used for
the early manuals is Word 2.0, which is right out if you are using Word 2003.
It requires adding a registry value to allow Word to open the old file...
EXM is a mix between ISA and VME. Thankfully, most modules act as ISA cards
to any operating system. So you could probably install using common drivers and
it should work. Most EXM do not have specific drivers, but there are a few
based on old chips dating back to 1989 or so, and they may lack support from
more modern operating systems.
One EXM of note is the EXM-13A, based on the NCR / Symbios Logic 77C22E+...
We do have Radisys drivers, but that chip is shrouded in mystery... NT4 does
have ncr77c22.sys, which MIGHT work, but I do not know the color depth.
Notice: I have NO personal experience with any
Radisys EXM related system or components. All these files were retrieved via
Internet Archive and were re-named to a shorter format. To me, there can only
be one period in a file name, or you may get odd problems with web pages...
Use of any of the files or information on this page is AT
YOUR OWN RISK. If you want a guarantee on this stuff, seek out any
repair / service company that supports EXM / EPC devices.
If you have any files or experience with these devices, please reach to
Louis Ohland.
Radisys EXM Modules
Warning! Some EXM modules are incompatible with
other modules or carriers. Please read the documentation from Radisys. Do NOT
assume the EXM format module is compatible in your application!
EXM-1 Ethernet Controller
(?) AUI / BNC
EXM-1 Manuals |
EXM-2 Flash Disk (Flash)
EXM-2 Manuals |
EXM-2A Solid State Disk Module
(Flash and SRAM)
EXM-2A Manuals |
EXM-3 Disk Controller
(External Floppy and 50-pin SCSI controller)
EXM-3 Manuals |
EXM-4 GPIB Interface Module
(Single GPIB port)
EXM-4 Manuals
EXM-5 Modem
(2400, 1200, and 300 bps)
EXM-5 Manuals
EXM-6 VGA video controller
(WD Paradise VGA1A video controller)
EXM-6 Manuals
EXM-7 Dual RS-232 Module
(two DE9)
EXM-7 Manuals
EXM-8 Dual RS-422/485 Module
(two DE9)
EXM-8 Manuals EXM-8 Files
EXM-9 External IDE/Floppy Disk
Controller (External Floppy IDC)
No manuals -OR- files
EXM-10 Ethernet Controller AUI / BNC
EXM-10 Manuals |
EXM-10A Ethernet Controller
AUI / BNC / RJ45
EXM-10A Manuals |
10A_DOS (?)
EXM-11 Interval Timer
(Two BNC inputs)
EXM-11 Manuals
EXM-12 Prototyping Module
EXM-12 Manuals |
EXM-13 Video
EXM-13 VGA video controller (WD WD90C11)
EXM-13A True Color SVGA Controller (NCR 77C22E+)
EXM-13B Super VGA Graphics Controller and Accelerator (CL-GD5434)
EXM-14 Live Motion Video
(used w/ EXM-13 / -13A. But -13B is probably compatible)
EXM-14 Manuals |
EXM-15 SERCOS Controller
No manuals
SERCOS Runtime for RMX
(beta 1.00) (thx Joe Oakden)
EXM-15A SERCOS Controller
DE9 test port and 2 fiber optic ports
No manuals -OR- files
EXM-15 Runtime -MIGHT- work.
DE9 port (SeriPleX EXM INTerFace)
(Square D bought APC in 1995) (thx Joe Oakden)
SERIPLEX C Header and Rountines
(SPX 16-bit iface v1.00) (thx Joe Oakden)
(design/commission SERIPLEX control systems)
Joe Oakden's Experience
EXM-16 SCSI-II and Floppy Drive Controller
(External Floppy HPDB50 SCSI port)
EXM-16 Manuals |
16_v304 (EZ-SCSI)
EXM-17 PCMCIA Controller
(Type I/II, double-wide Type III exists)
EXM-17 Manuals |
EXM-18 Parallel/Serial Port Module
(56K, 232 -OR- 422, parallel IN or OUT, not bi-di)
EXM-18 Manuals
EXM-19 Digital I/O Expansion Module
(-24 24 I/O, -48, 48 I/O, 19-OPTO 24 I/O)
EXM-19 Manuals |
EXM-20 A/D Converter Module
(12-bit A-D, 8 DIFF / 16 SE inputs, 100 KHz max rate)
EXM-20 Manuals |
EXM-21 Digital to Analog Output Module
(dual 12-bit D/A)
EXM-21 Manuals
EXM-22 High Speed GPIB
(VXI only, -22 R 350KB W 600KB -22+ R/W up to 1MB.)
