IBM PS/2 - Technical Specifications

Note: This is a selection of the "Technical Specifications" documents previously available on the official IBM website. The visual presentation of these pages may differ from the source material, but the information contained therein was not modified in any way.

PS/2 Model 25
PS/2 Model 25-286
PS/2 Model 30
PS/2 Model 30-286
PS/2 Model 35 SX/35 LS
PS/2 Model 35 SLC
PS/2 Model 40 SX
PS/2 Model 40 SLC
PS/2 Model 50
PS/2 Model 50 Z
PS/2 Model 55 SX/55 LS
PS/2 Model 56 SX/56 LS
PS/2 Model 56 SLC/56 SLC LS
PS/2 Model 56 486SLC2
PS/2 Model 57 SX
PS/2 Model 57 SLC
PS/2 Model 57 486SLC2
PS/2 Model 60
PS/2 Model 65 SX
PS/2 Model 70
PS/2 Model 70 486
PS/2 Model 76
PS/2 Model 77
PS/2 Model 80
PS/2 Model 90 XP 486
PS/2 Enhanced Model 90 XP 486
PS/2 Model 95 XP 486
PS/2 Enhanced Model 95 XP 486/PC Server 95

PS/2 Server 85/PC Server 85
PS/2 Server 85 (9585-0X6, 0X9, 0XA, 0XD, 0XF, 0XG, 0XT)
PS/2 Server 85 (9585-0KG, 0KT)
PS/2 Server 85 (9585-0NG, 0NT)

PS/2 Server 95 (8595-0G9, 0GF)
PS/2 Server 95 (8595-0H9, 0HF)
PS/2 Server 95 (8595-0J9, 0JD, 0KD)
PS/2 Server 95 (8595-0LF)
PS/2 Server 95 (8595-0LF)
PS/2 Server 95 (8595-0MF, 0MT)
PS/2 Server 95 (8595-0K6, 0K9, 0KA, 0KD, 0KF, 0KG, 0KT)
PS/2 Server 95 (8595-0M6, 0M9, 0MA, 0MD, 0MF, 0MG, 0MT)

PS/2 Enhanced Model 95 XP 486/PC Server 95
PS/2 Server 95 (9595-0L6, 0L9, 0LA, 0LD, 0LF, 0LG, 0LT)
PS/2 Server 95 (9595-0M6, 0M9, 0MA, 0MD, 0MF, 0MG, 0MT)
PS/2 Server 95 (9595-0PG, 0PT)
PS/2 Server 95 (9595-0QG, 0QT)
PS/2 Server 95 (9595-1NG, 1NT)
PS/2 Server 95 (9595-3NG, 3NT)
PS/2 Server 95 (9595-3PG, 3PT)
PS/2 Server 95 (9595-3QT, 3QG)

Content created and/or collected by:
Louis F. Ohland, Peter H. Wendt, David L. Beem, William R. Walsh, Tatsuo Sunagawa, Tomáš Slavotínek, Jim Shorney, Tim N. Clarke, Kevin Bowling, and many others.

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