EXM-22 Manuals
EXM-23 Flat Panel Video Controller
EXM-23 Manuals
EXM-24 Multiport Intelligent Serial I/O Controller
(8 RS-232, up to 115.2K)
EXM-24 Manuals
EXM-25 Token Ring Adapter
(TROPIC 16/4, DE9 and RJ45)
EXM-25 Manuals |
EXM-26 Multiport Serial I/O
(4 -OR- 8 RS232/RS422)
EXM-26 Manuals
EXM-27 Encoder DE9 and DB15
No manuals -OR- files
EXM-28 Arcnet Controller
(BNC -OR- two RJ-11)
EXM-28 Manuals |
EXM-29 Dual Serial I/O
(2 DE9 RS-422/-485 ports, FASTCOMM compatible)
EXM-29 Manuals |
EXM-31 High Speed Modem
(up to 14.4K modem and Fax)
EXM-31 Manuals
EXM-32 DeviceNet/CAN Controller
(-32DN DeviceNet, -32CAN CAN)
EXM-32 Manuals
EXM-33 Counter/Timer
EXM-33 Manuals
EXM-34 Speech Synthesizer
(two 3.5 mm jacks, volume control knob)
EXM-34 Manuals |
EXM-37 VGA Controller
(CL-GD5434 or better, HD15, Flat Panel Feature Connector)
EXM-37 Manuals
EXM-SSD Solid State Disk Drive
(IDE controller / SSD, FDC, external floppy port)
EXM-SSD Manuals
EXM-HD Mass Storage Module
(IDE controller / IDE drive)
EXM-HD Manuals
EXM-MX Mass Storage Module
(IDE controller / IDE drive, FDC, external floppy port)
EXM-MX Manuals
Joe Oakden got an APC SPX-EXM-INTF running again (In a Biscuit factory, yum!
There are four of these lines, but only two use a SERIPLEX module.
The other [SERIPLEX] line had been turned off for the past three months and
guess what... the battery had gone flat on this machine too!!
Luckily I managed to get the SERCOS card data from the two running lines and
then got lucky guessing the SERIPLEX card. I got the ID from the attached
manual and got lucky making a couple of educated guesses on the dual port RAM
When I was trying to set the correct base address for the SERIPLEX card I
initially tried a base address of 0xD000 (as per the C example in the manual)
and this ended up disrupting the SERCOS card so they must both operate by
reading and writing to dual-port ram. I then set the SERIPLEX base address to
0xE000 and all worked.
SERCOS card ID: F0, in this configuration, OB1: 10 and OB2: 1C
Which doesn't quite tie in with what I expected! Maybe those settings could
help someone [with a SERCOS] but I'm afraid I'm not sure exactly what they
relate to!
Ed. My [Forlorn] hope is the SERIPLEX module is
kinda like the SERCOS module. I have not found any documentation on the
EXM-15x, so Joe scored on some good stuff. -LFO
Radisys EXM Compatible Modules / Devices
(FDC, floppy, DE9 serial, DB25 parallel)
EMC-FDM Manuals
WD37C65CJM Limited to 500Kb/s data rate by 16.0 MHz osc? Supports power down
mode feature, standby ICC = 100 uA max.
Parallel port direction is OUTPUT for printing -OR- INPUT for scanners.
Maybe. The TL16552FN is capable of Bi-Di, so this might be OUTPUT for
compatible, INPUT for Bi-Directional (PS/2).
Parallel Port can use 378h / Int 7 (LPT1?) or 278h / Int 5, or disabled.
COM port can use 2F8h, 3F8h, or 2E8h. IRQ 3, 4, or 9.
Note: Only one floppy drive controller per system
can be enabled at any one time. If the EMC system requires an EXM-16 or an
EXM-MX running with the EXM-FDM, disable all but one floppy drive.
Port Conflicts Avoid interrupt and
address conflicts due to multiple serial or parallel ports with the same
address or interrupt. Be sure to either disable unused serial or parallel
ports, or set them to a value that does not conflict with other ports in the
Note that in general attaching a mouse to a serial port only works on COM1
or COM2.
EMC-PS50 Power Supply
(fits outside of EXM chassis 115/230v)
EXM-PS50 Power Supply
(fits INSIDE of EXM slot! -DC12, -DC24, -DC48)
EMC-BP8 8 position EXM base
EMC-BP12 12 position EXM base
EMC-CC4 Chassis 4 EXM slot
EMC-CC6 Chassis 6 EXM slot
EMC-CC8 Chassis 8 EXM slot
EMC-CH10 Dual Power Supply chassis
EPC chassis with EXM slots:
Warning! Some EPC
chassis are incompatible with other modules or carriers.
Please read the documentation from Radisys. Do NOT assume
the EPC chassis is compatible in your application!
EPC-4 VMEbus embedded CPU module, 2 EXM slots
EPC-5 VMEbus embedded CPU module, 2 EXM slots
EPC-1005 (formerly EPC-5A)
EPC-6 VMEbus Controller, 1 EXM slot
EPC-7 VXIbus embedded CPU module, 3 -OR- 4 EXM slots
EPC-8 VME/VXIbus embedded CPU module, 2 slot model has 2 EXM slots
EPC-1008 (formerly EPC-8A)
Other Places
Universal Instruments
Pacific Scientific
Keysight / Agilent